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Published byGervais Randall Modified over 6 years ago
Conducting the Election Training for Chief Judges
Welcome to Chief Judge Training for the Presidential Election Cycle Please turn you cell phones to silent or off. My name is ___________and this is ________and _______ who will be assisting with your training. Is anyone completely new to being an election judge? New to being a Chief Judge? At this time I would also like to introduce you to our Director, Kevin Keene, who would like to say a few words…. Has everyone signed in and completed a W-4 and If not, please see us after class. Also if you want Direct Deposit , or are a State or County employee and want Administrative Leave forms let Maggie or Sarah know after class. This will be a 3 hour training class so we’ll take a few breaks, but if you need to use the restroom, they located in the hall to my right.
Conducting the Election Part 1 Management of the Polling Place
Chief Judge Conducting the Election Part 1 Management of the Polling Place At your tables you should have a copy of: Election Judge Manual, this Powerpoint and the Conducting the Election Training guide for Chief Judges. Take these with you. A folder for every two people with samples of the precinct forms and Step-by-Step guides. At the end of training please put those back in the folder and leave them here. We’d like to bring your attention to some important dates for this Election. A list of these dates can also be found in your guide and on our website. Please check with Maggie or Sarah after class if you are unsure about your polling place assignment. So before we begin, let me give you a brief overview of Maryland’s New Voting System. 2007 – State Legislature voted to have a paper trail, but it wasn’t until 2014 – When the State funded and awarded the procurement to ES&S – Election Systems and Software, and so in 2016 – We are now implementing this system – which is a paper voting system. This training is split in two parts – in Part 1 we’ll focus on the management of your polling place. And in Part II we’ll work on the Election Day activities as you conduct the election with this new system.
Management Concepts – Confidence
Preparation and Planning Because you are the Manager of your polling place, we want you to be confident as Chief Judges – no matter what the situation may be. People notice when you are prepared and organized. It puts them at ease and makes them feel more confident in their own job because they know they have someone to support them. Look through your manual and familiarize yourself with the other jobs in the polling place, as well as yours. Both Chief Judges need to be on the same page, otherwise if there are obvious conflicts between the two chief judges it will cause uncertainty and distrust among your precinct team. While this may sound like common sense, those who have never managed or supervised, will find there can be some challenges to getting a diverse group of people working together with a positive focus on the same goal without personalities and individual agendas getting in the way. Therefore it is very important the Chief Judges meet after picking up their precinct supplies, go over the materials and together plan the night before set up and election day activities. If you have any problems contact the election office immediately so we can help resolve the issues BEFORE you meet with your staff.
Management Concepts –Time Management
Chief Judge Management Tool Handout This quote from Albert Einstein…………………couldn’t be more appropriate for Election Management. Time can be a friend or an enemy, depending on how you use it. True for most everything in life right? And elections are no exception. Plan your work, Work your plan. But be flexible and leave the door open for changes that may need to be made, or for opportunities that could help make your plans more manageable. When you get your staff list and facility information, contact your facility manager for night before the election set up and to make sure you will have access to the polling room no later than 6:00 AM on election morning. Remember you must open by 7:00 AM sharp. Contact your staff with this information and make sure the majority of them can help set up the night before. If you have difficulty contacting anyone, call Maggie or Sarah immediately so they can help or make changes if necessary. And make a note of who did come to help the night before. Give everyone a job for the set up so that in the morning you can all hit the ground running.
Management Concepts – Wearing Many Hats
Managers wear more than one hat Your duties as a Chief Judge are many, but if you are comfortable with your duties you will be able to wear all your hats with ease. You are a manager/supervisor and peacemaker You are a decision maker and traffic cop You are the go-to person and cheerleader But with all this said, you cannot and are not expected to know everything or how to handle every situation. So don’t try to wing it if you aren’t sure. You have many resources at your disposal, like the election office, your EDSS and your election judges. It is important to keep the election office informed about what is happening at your precinct so we are not blind-sided by a phone call. We also fully support you, so never feel you cannot call the office for assistance or information that could help mitigate a problem. You need to get it right for the voter, so again – don’t wing it.
Management Concepts – Assuming Before you “assume” try this crazy method called “asking”.
True that you are only going to be with your precinct team 2 x this year, for approximately 15 hours each time. Then you probably will not see them again for another 2 years. However, unlike most any other job, you only have 1 day to put all your training to work and perform well. Once its over, there is no second chance to re-do an election day. So getting to know your staff is really important. Don’t make assumptions about any of your election judges. Make your own assessment once you have observed them performing their duties. Contact them BEFORE the night before the election. A long conversation is not necessary, just a “Hello, this is Mary Smith. I’m looking forward to working with you. I see you are one of our Check-in Judges. We will meet on April 25th at 6:00 PM to set up the polling place. We’ll discuss food, etc. when everyone gets together. So I’ll look forward to seeing you on the 25th”. Your demeanor towards your staff is important: Don’t dictate, delegate. Everyone needs to participate. Don’t demand, guide with authority. Don’t expect everyone to recognize the need to get something done. But also don’t assume that there is no one who cares. Don’t argue in front of others. This makes you look bad and not in control. Pull the person aside and talk privately. If you cannot make any progress, call the election office and we’ll take it from there.
Management Concepts – Assuming
So you see, appearances are deceiving. As momma used to say, “don’t judge a book by its cover”. You might be very surprised about what someone can do. You might also be surprised to find that someone you thought was going to be helpful turns out not to be very helpful at all. Take an interest in their job duties: By the end of this class you will know enough about each job function to assist each of your judges on election day No job at a polling place is unimportant or more important than another. Each job affects another, so if a Check-in Judge is performing poorly it will hold the line up, or a voter might be sent to the Provisional Judge in error Again, you cannot know everything, but you can know where to get the information you need – EDSS or Election Office, but also don’t assume that none of your judges might know what to do.
Management Concepts – Realistic Expectations
Expectations for each Election Judge So you need to have realistic expectations for your staff and yourself: Not all of your precinct staff will work at the level you expect them to, but they should all be working at their best level. Your expectations should mirror the expectations we have for each election judge (go over the hand out) They should be expected to have a basic knowledge of their job duties and responsibilities and a general knowledge of how a precinct should work on Election Day. This includes everyone working together to make sure the voters get good service and they can cast their ballots in a safe, private and unintimidating environment. All of your judges should: follow the guidelines you and your co-chief set in terms of arrival time, night before set up, break-times, personal phone use, etc.; And they need to communicate with you about any problems they are having; treat each other, the voters and general public with respect and courtesy. We also expect you to communicate with us about concerns and problems. DO NOT WAIT A YEAR OR MORE TO RAISE A CONCERN – because at that point there is no point.
Management Concepts – Realistic Expectations
If you do have Poorly Performing judges: All judges have been or will be trained and should be able to perform their duties independently. Judges performing below their training level may just need a little guidance or encouragement from you If, after you have checked out the situation with them and they are still performing poorly, you must let the Election Office know so we can make adjustments either for the next election or, if necessary, immediately. Not liking someone is not a reason for a poor assessment. Leave personalities out of it. A good manager looks at job performance, not whether or not they like a person. Your precinct team needs you to help them succeed. So your job performance is as important as anyone else's’. Our EDSS will perform State’s Precinct Evaluations and observations about how things are going in your precinct. You will be evaluated on: * Your Precinct Set up – Did you follow the layout * Compliance with training processes and procedures * Election Office staff observations * Our Board Member feedback Again, you cannot and are not expected to know everything – but like your judges you are expected to know your job, follow procedures and keep in contact with us.
Management Concepts – Honest Feedback
You know when you’re getting the run around, or when someone is giving an empty complement. So, don’t do this to your staff……… Everyone likes a complement, but don’t over do it. Tell your judges when they are performing well with honest praise. Another way to give a person a complement is to have them help someone who may not be comfortable with their job duties. If you decide to switch job duties between judges, make sure you speak with the judge who is performing well first to let them know that you need to make a switch for someone who is having problems. It can be temporary or a permanent change. Then speak with the judge who is having problems and at an opportune time – make the switch. Stick with the judge to make sure the new duties are comfortable for them before you leave them on their own. Don’t take feedback from other judges about someone’s performance until you have observed it yourself (Remember don’t assume). It’s important that you have personally observed their performance. If after you have made a switch in job duties and they are still having trouble, contact the Election Office immediately. We appreciate your feedback so complete you precinct evaluation form thoughtfully, honestly and constructively.
Conducting the Election Part 2 Opening, During, Closing the Precinct
Chief Judge Conducting the Election Part 2 Opening, During, Closing the Precinct So we have discussed the management aspect of your job. Are there any questions about what we discussed? If you do think of any after you leave, please do not hesitate to call us. Let ‘s take a 10 minute break and when we return we will discuss the night before and election day activities.
Conducting the Election – Election Eve
What You CAN Do: - Unpack your Precinct Cart Set up the Epollbooks and printers Set up and organize Check-In, Ballot, Voting and Provisional tables Set up the BMD with privacy screen, earphones and keypad Set up the Ballot Scanning Unit with it’s privacy panel on a table Set up all your Voting Booths What You CANNOT Do: Do not turn on, break orange inner seal, or connect the hub on the E-pollbooks Do not break the tamper tape on the side of the BMD Do not break any seals or tamper tape on the Scanning Unit Do not set out any Standard or Provisional Ballots The night before: We talked about your planning with your co-chief about the night before in terms of the organization and management of your judge staff. So let’s discuss exactly what you can and cannot do with your materials and equipment the night before election day. TECH TRAINERS will go over the set up of the machines Set up/plug in the EPollbooks and printers Set up the BMD Set up the Ballot Scanning Device Set up the Voting Booths
Conducting the Election – Election Morning Electronic Pollbook
Review verification of the information in the Opening section of the Epollbook Integrity Report. Election Morning: MAKE SURE YOU REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR MANUAL Morning of Election – Have your Check-in Judges Power on the Epollbooks Your Check-in Judges will fill in the opening section of the Epollbook’s Integrity Report and run the “0” reports. Then attach them to the report. Verify this information in the morning. Make sure they have all their materials and supplies – pens, box(es) of activation cards, rulers, magnifiers, cardboard writing pads, note pads, etc. TECH TRAINERS: The reports will be run on every pollbook by a Bi-partisan team of judges. They will then connect the pollbooks to the HUB . The “0” reports will be attached to the Integrity Report. This report will be signed at the end of the night by your check-in judges and you.
Conducting the Election – Election Morning Electronic Pollbook
So now let’s perform the opening of the polls on the pollbooks Refer to your E-pollbook step-by-step guide
Conducting the Election – Election Morning Ballot Marking Device (BMD)
In the morning your judges will open the side compartment of the BMD and turn it on. They will reapply a new tamper tape and record this number on the BMD Integrity Report. This should be done first thing as it will take a while for it to boot up.
Conducting the Election – Election Morning Ballot Scanning Unit (BSU)
In the morning you will also open the Ballot Scanning Device, and follow the Step-by-Step guide. Your Integrity Report will also have a picture guide. Place all the broken seals from this Unit, the Pollbooks and BMD into the Broken Seals Envelope. Apply any removed tamper tape from all equipment to the back of this envelope. Then secure the envelope until the end of the night.
Conducting the Election – Election Morning Ballot Judge
The ballot bin is transported to your precinct in the Ballot Box compartment of the Ballot Scanning Unit. Once the Ballot Box compartment’s seal is broken, your Voting Judges can take out the Ballot Bin and give it to the Ballot Judge The Ballot Judge will remove the unvoted ballots and verify the number of each ballot style on the Ballot Accounting Certificate The Ballot Bin will then be returned, empty, to the BSU to hold the voted ballots The Ballot Bin (found inside the Ballot Box of the Ballot Scanning Unit)
Conducting the Election – Election Morning Ballot Judge Table
Ballot Judges will be accounting for the Ballot Styles for the precinct and the number of each ballot style in the morning. Their tables should have: - Ballots - Privacy Sleeves - Tally Sheet - Ballot Style organizer (for combos) - Tent Card with instructs for judge and voters - Secure location for unvoted ballots The Ballot Judge Table
Conducting the Election – During Election Day Ballot Judge Table
Throughout the day the Ballot Judge will be tallying the ballots they issue They will also keep track of the BACs that the voters bring to them. At the end of the night they will use this information to complete their Ballot Accounting Certificate which they and you will sign. Tallying the distributed ballots It is also very important that the ballot judges request the voters’ VAC so they know what ballot style to give them. The VAC will be placed in a pouch on the outside of the Privacy Sleeve (trainer demonstrate) and the voter will then receive their ballot and privacy sleeve and be directed to the voting area. If the voter was issued a BAC you will be alerted for assistance.
Conducting the Election – During Election Day Electronic Pollbook
So, let’s look up a couple of voters, reissue and cancel information in the pollbook, issue a provisional Remember, that the voter must volunteer their information. The Check-in judges should never ask for ID unless the pollbook requests that information. Perfect voter situation with Paper ballot and BAC Issuing a Provisional Ballot Status is ABS, PROV, Early Voted, SDR New, SDR voted, Already Voted Reissuing a ballot Cancel a ballot
Conducting the Election – During Election Day Voter Authority Cards
When the VAC was issued and the Check-in Judge who issued it in case one has to be reissue or/cancel the VAC The Voter will review their information Where the voters, check-in judges, voting judge and ballot judge sign The Check-in Judge will circle the Ballot Style # and Party Affiliation information After issuing a ballot, whether it is a standard ballot, BAC or Provisional, a Voter Authority Card will print out The voter will review the accuracy of their voter registration information and sign the VAC and then the Check-in judge will initial. During the Primary Election your Check-in judges are being trained to Circle the Ballot Style # and Party Affiliation They SHOULD NOT initial the VAC prior to handing it the voter for verification If a VAC needs to be cancelled or reissued, you will do so on the same EPollbook from which it originally came The voter will take their VAC and proceed to the Ballot Judge or Provisional Table IF A BALLOT ACTIVATION CARD is issued the voter will still be directed to the Ballot Table so the judge can account for the issued BAC and they will alert you and/or a Voting Judge to assist the voter.
Conducting the Election – During Election Day Hourly Tally
Your Check-in Judges will give you the Hourly Voter Count numbers You will update the sheet for public view You will also call the office with these numbers at 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM Maintain the Hourly Tally Sheet Read the slide and direct them to the sample in their folder
Conducting the Election – During Election Day Voter Scenarios
* Voter more than than 21 days ago * Voter’s status reads: - Pend1 (ID Required) - Pend2 (Need DL/SSN) - Active/Inactive ID Required and can’t produce ID * Voter insists on voting a different affiliation Primary Only * Voter’s Issued column reads: - Reg Issued/ABS Issued/voted early Solution: Issue a Provisional Ballot * Voter has moved within the last 21 days * Voter’s status reads: - Active - Active/Inactive (ID Required) and can produce ID - Inactive, but signs Affidavit of Residency AND * Voter’s Issued column reads None Solution: Issue a Standard Ballot or BAC There are several scenarios you will find during the day that will affect whether a voter receives a Provisional or Standard ballot: If a voter has moved, but hasn’t done so within the last 21 days, they will receive a Provisional Ballot If a voter’s status on the EPollbook reads Pending 1 or 2, they will receive a provisional ballot If their status is active or inactive, but requires an ID that they’re unable to produce, they will receive a Provisional Ballot During the Primary Election, if a voter insists on voting a ballot other than what we have on their record, they will receive a Provisional Ballot If the voter has already been issued a ABS Ballot, a Standard Ballot or voted during Early Voting, they will receive a Provisional Ballot. The Voter’s status reads ‘Show ID’ – if they produce ID they can vote a Standard Ballot, if not they must voter Provisionally There are some instances in which a voter’s record might not have the correct information, but they will still receive a standard ballot including: Address changes for people who moved in the last 21 days Name changes Deceased notifications THESE VOTERS WILL FILL OUT A VOTER UPDATE FORM
Conducting the Election – During Election Day Provisional Voters
In most cases for a voter who must vote a Provisional ballot, the pollbook will only allow the check-in judges to issue a Provisional – there will be no other option. (Refer the judges to the Step by Step guide) Issue a Provisional Ballot will bring you to the Select Ballot screen If the voter is voting out of their precinct, you must select their correct precinct from the drop-down menu in the pollbook. If the voter insists on voting an affiliation different from what’s in our system, select the party ballot they wish to vote from the menu (Primary only). Select the Reason Code from the drop-down menu (refer to Reasons for Voting a Provisional Ballot) and then Issue Provisional Ballot A VAC will print, have the voter confirm their information and sign, and the Check-in judge will initial it. They will also circle the Reason Code on the top of the VAC Return the VAC to the voter and direct them to the Provisional Table
Conducting the Election – Closing the Polls Ballot Table
Your Ballot Judge will take an accounting of all ballots issued and spoiled, based on the Tally Sheet they used during the day They will complete their Ballot Accounting Certificate, sign it and give it to you for your signature Place this Certificate in your Chief Judge Binder Closing the polls at the Ballot Table
Conducting the Election – Closing the Polls Electronic Pollbook
TECH Record the Voter Count on the Hourly Tally Sheet To close the polls, tap the Manage Polls Tab and then Close the Polls. A printing prompt will come up on the screen. Only the Epollbook with the highest Voter Count should have both boxes checked. The other EPollBooks will uncheck them. Tap Continue to print the closing reports A prompt will read “Continue closing the Polls?” Tap Yes and then tap Daily Closing Step 2. Respond Yes to the subsequent prompt. You will return to the Launch screen where you will power off your EPollbooks. Remove the Inner Seal on top of the pollbook, remove CF cards from all of the Epollbooks and give to Chief Judges Power off Pollbooks and pack all materials away
Conducting the Election – Closing the Polls Electronic Pollbook
Prior to the Check-in Judges performing the closing of the pollbooks, get the final voter count for the Hourly Tally. Make sure your Check-in Judges run the closing reports and attach them to the Integrity Report. They will remove the CF cards and place them in the Security Envelope. A new outer seal is applied to the pollbook cases and recorded on the integrity report Your Check-in judges will perform the closing the polls on the pollbooks and print out the final reports, which they will attached to the integrity report. They will remove the CF cards and place them in the Security Envelope When they pack up the pollbook, they will apply a new outer seal on the pollbook cases and record that number on their integrity report. They will sign this report and you will sign it and put it in your Chief Judge Binder You will also record the final count of voters on the Hourly Tally Sheet and put this in your binder.
Conducting the Election – Closing the Polls Ballot Marking Device (BMD)
Closing the Ballot Marking Device is easy. Remove the tamper tape – apply this to the Removed Seals Envelope Turn off the machine Lock it and apply a new tamper tape, which will be recorded on the integrity report. Judges who performed this will sign it, you will sign and put it in your Chief Judge Binder
Conducting the Election – Closing the Polls Ballot Scanning Unit - BSU
Follow the instructions on your Integrity Report and the picture guide During closing you are recording information, so take your time Your Voting Judges can help you perform this function Remember at closing you are recording information. Follow along with your integrity report and the picture guide and this should not take very long Remember to attach the totals report to your integrity report. When the machine prompts you to, turn the machine off. STOP HERE. DO NOT REMOVE THE MEMORY STICK WAIT FOR YOUR EDSS TOTAKE OUT THE MEMORY STICK. They will give it to you to place it in the Security Envelope.
Conducting the Election – Closing the Polls Ballot Scanning Unit - BSU
Once you have shut down the BSU, remove the ballot bin and apply tamper tape as instructed in the Step-by-Step guide. Record the Tamper Tape numbers on the integrity Report Move the Ballot Bin to a secure location until your EDSS arrives to pick it up. Make sure you put the unvoted ballots (provisional and standard) back inside the Ballot Box of the Ballot Scanning Unit before you seal it up. J K Closing the polls on the Ballot Scanning Unit
Conducting the Election – Closing the Polls A Job Well Done
Your day is done. Take a deep breath. Hopefully, like Buck, you have a satisfied smile on your face as you and your precinct staff have conducted a very successful election. Your Provisional Judge has the list of what must come back at the end of the night. To sum up what you need to send back to the Election Office: Chief Judge Binder with all reports, certificates, judge pay sheet (Don’t’ forget to have everyone sign the pay sheet before they leave) Ballot Bin Security Envelope – CF cards and Memory Stick(s) Completed Forms Envelope All Provisional Supplies and Materials Provisional Ballot Transfer Bag All VACS – from Ballot Scanning Unit, Provisional, Cancelled and Reissued Everything, except of course the Ballot Bin, will fit in the Provisional Judge Supply Bag. This list will also be in your Chief Judge Binder. Thank you for your service and dedication to our Election Process.
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