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An Introduction To Reflective Practice Year 1 PDP.

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction To Reflective Practice Year 1 PDP."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction To Reflective Practice Year 1 PDP

2 What is reflection? - Your Thoughts
Personal Feedback See your progress throughout the year Thinking what you could do to improve How you can do this Highlighting strengths and weaknesses Tutors and peer feedback Video, verbal, picture - Evidence

3 What should we reflect on?
Ourselves and our peers Singing Dancing Acting Technique Our progress Performers Critical Studies

4 TASK A Dual Stance Reflective practice involves taking ‘a duel stance, being on the one hand, the actor in the drama and on the other hand, the critic who sits in the audience watching and analysing the entire performance.’ (Osterman and Kottkamp, 2004:23)

5 Brookfield’s 4 Lenses Brookfield (1995) Suggests that there are four lenses through which we can reflect on practice critically Our own autobiographies and experiences as learners The eyes of our clients The experience of our colleagues Theoretical literature

6 From which lenses could we see our performance or progress?

7 Linking Theory to Practice
‘Reflective practice is very important for a number of reasons. Chief amongst these is the significance of linking theory to practice - that is, making sure that our actions are drawing on a professional knowledge base and not simply on guesswork or ill-informed assumptions.’ (Thompson, 2009:65)

8 Theory of Reflective Practice
TASK Friday 7th October 12:00 PDP Session Present an explanation of one of the following models of Reflection Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle Schon’s Reflection on action and reflection in action Mezirow’s seven levels of reflectivity In your groups put a power point together. (You could consider using Google Docs)

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