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RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 RAD-IT Tool Training

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1 RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 RAD-IT Tool Training Regional Architecture Development for Intelligent Transportation REQUIREMENTS Module 8 This training is designed for transportation professionals who want to understand how to use RAD-IT tool to create regional and project ITS architectures. The training discusses how to use the RAD-IT tool and provides a basic overview of the tool that has been developed to support ARC-IT use.

2 This Module will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Module Outcomes Explain how to access the Requirements Tab in RAD-IT Explain the key features of the Requirements Tab Be able to modify information on the Requirements Tab In this module, we will review the RAD-IT Requirements tab and begin to use it. At the end of this module, you will be able to: Explain how to access the Requirements Tab in RAD-IT Explain the key features of the Requirements Tab Be able to modify information on the Requirements Tab This module will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Let’s look at these topics first, then at the end of the Module in a hands-on exercise, you will perform these activities in RAD-IT. This Module will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

3 Foundation for Requirements in RAD-IT
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Foundation for Requirements in RAD-IT Defining high-level functional requirements for the inventory elements makes it clear just what the ITS systems need to do to deliver the ITS services. To select functional requirements of the ITS inventory elements in RAD-IT, the ITS elements need to be listed and the ITS services that they will provide should be identified. Inventory of ITS elements was discussed in module 5 and selecting ITS services in module 6 of this course. Image Description: The diagram showing relationships between architecture components in RAD-IT is shown with the Requirements, Inventory and Services boxes highlighted.

4 Functional Requirements
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Functional Requirements High-level descriptions of what an ITS element shall do in the region Not detailed design requirements Functional requirements deal with the ITS elements, or systems, not on the stakeholder (as in Roles & Responsibilities). In an ITS architecture, requirements are typically very high-level at the initial stage, then perhaps fleshed out more during a project definition phase. Functional Requirements tell what a system (ITS elements) SHALL do. For example, in the case of a State DOT TOC with closed-circuit television (CCTV) capabilities: The system shall make CCTV camera images available to operational users The system shall selectively provide access to camera control (pan, tilt & zoom) to operational users

5 Benefits of Defining Functional Requirements
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Benefits of Defining Functional Requirements Identifies functions What an ITS element must do to “hold up its end of the bargain” Technology independent Lays groundwork for more detailed specifications Functional requirements document what ITS systems in the region shall do. The requirements do not specify how the system will perform the function; they do not specify what technology will be used. Defining high-level functional requirements lays the groundwork for defining detailed specifications when a project is to be deployed.

6 Functional Requirements Needed
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Functional Requirements Needed For regionally significant ITS elements Traffic Management, Transit Management, Emergency Management, etc. Not for non-ITS systems that interface with ITS elements National Weather Service, etc. Not all elements in your inventory require functional requirements to be defined. Requirements should be defined for the ITS elements whose functionalities are significant to the region and for those that stakeholders will be deploying in their ITS projects. It isn’t necessary to define requirements for the non-ITS systems that interface with your ITS elements such as the National Weather Service.

7 Requirements Tab RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017
To enter functional requirements, select the seventh tab from the left on the RAD-IT interface, labeled Requirements. Image description: A screen capture of the RAD-IT Requirements tab.

8 Selecting Functional Requirements in RAD-IT
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Selecting Functional Requirements in RAD-IT Select functional Objects for ITS elements based on each element and their mapping to physical objects and services Select functional requirements based on each functional objects Step 1 Step 2 Selecting functional requirements in RAD-IT is a two step process. Step 1 is to select functional objects for each ITS element based on the physical object mapping of the element and the ITS services in which it is involved. Step 2 is to select actual requirements of the elements involved in the functional object. Let’s look at the steps in more detail.

9 Selecting Requirements
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Step 1 Selecting Requirements Two options to select functional objects for an element: Select functional objects manually OR Allow RAD-IT to select functional objects based on ITS service selections There are two options to complete the first step of selecting functional objects in RAD-IT. For each ITS element that needs functional requirements, you may either select functional objects manually or let RAD-IT select an initial set of functional objects based on the ITS service selections.

10 Selecting Requirements (cont.)
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Step 1 Selecting Requirements (cont.) Two Display Options Autoselect Functional Objects (FO) The Requirements tab can be displayed in two ways. It can be based on elements or functional objects by selecting the appropriate tab on the right side. Let’s look at the element view first. We’ll look at the Functional Objects view on the next slide. (Click to display arrows.) In the element view, elements are listed on the left side. For the selected element, functional objects (which are known as functional objects in the RAD-IT) and their description and associated Physical Object and its type are listed on the right. (Click to display circle.) To manually select functional objects for an element, select the element then select the “Specify Functionality” button which will allow you to select the desired areas. (Click to display circle.) To have RAD-IT recommend a preliminary set of areas based on the ITS services selections, use the Autoselect button. We will look at the Autoselect process after looking at the functional objects view for the Requirements tab. Image Description: A screen capture of RAD-IT with a large arrow pointing to the Elements pane within the Requirements tab is shown. Text reads “Two Display Options” leads to the Elements and Functional objects check boxes with an arrow. The image is further annotated with text and arrows identifying the functional objects check boxes, the Functional object description text field, and the Associated Physical Objects and its Type text field. An oval highlights the Specify Functionality check box, and the Autoselect button is highlighted with a box. FO Description Associated Physical Object & its Type

11 Selecting Requirements (cont.)
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Step 1 Selecting Requirements (cont.) When the Autoselect button is selected, the Autoselect Functional Objects window opens. There are two settings for Autoselect: Functional Objects can be selected for all elements of the current architecture or only for the selected element. Functional Objects that support the selected services can be added and/or the Objects that don’t support the selected services can be deleted. Once the settings have been set, you select the Continue button to perform the Autoselect. Image Description: A screen capture of the first Autoselect Functional Objects dialog within RAD-IT is shown. Radio buttons to select between the entire architecture or just for the selected element are annotated with text and a curly braces. Check boxes for adding and deleting functional objects are also annotated with text and a bracket. Entire Architecture or just for Selected Element Add and/or Delete functional objects

12 Selecting Requirements (cont.)
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Step 1 Selecting Requirements (cont.) The Autoselect displays the Functional Objects that will be added and removed. The user can review the Functional Objects recommendations and has the option to make the changes or cancel them. Image Description: A screen capture of the second Autoselect Functional Objects dialog within RAD-IT is shown.

13 Selecting Requirements (cont.)
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Step 1 Selecting Requirements (cont.) No Functional Objects yet identified Icons on the Requirements tab reflect which elements have functional objects selected. In the Elements view, a yellow folder icon signifies that an the element does not have any functional objects selected. When functional objects have been selected the icon changes to the blue “f” icon. Image Description: A screen capture of RAD-IT is shown with the Requirements tab selected. The image is annotated to identify a blank rectangular icon in the Elements list as indicating no functional objects yet identified. The image is further annotated to identify an icon with an “f” in the Elements list to as indicateing that functional objects have been selected. Functional Objects selected

14 Selecting Functional Requirements in RAD-IT
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Selecting Functional Requirements in RAD-IT Select functional Objects based on each element and their mapping to physical object and services Select functional requirements for each functional object Step 1 Step 2 The 2nd step is to select functional requirements for each functional objects.

15 Selecting Requirements
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Step 2 Selecting Requirements Requirements Once functional objects are selected, specific functional requirements can be selected. Functional requirements must be manually selected. The Autoselect feature does not select any requirements, only functional objects. However, unlike the roles and responsibilities of an Operational Concept, functional requirements do not have to be written from scratch as RAD-IT contains the functional requirements from the ARC-IT which can be selected for elements. Functional requirements selected

16 Selecting Requirements (cont.)
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Step 2 Selecting Requirements (cont.) ITS element Functional Objects When the Requirements button is selected, the Functional Requirements window opens. In the window, you can select the ITS element and Functional Object for which to display requirements. (Click to display boxes.) There are two options for tailoring the display in the Functional Requirements window: The Limit button limits the display to the requirements that are selected The Sort button allows the requirements to be sorted three ways: by number, by include or by status. The Functional Object and reference number of each requirement from the ARC-IT are given. To select a requirement, you can select the Include box or change the Status to other than “Not Planned”. The Tailored column cannot be modified as it is just an indicator of which requirements are not from the ARC-IT but were defined by the user. (Click to display arrows and text.) To add a completely new requirement, select the new button. To modify an existing requirement, select the Tailor button which will add a copy of the selected requirement that can be modified. Let’s look at how a requirement is tailored. Image Description: A screen capture of the Functional Requirements dialog within RAD-IT is shown. The image is annotated with arrows and text to identify the ITS element and Functional Object pull-down selection lists, the Limit and Sort buttons, columns in the requirements list showing status and whether the requirement is included and/or tailored, and the New and Tailor buttons. Modify wording of requirement Write a new requirement

17 Selecting Requirements (cont.)
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Step 2 Selecting Requirements (cont.) New Requirement # Functional Object Modify the requirement here The Tailored Functional Requirement window is opened containing a copy of the selected requirement. You can modify the requirement number, assigned Functional Object and/or wording of the requirement. (Click to display arrow & text.) You have the option to apply the tailored requirement only to the selected element or to allow it to be selected for other elements selected in this Functional Object . Image Description: A screen capture of the Tailored Functional Requirement dialog within RAD-IT is shown. The image is annotated with text and arrows to identify text fields containing the requirement number, functional object , and modified requirement text. The image is also annotated with text and arrows to identify radio buttons that select whether the tailored requirement will apply to other elements or just this element. Make requirement available for other elements or just this one

18 RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Knowledge Check Selecting the Autoselect button on the Requirements tab allows RAD-IT to recommend a preliminary set of functional objects based on the ITS Service selections in the architecture. Selecting the _________ button on the Requirements tab allows RAD-IT to recommend a preliminary set of functional objects based on the __________ selections in the architecture. Time for a knowledge check. Selecting the __________ button on the Requirements tab allows RAD-IT to recommend a preliminary set of Functional Object based on the __________ selections in the architecture. (Click to display the correct answer.) The Autoselect button allows RAD-IT to recommend a preliminary set of Functional Objects based on the ITS service selections in the architecture.

19 Relationship of Requirements to other Architecture Components
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Relationship of Requirements to other Architecture Components Functional requirements are based upon the inventory elements and the ITS services that they will provide. No architecture components directly rely upon functional requirements to be defined in RAD-IT. Image Description: The diagram, showing relationships between architecture components in RAD-IT, is shown with the Requirements, Inventory and Services boxes highlighted.

20 Output – Requirements Table
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Output – Requirements Table From output tool bar you are able to produce outputs for a completed or partially defined Regional or Project Architecture. To view the Requirements output for an architecture, you select “Output” then “tables” from the tool bar at the top of the RAD-IT window. This opens the output table window. You can traverse through the categories to find the Requirements report under Physcial Components & Services Topics. Image Description: An image of the RAD-IT Output tool bar, with tables highlighted, is shown. A large arrow from the highlighted table selection points to a screen capture of a RAD-IT Output tables dialog box.

21 Output – Requirements Table (cont.)
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Output – Requirements Table (cont.) Use the right arrow to select individual columns to include (they will then move to the Selected Columns area). You can also use the double right arrow to include all the columns. To view the report, you select the “Open Application” button in the Output Table window. The report opens in a new window from which you can view, print & save the report. Image Description: A screen capture of the RAD-IT Output Tables dialog box is shown, with a box around the “Open Application”. A large arrow points from the Open Application button to a screen capture of the preview of a Requirements Report table.

22 Exercise Database = marinaraforexercises.radit
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise Database = marinaraforexercises.radit Architecture = Marinara County (Regional) Time for an exercise on functional requirements. This exercise will use the same database and architecture as in the previous exercises. If you need the database, click on the screen where indicted to download it. If it is not already open, open the marinaraforexercises database in RAD-IT. Select the Marinara County Regional Architecture. Before we complete the exercise, let’s look at the objective of it. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.

23 RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise - Objective Start to select functional requirements for Marinara County inventory In this exercise we will start to select functional requirements for the Marinara County inventory. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.

24 RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise – Steps On Requirements tab, use Autoselect to add Functional Objects for all elements of the Marinara County ITS Architecture Now perform the following steps to complete the exercise. On Requirements tab, use Autoselect to add Functional Objects for all elements of the Marinara County ITS Architecture. Add all Objects recommended by RAD-IT. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.

25 Exercise – Steps (cont.)
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise – Steps (cont.) For Saucelito City RMS in the MCM Environmental Information Collection functional Objects: Select requirements #1, 5, 6, 8 & 9 as planned Tailor requirement #2 to read: “The center shall remotely control environmental sensors that measure weather conditions including temperature, wind speed, humidity level and precipitation.” For the Saucelito City Road Maintenance System (RMS) in the MCM Environmental Information Collection functional object: Select requirements #1, 5, 6, 8 & 9 as planned. Tailor requirement #2 to read “The center shall remotely control environmental sensors that measure weather conditions including temperature, wind speed, humidity level and precipitation.” Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.

26 Exercise – Steps (cont.)
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise – Steps (cont.) For the Marinara County Regional Architecture: View the Requirements Table Confirm that the requirements for Saucelito City RMS are included For the Marinara County Regional Architecture, view the Requirements table. Confirm that the requirements for Saucelito City Road Maintenance System (RMS) are included. Image Description: A symbol identifying this slide as part of a hands-on exercise is shown.

27 Exercise - Knowledge Check
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Exercise - Knowledge Check After completing the exercise, the Roadway Environmental Monitoring Functional Object has 2 of 5 elements selected. After completing the exercise, the Roadway Environmental Monitoring Functional Object has __ of __ elements selected. Time for a knowledge check. After completing the exercise the Roadway Environmental Monitoring Functional Object has of elements selected. (Click to display the correct answer.) 2 of 5 elements are selected for the Roadway Environmental Monitoring Functional Object . The easiest way to determine this is to look at the Requirements tab using the Functional Object view and select the Roadway Environmental Monitoring object in the Roadway folder.

28 Review Module Outcomes
RAD-IT Tool Training June 2017 Review Module Outcomes Explain how to access the Requirements Tab in RAD-IT Explain the key features of the Requirements Tab Be able to modify information on the Requirements Tab Return to the training curriculum to select the next module. To close this window, select the "X" in the upper right hand corner of your screen. You have completed Module 8: REQUIREMENTS Tab. You are now able to: Explain how to access the Requirements Tab in RAD-IT Explain the key features of the Requirements Tab Be able to modify information on the Requirements Tab Return to the training curriculum to select the next module. To close this window, select the "X" in the upper right hand corner of your screen.

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