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Bell Ringer What does the word limit mean? When people talk about “setting a limit” what do they mean? Can you think of a time when you had a set a limit.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer What does the word limit mean? When people talk about “setting a limit” what do they mean? Can you think of a time when you had a set a limit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer What does the word limit mean? When people talk about “setting a limit” what do they mean? Can you think of a time when you had a set a limit about something or with someone? What made you decide to set a limit? Was it easy or difficult to do and why?

2 Unit 3: Abstinence, Personal & Sexual Health
Lesson 12: Setting Limits to Support Abstinence

3 Healthy Behavior Outcomes
Be sexually abstinent. Avoid pressuring others to engage in sexual behaviors.

4 Lesson Objectives By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
Analyze situations that could lead to being pressured into having sex. Summarize the importance of setting personal limits to avoid risky sexual behavior.

5 What is the definition of abstinence?
Sexual abstinence is defined as choosing not to engage in any sexual activity that can result in pregnancy or a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Following this definition, sexual abstinence protects your sexual health.

6 Define Personal Limits
Being abstinent is defined as avoiding behaviors or activities that could lead to getting pregnant, causing a pregnancy or getting or passing an STD. People who choose to be abstinent have to decide not to participate in any of those behaviors or activities. This is a firm limit for anyone who chooses to be abstinent. These limits will form your personal set of guidelines or rules about what’s OK and not OK for you.

7 Situations That Can Lead to Sexual Pressures
Green Light or Go Ahead- means that an activity or situation is something someone who’s abstinent can participate in without any risk, or that the level of sexual pressure is very low. Yellow Light or Caution- means while this activity or situation still fits within our definition of abstinence, it’s also something that could expose a person to a greater sexual pressure. Red Light or Danger- means that this activity or situation puts a person at great risk of no longer being abstinent.

8 Limits to Counter Pressure Situations
Different people may have different views on appropriate ways to express love, affections, and attention. It is OK to have romantic feelings or be sexually attracted to someone. It is important to be clear about your personal limits, so you can stick to your own values and choices to protect your sexual health.

9 What are some personal limits that would help teens be abstinent?

10 Summary Deciding what kind of touching is and isn’t OK, not being alone at home with a boyfriend or girlfriend, not sending sexual pictures or text messages, not drinking alcohol or using other drugs, not dating older people, not engaging in sexual touching where it might be difficult to stop, and never pressuring someone else to act sexually—all of these limits can help teens stick to a choice to be abstinent.

11 Whom could you go to for help in remaining abstinent and sticking with your personal limits?

12 Summary Many friends can help you stick to a choice to be abstinent:
Friends who have also chosen to be abstinent A boyfriend or girlfriend who also has chosen to be abstinent Parents and other family members Teachers Religious leaders School counselors or nurses

13 Describe 3 different situations that could lead to being pressured into sexual activity, and explain which one you think poses the biggest risk to you or to teens in general and why. Then list at least 3 personal limits that could help support a choice to be abstinent, and explain how having these limits would help a teen resist pressure in at least 1 of the situations you just described.

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