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..… System (Virtual Machine) VM AVR AVR AVR Components:

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Presentation on theme: "..… System (Virtual Machine) VM AVR AVR AVR Components:"— Presentation transcript:

1 ..… System (Virtual Machine) VM AVR AVR AVR Components:
Active Elements: System (Virtual Machine) - Adaptable for varieties of task as possible using generic components. VM AVR AVR AVR IP IP IP IP ..… Motor Motor Motor Components: - Generic and Minimum as possible. Motor (instruction packets from VM includes On/Off, Forward/reverse, Speed, Duration) Read IP-address of adjacent units. Using Internet_0. How to detect IP & communicate? Taro Narahara 09/03/09

2 ..… System (Virtual Machine) VM AVR AVR AVR AVR Physical Machine
Active Elements: System (Virtual Machine) Reconstruct global topology from local connectivity information from each components using Internet-0. Mental Picture inside the VM VM AVR AVR AVR AVR IP IP IP IP ..… Motor Motor Motor Motor Physical Machine Taro Narahara 09/03/09

3 Reconstruct Configuration Simulate Movements in VM
Active Elements: VM 3 1 5 3 Physical Direc: TOP IP : null; Rotation: null State: null Speed: null Duration: null Reconstruct Configuration Simulate Movements in VM Send Instructions to Robots AVR Direc: RIGHT IP address: 120; Rotation: 0 degree States: On/Off Forward/Reverse Speed: 0 Duration: 0 ms Direc: LEFT IP address: null; Rotation: null State: null Speed: null Duration: null Top Left Right Down AVR Direc: DOWN IP : null; Rotation: null State: null Speed: null Duration: null Taro Narahara 09/03/09

4 Send Instructions to Robots Move Robots Measure Performance
Active Elements: VM 3 1 5 3 Feedback Send Instructions to Robots Move Robots Measure Performance (Distance moved, Amount of Solar-exposure, etc.) Adjust VM simulation based on Feedback from Physical robots. Simulates again & send updated instructions. It is more ambitious to do all this by local communications among components without VM. (fully distributed control) Physical 3 1 5 3 Taro Narahara 09/03/09

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