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Unit14 Have you packed yet?

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1 Unit14 Have you packed yet?
Section A 1a-2c

2 Pairwork Hainan A: Have you ever been to … ? B: … The Great Wall
Shanghai Hainan Tibet Hong Kong

3 What are the three important things to pack when you go on a beach vacation?
I’m going on a beach vacation.

4 I’m going on a city vacation.
What are the three important things to pack when you go on a city vacation? I’m going on a city vacation.

5 bathing suit guidebook [‘beɪðɪŋ] /su:t/

6 towels /'taʊəl/

7 garage refrigerator /'ɡærɑ:ʒ / [rɪf ‘rɪdʒəreɪtə(r)]

8 bathing suit credit card
If you want to go on a beach vacation, a city vacation. What do you want to pack? Choose the most important three things. Then write down. towels bathing suit credit card suitcase guidebook


10 bathing suit jeans umbrellas camera sunglasses comfortable shoes
What are the three most important things to pack when you go on a beach vacation/a city vacation. A beach vacation Sightseeing in a city bathing suit jeans umbrellas camera sunglasses comfortable shoes slippers umbrellas

11 1b Listening __packed the camera __watered the plants
__locked the windows __bought a travel guidebook __bought a street __packed the beach towels

12 Section A 1b Woman: Have you packed the beach towels yet?
Boy: No, I haven’t. Can’t Judy pack them? Woman: No, she’s busy. Could you please water the plants? Boy: I’ve already watered them. Woman: Oh, thanks. Man: What about the travel guidebook and the street map? Woman: I ‘ve already bought the travel guidebook, but I haven’t got the street map yet. Man : That’s OK. I’ll get it. Have you packed the camera? Boy: Yup. I’ve already put it in my suitcase. Woman: Well, I guess that’s everything. Boy: Almost everything. We haven’t locked the window yet.

13 Yes, I have already packed it.
Have you packed the camera yet? No, I haven’t packed yet. No yet.

14 Yes, I have ... Have you packed the beach towels yet? No, I haven’t ... No yet.

15 turned off the power locked the door Have you…yet? closed the windows

16 Have you…yet? cleaned out the refrigerator ( fridge ) put the car
in the garage

17 brought some medicine bought a travel guidebook brought enough money bought a street map

18 fed the dogs done the chores watered the plants

19 Pairwork A: Have you watered the plants yet? B: Yes, I have already watered them. A: Have you packed the camera yet? B: No, I haven’t packed the camera yet.


21 T T T M M T clean sth. out 打扫某物之内部, 扫除某物的尘土等。

22 Listen again and match each question
below with an answer from last part. Have you fed the cat yet? ___ What about your bike? ___ Are you ready, Tina? ___ Have you turned off your radio? ___ 5 2 1 6

23 Mark: Mom and Dad said they want to leave in ten minutes.
Are you ready, Tina? Tina: No. I haven’t cleaned out the refrigerator yet. I have to do that right now. Mark: Tina! You’re unbelievable. What about your bike? Tina: I’ve already put it in the garage. But I haven’t locked the garage yet. That’s your job, Mark. Mark: I know. I’ve already done most of my jobs. I’ve taken out the trash. Tina: Have you fed the cat yet? Mark: Not yet. I’ll do it in a minute. Have you turned off your radio? Tina: Yes, I have. I think we’re almost ready. 令人难以置信的

24 Role Play Give a report. You are going to leave for a travel
in 30 minutes. Are you ready? Now check the chores you have already done or you haven’t done yet. Make a conversation just like that in 2a and 2b. Give a report.

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