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Early World Maps.

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Presentation on theme: "Early World Maps."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early World Maps

2 It’s all about where you’re at!
Every country wanted a piece of the pie! Western Europe Spain and Portugal explored, conquered, and settled the Americas first. But countries that bordered the Atlantic Ocean saw the riches coming from the New World and wanted to get in on the action! What countries might have explored the New World?

3 Northwest Passage Northwest Passage: A legendary shortcut to Asia that explorers hoped to find through the New World Explorers didn’t care about settling the land. They wanted to trade! The New World was IN THE WAY!

4 Early European Explorers
Country Area Explored & When Vasco Nunez de Balboa Spain 1513 – Land route across the Americas; First European to see the Pacific Ocean Ferdinand Magellan Portugal 1519-Sailed around the southern tip of America; Name Pacific John Cabot England 1497-Newfoundland Giovanni da Verrazano France 1524- Eastern Coast of North America Jacques Cartier 1534, 1535—Canada St. Lawrence Seaway

5 Balboa

6 Magellan

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