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Jefferson Takes Office

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1 Jefferson Takes Office

2 Objectives Describe the outcome of the election of 1800
Explain Jefferson’s policies as President Discuss the importance of Marbury v. Madison

3 Section Focus Question
How did Jefferson chart a new course for the government?

4 A Bitter Campaign Presidential election of was VICIOUSLY CONTESTED Federalists threatened a civil war if Jefferson were elected Republicans accused John Adams of wanting to create a monarchy

5 Jefferson beat Adams, but so did running mate, Aaron Burr
Jefferson and Aaron Burr both received 73 electoral votes For 6 days, the House was deadlocked On the 36th vote, Jefferson won To avoid this situation in the future, the 12th Amendment changed how electors voted Beginning in 1804, electors would vote separately on President and Vice President

6 The first president in Washington, D.C.
Walked inauguration, instead of riding in a fancy carriage Ending the custom of “bowing to the president”; instead shook hands

7 “Revolution of 1800” Jefferson’s first goal was to limit the federal government’s power over the states and citizens Didn’t want the Federal Government to be involved in economic affairs: LAISSEZ-FAIRE Laissez-faire: the government should not interfere in the economy

8 New Republican Policies
Reduced the number of people in government Fired all tax collectors Cut the number of U.S. diplomats Smaller military Eliminated all federal taxes inside the country

9 Marbury v. Madison Judicial review: the authority of the Supreme Court to strike down unconstitutional laws Video: I

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