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Safety in the Science Lab

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Presentation on theme: "Safety in the Science Lab"— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety in the Science Lab

2 Use Common Sense! Exercise Caution and Good Judgment
Follow all instructions Notify the teacher immediately regarding any unsafe areas.

3 Safety Symbols Appear in your laboratory activities
Alert you to possible dangers Remind you to work carefully

4 Symbols You may already know…….

5 Meaning of the Shape Around the Symbol

6 WHMIS Handout Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System

7 MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet

8 Experiments Read lab instructions ahead of time
Always follow lab procedures exactly Never do any unauthorised experiments

9 Eye Safety Wear safety goggles
when working with chemicals, flames, or heating devices if there is a possibility of flying debris Do not wear contact lenses

10 Eye Wash Station Should something get in your eye, use the eyewash station Flush in water for 15 minutes and notify the teacher

11 Proper Attire Keep all long hair tied back
Do not wear loose clothing that could catch on fire Foot wear that completely covers the foot is required

12 Hand Safety If a chemical spills on your skin, notify the teacher and rinse with water for 15 minutes Wash hands after every lab Handle glassware, sharp tools and heated containers carefully


14 Sharp Objects Always cut away from fingers and body
Sharp Objects Always cut away from fingers and body Always carry sharp objects with points facing down and away Never try to catch falling sharp instruments Grasp sharp instruments only by the handles

15 Sharp Objects Notify teacher if you get cut
Sharp Objects Notify teacher if you get cut Broken glass and sharp objects do not go in trash cans Teacher will clean up broken glass

16 Treatment of Specimens
Respect all laboratory specimens

17 You Should Never Engage in….
practical jokes horse play rough house

18 In case of an emergency…
Know the locations of: fire extinguisher fire blanket body shower eyewash station first aid kit

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