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CPM plans: the short, the medium and the long

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1 CPM plans: the short, the medium and the long
Summary of recent progress Next steps New CPM Test software/firmware Slice test/beam test requirements How can we use current CPMs? Do we need more new CPMs? Production testing requirements New Glink Format? 11th March, 2004 Stephen Hillier, University of Birmingham

2 Progress since RAL meeting
Sub-slice tests: Run 3 CPMs, 2CMMs reading DAQ and RoI Data to ROS CPM data matches simulation, still some work to do on CMM Data offsets stable and mostly understood Run CPM-ROD with small L1A gaps Required new ROC firmware Previously only tested with DSS Glink sink Improved CPM Bunch Crossing number handling Same value each slice, tunable ‘start-point’ Moved to new approved TTC synchronisation procedure Birmingham testing: New timing calibration technique Improved timing window Higher statistics timing analysis Made timing window smaller again! Glink instability more fully understood 11th March, 2004 Stephen Hillier, University of Birmingham

3 Short term – new CPM, PPM integration
Software should essentially be ready to go Except maybe a few fixes for recent online upgrade Testing could take as little as one week Then ready to go to RAL for more slice tests But of course new problems might appear Hope to provide new histogramming tools Dimitri to add online histogramming code Slice Tests with PPM Will require alternative demuxing algorithm 11th March, 2004 Stephen Hillier, University of Birmingham

4 Slice/Beam tests: CPM old vs new
Can we use old CPMs? Problems caused by TTCdec jitter Glink instability – no long term runs via ROD Timing window reduced (to nothing?) Alternative strategies Just use new ones (assuming they work) Need three new ones rather than current plan of two Try to fix TTCdecs Devise strategy to use old CPMs plus 2 new CPMs 11th March, 2004 Stephen Hillier, University of Birmingham

5 Timing Windows (no TTCdec fix)
Old CPM to Old CPM Disastrous – can’t place two together But can use standalone New CPM to New CPM Hopefully will be Wide If not, back to drawing board Old CPM to New CPM Will require investigation – may be OK Suggests a possible way of working ??? 11th March, 2004 Stephen Hillier, University of Birmingham

6 Possible slice test setup
Reminder: 2 PPMs per CPM Slice test has 4 PPMs Therefore: Feed two good CPMs with PPM data Other two CPMs in playback (with zero data) All data into new CPMs is controlled CPM-CPM backplane between new CPMs tested fully Don’t need ROD data for old (outside) CPMs CPM CPM CPM CPM TCM CPU PPM PPM PPM PPM TCM CPU 11th March, 2004 Stephen Hillier, University of Birmingham

7 Stephen Hillier, University of Birmingham
Forward planning Acceptance testing (at BHAM) will require: More hardware Do we need PPMs, RODs at Birmingham If yes, need one (two?) VME64 9U crates Or could we use just LSMs and 6U RODs? Or even just glink sinks (preferably not) Better software About 60 CPMs to test Currently takes ~1 week each We haven’t got 60 weeks! Need to develop a test suite for all inputs, outputs, internals 11th March, 2004 Stephen Hillier, University of Birmingham

8 Stephen Hillier, University of Birmingham
New glink format? Current format is 84 ticks per slice Can’t run this with 5 slices at 100 kHz Contains ‘redundant’ information Parity and Link Error flags duplicated One LVDS pair contains two channels, and each channel is contained in read-out data separately, with each flag Easy to define format with same info in 76 ticks But is it worth the effort? New CPM Serialiser firmware New CPM ROC firmware New ROD formatting firmware And if so, when? 11th March, 2004 Stephen Hillier, University of Birmingham

9 Stephen Hillier, University of Birmingham
Conclusions Looking forward to seeing new CPM Also keen to try out PPM (in some form) Though have a little work to do first (bcmuxing) If new CPM basically sound, we’re in a good position for slice and beam tests What to do about TTCdec? Maybe we don’t need to do anything (for the CPM anyway) 11th March, 2004 Stephen Hillier, University of Birmingham

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