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Parliament, Party and People

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Presentation on theme: "Parliament, Party and People"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parliament, Party and People
Lesson 34 Parliament, Party and People Aim: To gain a historical overview of the development of the Tories into the Conservative Party

2 Starting Off What principles do you associate with the Conservative Party in modern politics?

3 Tories – Conservatives
A3 paper/ Lang p ch 5 / Rees and Wilkinson ch 6 and ch 7 Create a detailed timeline documenting the developments, professionalisation, key milestones, individuals, factions, voters (electorate) and policies of the Tory/Conservative Party 1800 – 1900. Include: Key Prime Ministers The Reform Acts Legislation/ key policies areas Grass-root activities/associations Factions/splits Party organisation/ development

4 Determining HOW and WHY party politics developed
Determine via colour coding examples/points on timeline of the following: Greater professionalisation of the party Tory beliefs – landed interests Conservative beliefs – wider appeal External factors – social/ economic/ international/ political Turning points in party dev.

5 Complete timeline fully – 1800-1866
HOMEWORK Complete timeline fully –

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