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Chapter 5.8 Radical Equations & Inequalities Standard & Honors

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1 Chapter 5.8 Radical Equations & Inequalities Standard & Honors
Algebra II Mr. Gilbert Chapter 5.8 Radical Equations & Inequalities Standard & Honors 11/29/2018

2 Agenda Warm-up (next slide) Review Homework Return Class work
Check your answers Review Homework Return Class work Bonus points Lesson Homework 11/29/2018

3 Class Work: Warm-up 5.8 (3 min.) Yes –it’s a repeat
Work on your own, silently. Write your name on the top of the sheet, turn in when done. Factor Completely (x2-81) = (2x2 +18x +16) = x4-1 = Find the product: (x+1)(2x2-3x+1) = (2n2 -3)(n2+5n -1) = 11/29/2018

4 Class Work: Warm-up 5.6 (3 min.)
Work on your own, silently. Factor Completely, assume no denominator is equal to 0. (x2-81) = (x+9)(x-9) (2x2 +18x +16) = (2)(x+1)(x+8) x4-1 = (x2+1)(x+1)(x-1) Find the product: (x+1)(2x2-3x+1) = 2x3 –x2-2x+1 (2n2 -3)(n2+5n -1) =2n4+10n3-5n2-15n+3 11/29/2018

5 5-8 Radical Equations & Inequalities
Example 1 Solve a Radical Equation (2) Example 2 Extraneous Solution (3) Example 3 Cube Root Equation (3) Example 4 Radical Inequality (4) 11/29/2018 Lesson 8 Contents

6 Example 1: Solve a Radical Equation (2)
Add 1 to each side to isolate the radical. Square each side to eliminate the radical. Find the squares. Add 2 to each side. Replace y with 38. Check Simplify. Answer: The solution checks. The solution is 38. 11/29/2018 Example 8-1a

7 Solve Answer: 67 11/29/2018 Example 8-1c

8 Example 2 Extraneous Solution
Solve Square each side. Find the squares. Isolate the radical. Divide each side by –4. Square each side. Evaluate the squares. Now let’s check 11/29/2018 Example 8-2a

9 Example 2 Extraneous Solution cont.
Answer: The solution does not check, so there is no real solution. Check Original equation Evaluate the square roots. Replace x with 16. Simplify. 11/29/2018 Example 8-2b

10 Extraneous Solution Solve . Answer: no real solution 11/29/2018
Example 8-2c

11 Cube Root Example Solve
In order to remove the radical, it this case cube root, you a) must first isolate it and then b) raise it so that it becomes 1 while keeping the equation balanced. Subtract 5 from each side. Cube each side. Evaluate the cubes. Subtract 1 from each side. Divide each side by 3. Now let’s check 11/29/2018 Example 8-3a

12 Cube Root Example cont. Check Original equation Replace y with –42.
Simplify. The cube root of –125 is –5. Add. Answer: The solution is –42. 11/29/2018 Example 8-3b

13 Cube Root Example Solve Answer: 13 11/29/2018 Example 8-3c

14 Radical Inequality Solve
Since the radicand of a square root must be greater than or equal to zero, first solve to identify the values of x for which the left side of the inequality is defined. 11/29/2018 Example 8-4a

15 Radical Inequality cont.
Now solve . Isolate the radical. Eliminate the radical. Add 6 to each side. Divide each side by 3. Answer: The solution is Now let’s check 11/29/2018 Example 8-4b

16 Radical Inequality cont.
(Since The solution is ) Check Test some x values to confirm the solution. Let Use three test values: one less than 2, one between 2 and 5, and one greater than 5. Since is not a real number, the inequality is not satisfied. Since the inequality is satisfied. Since the inequality is not satisfied. Only the values in the interval satisfy the inequality. 11/29/2018 Example 8-4c

17 Radical Inequality Solve Answer: Answer : -5/2 11/29/2018 Example 8-4d

18 Earn up to 35 Bonus Points You may earn bonus test points by:
Completing 100% correctly the online Self Check Quizzes for all lessons in the last test: , , 11.7 5% will be added to last test score for each 100% complete lesson. Bonus available until end of day 9/25, mail posted by end of day 9/19 will make the progress report. Use lesson resources in 11/29/2018

19 Homework Review 11/29/2018

20 Homework See Syllabus 5.8 p. 266: 13 – 27 odd and 39. 11/29/2018

21 Homework - Honors See Syllabus 5.8 p. 266: 13 - 39 odd, 41-43

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