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Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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Presentation on theme: "Magnetic Resonance Imaging"— Presentation transcript:

1 Magnetic Resonance Imaging
David Ramsay

2 Contents What Is an MRI? Parts of an MRI How an MRI Works
Parts In an MRI Machine Benefits of an MRI

3 What Is an MRI? An MRI is a Magnetic Resonance Image. It is a medical imaging technique used to visualize detailed internal structures and limited functions of the body.

4 Parts of an MRI

5 How does an MRI Work? A very powerful electromagnet aligns the hydrogen atoms in the body. Then radio waves are used to realign the hydrogen atoms in the body into different patterns. Coils around the parts of the body being imaged send and receive radio waves. A computer processes the signals that are received and translates them into images that can be manipulated to be studied in different angles.

6 Uses of an MRI Diagnosing injuries to soft tissues
Following up on abnormalities found in other tests such as an ultra sound or a cancer screening Looking at portions of the brain to diagnose abnormalities Viewing blood vessels to monitor abnormal constriction and dilation

7 Benefits of an MRI Doesn’t use X-Ray radiation.
Excellent image resolution and contrast of soft tissues and anatomical structures Faster and less labor intensive in comparison to X-Ray imaging of soft tissues. Doesn’t need contrasting media for taking images of soft tissues and blood vessels

8 References

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