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UNIT 3 Crime and Punishment.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 3 Crime and Punishment."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 3 Crime and Punishment

2 Objective... To use a mini quiz, self-evaluation and past paper questions to assess how well this unit has been understood.

3 Outcomes... Your GOALS for the end of this lesson are… ALL
All will complete a quick quiz to help them revise and prepare for the mini exam. Will complete a self-evaluation to assess how well they feel they have complete and understood this unit. All will complete a mini exam so it can be assessed me and a grade for this unit can be given. Your GOALS for the end of this lesson are…

4 Quick quiz... What is Justice? Give 2 reasons societies need laws.
What are the four theories of punishment? Describe a Christian and Muslim organisation that work for justice. Give 2 arguments for and 2 against capital punishment. Give one Christian argument for and against capital punishment. Give one Muslim argument for and against capital punishment. Explain two ways drugs and alcohol are harmful to society. Give 2 Christian views on alcohol. Why do Muslims forbid alcohol?

5 Self evaluation... SELF-EVALUATION
Complete the self-evaluation worksheet. This will allow YOU to assess how well you know each topic and the unit as a whole. It is important to be honest so we can recognise any areas that may need more work or further revision before the final exam.

6 Mini Exam time… Complete the mini exam paper in exam conditions. You will be give 25 minutes to complete this. Answer ALL question. TIPS If you don't know GUESS! Include examples/keywords/quotes were ever you can. ONLY write about Christianity and Islam. Keep an eye on the time. Remember structure PEPE – MEATY POINTS. Look how many marks a question is worth!

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