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Material & Nonmaterial Culture

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1 Material & Nonmaterial Culture
Chapter 3.4 Material & Nonmaterial Culture

2 Nonmaterial Culture Includes beliefs, ideas, and knowledge
Beliefs = ideas about reality Beliefs can be true or false Examples: no life on mercury, a pharaoh was a god Important because behavior is based on beliefs

3 Material Culture Tangible objects
Objects have no meaning within itself People give objects meaning


5 Ideal vs. Real Culture Ideal The culture to which a society ascribes
Utopia Example: All students are honest Real The actual behavior of people in a society Real life Example: Students cheat

6 Changing Culture Culture can change due to 3 reasons Discovery
Invention Diffusion

7 Diversity Counterculture Subculture Opposed to dominant culture
Have their own traditions, language, etc Examples: cults, criminals, drug culture Subculture Subscribes to values of dominant culture Have their own traditions, language, etc. Examples: Chinatown, St. Viator, music culture

8 Ethnocentrism Judging others using your own cultural standards
Can be both good and bad Positives: promotes stability, unity Negatives: inflexibility, intolerance

9 Cultural Universals Values that exist in ALL societies
Details may differ from culture to culture Examples: caring for children, recreation, education

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