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Journal Entries, Portfolio Entries, and Check Your Understanding Unit 4- Strand 3 Introduction to Programming Students are introduced to some basic programming scenarios associated with code design and development. *Journal entries and Unit information is all © University of Oregon, 2016 This is a teacher copy of the curriculum and is intended solely for individual classroom use. **Strands and Standards are for the State of Utah *** Other content referred to can be found on or ****Please only use what you have legally gained the right to use through training. Thank you
Create a New Folder In your Exploring Computer Science Folder create a sub folder named Scratch. Please make sure you save each file clearly by the activity title so that it will be easy for me to identify and grade.
Scratch Introduction Unit 4 Day 1
Topic description: This lesson introduces the scratch programming language, including the basic terms utilized in the language. Objectives: The students will be able to: • name the basic terms used in scratch • Create the beginning of a simple program in scratch
Journal #17 “How do you think programs like Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer and Windows are made?”
Knowledge Check - Scratch
Do you know how to do all of the following? – Describe how. Every character in Scratch is called a Sprite. How to choose a Sprite from a file How to paint your own sprite Each sprite has its own scripts. You can right click any block and select help to get more information on how to use it. How to change the language in Scratch (for your English Learners) How to go to full screen mode and back How to switch back and forth between sprites by clicking on them X and Y coordinates on the screen are shown on the bottom right below the stage How to save in the proper location (the default is to save in the Scratch Projects folder (C:\\Program Files\Scratch\Projects)) Standard 3 Analyze and explain how a particular program functions.
Knowledge Check - Scratch
Standard 3 Analyze and explain how a particular program functions. Define the following How a program functions
Scratch Name Activity Unit 4 Day 2-3
Topic description: This lesson provides students an opportunity to practice using the features of Scratch outlined on Day 1 in the context of creating a simple program. Objectives: The students will be able to: • Complete a simple Scratch program • Utilize the green flag feature
Journal #18 “What do you remember about Scratch from yesterday?” “What do some of the blocks do?”
Knowledge Check - Scratch
Standard 3 Standard 1 Create Programs that correspond to a set of specifications including: create dialogue between two sprites, move sprites with accuracy, broadcast a message and receive the broadcast, and respond to different events. •Design (storyboard) a program •Know the Scratch environment including sprites, screen/stage size and the following block categories •Events (green flag, sprite cli9ked, key pressed, broadcasting) •Motion (move, turn, go to, glide) •Looks (say/think, show/hide, switch costume, change size) • Control (loops, conditionals, wait) •Operators/Math (variables, randomness) Knowledge Check - Scratch Define the following Sprite Sprite – Image Example
Rubric: Name Activity Do you have? 2 3 5 Extras +2 +5
Points Possible YES NO Separate Sprite for each letter of your name 5 minimum and 1 additional non-letter Sprite. 2 Use the When green flag clicked block and the forever block for each Sprite All Sprites do something different. 3 All Sprites move continuously 2 different from Looks menu ___________, ____________ All from: move steps if on edge bounce turn degrees go to glide 5 Stage background isn’t white and Stage plays music in a forever block When green flag clicked Extras Reinitialize your letters when the green flag is clicked +2 On Time Points +5 Total Points earned 20
Scratch Dialogue Activity
Unit 4 Day 4 Topic description: This lesson describes how to create a dialogue between two sprites by first creating a written dialogue. Objectives: The students will be able to: • Develop a dialogue between two or more Scratch sprites • Explain the reasoning behind how their dialogue works
Rubric: Dialogue Activity
You will be making a dialogue between two or more sprites. Note: The less sprite you use the lower your grade will be. A dialogue is when two or more people are talking to each other. Do you have? Points Possible YES NO Have 2 or more sprites talking in dialogue. 4 Have 3 or more sprites talking in dialogue. 5 All the sprites are polite and they take turns talking Each sprite says at least 3 things. 3 The conversation starts “when green flag clicked” Extras Have 4 or more sprites talking in dialogue +2 On Time Points +5 Total Points earned 20
Scratch Moving Activities
Unit 4 Day 5-6 Topic description: This lesson describes the methods of moving Sprites in Scratch. Objectives: The students will be able to: • Explain the 3 major ways to move sprites • Choose the appropriate method of moving to make a cat circle the bases
Journal #19 “Describe in your own words how you would create a graph for a line in your Algebra class?”
Assignment: Moving Project part 1
There are basically 3 ways to move sprites in Scratch. Try the file, that was ed to you, and answer the questions below: Click the green flag. What do the three animals do? Look at the scripts for each of the 3 sprites. What 3 blocks do all three sprites use? What blocks does the cat use to move? What block does the dog use to move? What block does the monkey use to move?
Assignment: Moving Project part 1a
Describe in your own words how the move block works. Describe in your own words how the go to xy block works. Describe in your own words how the glide block works. Some of the blocks require x: and y: coordinates. Place the mouse over the white window and look at the mouse x: and mouse y: numbers underneath the bottom. How are the x: and y: coordinates determined in Scratch? Use what you’ve learned about moving to get the cat to run the bases (as realistically as possible – bases are run counter clockwise) in Make sure that when you click the green flag, the cat starts at home plate again.
Assignment: Moving Project part 2 with Rubric
In this assignment, you will “remix” the Open the scratch document ed to you. You are to add the code so that the cat runs the bases and completes a home run. Do you have? Points Possible YES NO Scratchy runs to all of the bases, without stopping at first, second, or third base when you click on the green flag. 4 Scratchy changes directions to face the base it is running to. Scratchy stops running at home plate when it has finished running the bases. 2 Scratchy also starts over at home base when the green flag is clicked. Scratchy’s legs move making it look like he is running. Another character chases Scratchy around the bases. Scratchy stays in the lanes and off the grass. Scratchy runs fast. Extra: On Time Points +5 Total Points earned 20
Knowledge Check - Scratch
Standard 3 Standard 1 Create Programs that correspond to a set of specifications including: create dialogue between two sprites, move sprites with accuracy, broadcast a message and receive the broadcast, and respond to different events. •Design (storyboard) a program •Know the Scratch environment including sprites, screen/stage size and the following block categories •Events (green flag, sprite cli9ked, key pressed, broadcasting) •Motion (move, turn, go to, glide) •Looks (say/think, show/hide, switch costume, change size) • Control (loops, conditionals, wait) •Operators/Math (variables, randomness) Knowledge Check - Scratch Define the following Loop Loop – Block Image Example
Knowledge Check - Scratch
Standard 3 Standard 2 Explain the term iteration (repeating something multiple times) and give an example of iteration in programming. Define the following Iteration Iteration – Image Example
Knowledge Check - Scratch
Standard 3 Standard 1 Create Programs that correspond to a set of specifications including: create dialogue between two sprites, move sprites with accuracy, broadcast a message and receive the broadcast, and respond to different events. •Design (storyboard) a program •Know the Scratch environment including sprites, screen/stage size and the following block categories •Events (green flag, sprite cli9ked, key pressed, broadcasting) •Motion (move, turn, go to, glide) •Looks (say/think, show/hide, switch costume, change size) • Control (loops, conditionals, wait) •Operators/Math (variables, randomness) Knowledge Check - Scratch Define the following Looks Looks – Block Image Examples
Scratch Alphabet Game Unit 4 Day 7-8
Topic description: This lesson introduces the concept of event driven programming and provides practice through the creation of an alphabet learning game. Objectives: The students will be able to: • Explain event driven programming • Write a program that responds to user created events from the mouse and keyboard
Journal #20 “How do the programs on the computer know what the user wants to do next? In other words, if you are surfing the web, how does the computer know what page to go to next?”
Rubric: Alphabet Game Do you have? 4 2 5 Extras +2 +5
You are to create a alphabet / ECS definition or parts of the computer learning game. Do you have? Points Possible YES NO Have at least 10 different letters. 4 Have a theme for your letter game (ECS definitions or parts of the computer.) It must be apparent by looking at the picture what letter it stands for. 2 Sprites change costume when clicked on. Then change back to the letter. 5 Sprites change costume when letter is typed on keyboard. Then change back to the letter. Use the “say _ for _ sec” to output what the letter stands for (i.e. “P is for Programming”) Sprites all turn to letters when the “when green flag clicked” Extras Use a microphone to record sounds for all the letters and play the sound when the letter is clicked or typed (i.e. “P is for Programming”) +2 Use motion to move each letter to a specific location on the screen before changing costume and saying what the letter stands for. On Time Points +5 Total Points earned 20
Knowledge Check - Scratch
Standard 3 Standard 1 Create Programs that correspond to a set of specifications including: create dialogue between two sprites, move sprites with accuracy, broadcast a message and receive the broadcast, and respond to different events. •Design (storyboard) a program •Know the Scratch environment including sprites, screen/stage size and the following block categories •Events (green flag, sprite cli9ked, key pressed, broadcasting) •Motion (move, turn, go to, glide) •Looks (say/think, show/hide, switch costume, change size) • Control (loops, conditionals, wait) •Operators/Math (variables, randomness) Knowledge Check - Scratch Define the following X and Y coordinates for movement. – Block Image Example
Knowledge Check - Scratch
Standard 3 Standard 1 Create Programs that correspond to a set of specifications including: create dialogue between two sprites, move sprites with accuracy, broadcast a message and receive the broadcast, and respond to different events. •Design (storyboard) a program •Know the Scratch environment including sprites, screen/stage size and the following block categories •Events (green flag, sprite cli9ked, key pressed, broadcasting) •Motion (move, turn, go to, glide) •Looks (say/think, show/hide, switch costume, change size) • Control (loops, conditionals, wait) •Operators/Math (variables, randomness) Knowledge Check - Scratch Define the following Motion – Block Image Examples
Scratch Broadcast Event
Unit 4 Day 9 Topic description: This lesson introduces the concept of broadcasting through role play and then provides students an opportunity to complete a broadcast event in Scratch. Objectives: The students will be able to: • Broadcast events • Listen to and respond to events they create • Change the background of the stage
Journal #21 “What does it mean to broadcast something?” “If a radio or television station is broadcasting something, does that mean that everyone is listening to it?”
Assignment Please see the directions from the blog page.
Answer questions 1, 2, 6 below: 1. Open the file from your . Click the flag. What does it do so far? 2. Click on the cat and look at his script. What does the cat broadcast in the last block? 6. Summarize how you can use broadcast to change scenes in a story. Get your work checked off.
Rubric: Broadcast Activity
Do you have? Points Possible Yes No Answer question 1, 2 and 6 5 Add in the second scene (basketball) Add in the third scene (movies) Add in additional characters into each scene that show and hide Extras Add in additional scenes with script +2 point per scene + On Time Points +5 Total Points earned 20
Knowledge Check - Scratch
Standard 3 Standard 1 Create Programs that correspond to a set of specifications including: create dialogue between two sprites, move sprites with accuracy, broadcast a message and receive the broadcast, and respond to different events. •Design (storyboard) a program •Know the Scratch environment including sprites, screen/stage size and the following block categories •Events (green flag, sprite cli9ked, key pressed, broadcasting) •Motion (move, turn, go to, glide) •Looks (say/think, show/hide, switch costume, change size) • Control (loops, conditionals, wait) •Operators/Math (variables, randomness) Knowledge Check - Scratch Define the following Broadcast Broadcast – Block Image Example
Knowledge Check - Scratch
Standard 3 Standard 1 Create Programs that correspond to a set of specifications including: create dialogue between two sprites, move sprites with accuracy, broadcast a message and receive the broadcast, and respond to different events. •Design (storyboard) a program •Know the Scratch environment including sprites, screen/stage size and the following block categories •Events (green flag, sprite cli9ked, key pressed, broadcasting) •Motion (move, turn, go to, glide) •Looks (say/think, show/hide, switch costume, change size) • Control (loops, conditionals, wait) •Operators/Math (variables, randomness) Knowledge Check - Scratch Define the following Events Event – Block Image Examples
Scratch Story Project Unit 4 Day 10-13
Topic description: Students will review how to broadcast events by developing a Scratch story and presenting it to the class. Objectives: The students will be able to: • Broadcast events • Complete a Scratch story • Develop a Scratch story project • Assess their peers to help them gauge their progress • Complete a rubric • Prepare and make a presentation of a Scratch story to the class
Journal #22 “Brainstorm some school appropriate ideas for your story.”
Rubric: Story Project See instructions on blog page.
Do you have? Points Possible Yes No A Title Scene (include your name and the story name) 2 Story Scene #1 3 Story Scene #2 Story Scene #3 Story Scene #4 Ending Scene 3 or more Sprites tell the story Spelling and grammar are correct. No texting! 6 Sprites move (not float) around the Stage based on the story. 4 You use broadcasting to change scenes. Conversation #1 with Polite Characters Conversation #2 with Polite Characters Conversation #3 with Polite Characters Conversation #4 with Polite Characters A minimum of 16 say or think boxes Presentation 10 Extras Complex Conversations +2 Outstanding Animation Unusually creative story (school appropriate) +5 On time +5 Total 50
Knowledge Check - Scratch
Standard 3 Standard 1 Create Programs that correspond to a set of specifications including: create dialogue between two sprites, move sprites with accuracy, broadcast a message and receive the broadcast, and respond to different events. •Design (storyboard) a program •Know the Scratch environment including sprites, screen/stage size and the following block categories •Events (green flag, sprite cli9ked, key pressed, broadcasting) •Motion (move, turn, go to, glide) •Looks (say/think, show/hide, switch costume, change size) • Control (loops, conditionals, wait) •Operators/Math (variables, randomness) Knowledge Check - Scratch Define the following Wait Wait – Block Image Example
Scratch Concept Variables
Unit 4 Day 14 Topic description: This lesson provides an introduction to the concept of variables. Objectives: The students will be able to: • Explain the concept of variables • Create examples of variables • Explain the concept of iteration • Create examples of iteration
Journal #23 “Describe in your own words what the word variable means.”
Rubric: Variables Do you have? Extras Yes No
Points Possible Yes No Make a variable” called Good Nutrition Points. 2 Increase by 1 every time you choose the banana This is an example of: _____________________ 1 Decrease by one when you click on the cheese puffs Add a Vegetable that is worth 2 points when clicked on. Add a snack food that is –3 points when clicked on. Extras Add in additional foods for 1 point each + Total Points earned 10
Knowledge Check - Scratch
Standard 3 Standard 1 Create Programs that correspond to a set of specifications including: create dialogue between two sprites, move sprites with accuracy, broadcast a message and receive the broadcast, and respond to different events. •Design (storyboard) a program •Know the Scratch environment including sprites, screen/stage size and the following block categories •Events (green flag, sprite cli9ked, key pressed, broadcasting) •Motion (move, turn, go to, glide) •Looks (say/think, show/hide, switch costume, change size) • Control (loops, conditionals, wait) •Operators/Math (variables, randomness) Knowledge Check - Scratch Define the following Variables – Block Image Example
Scratch Concept Conditionals
Unit 4 Day 15 Topic description: This lesson provides an introduction to the concept of conditionals. Objectives: The students will be able to: • Explain the concept of conditionals • Enhance a variable program with conditionals
Journal #24 “What comes to mind when you hear the word “if”?” “What are some of the ways we use the word “if” in English?”
Knowledge Check - Scratch
Standard 3 Standard 1 Create Programs that correspond to a set of specifications including: create dialogue between two sprites, move sprites with accuracy, broadcast a message and receive the broadcast, and respond to different events. •Design (storyboard) a program •Know the Scratch environment including sprites, screen/stage size and the following block categories •Events (green flag, sprite cli9ked, key pressed, broadcasting) •Motion (move, turn, go to, glide) •Looks (say/think, show/hide, switch costume, change size) • Control (loops, conditionals, wait) •Operators/Math (variables, randomness) Knowledge Check - Scratch Define the following Conditionals – Block Image Example
Knowledge Check - Scratch
Standard 3 Standard 1 Create Programs that correspond to a set of specifications including: create dialogue between two sprites, move sprites with accuracy, broadcast a message and receive the broadcast, and respond to different events. •Design (storyboard) a program •Know the Scratch environment including sprites, screen/stage size and the following block categories •Events (green flag, sprite cli9ked, key pressed, broadcasting) •Motion (move, turn, go to, glide) •Looks (say/think, show/hide, switch costume, change size) • Control (loops, conditionals, wait) •Operators/Math (variables, randomness) Knowledge Check - Scratch Define the following Randomness – Block Image Example
Scratch And / Or Random Unit 4 Day 16-17
Topic description: This lesson introduces And, Or and randomness. Students have an opportunity to practice utilizing these features in the context of programs. Objectives: The students will be able to: • Use conditionals with And and Or to write a grade program • Use a random number generator to write a dice program
Journal #25 “What’s the difference between And and Or?” “What does the word random mean in English?”
Rubric: Dice Program (Random Generator)
Do you have? Points Possible Yes No Directions exist on the Stage telling the user to click the Sprite. 1 When the Sprite is clicked, the dice is “rolled” Costume for 1 is correct. Costume for 2 is correct. Costume for 3 is correct. Costume for 4 is correct. Costume for 5 is correct. Costume for 6 is correct. Costumes are neat and dots are in the right locations 2 Extra On Time Points +2 Total Points earned 10
Rubric: Grade Program See the directions on blog page
Do you have? Points Possible Yes No Variable percent exists without a slider. 2 Directions exist on the Stage telling the user to click the Sprite. When the Sprite is clicked, the Stage asks user their percent, sets the variable, broadcasts. Code for more that 100% is correct. Code for A is correct. 1 Code for B is correct. Code for C is correct. Code for D is correct. Code for F is correct. Code for less than 0 is correct. Code for tutoring qualification is correct – single condition using if-else block. 5 Stop script if percent > 100 or percent < 0. Extra On Time Points +5 Total Points earned 20
Knowledge Check - Scratch
Standard 3 Standard 1 Create Programs that correspond to a set of specifications including: create dialogue between two sprites, move sprites with accuracy, broadcast a message and receive the broadcast, and respond to different events. •Design (storyboard) a program •Know the Scratch environment including sprites, screen/stage size and the following block categories •Events (green flag, sprite cli9ked, key pressed, broadcasting) •Motion (move, turn, go to, glide) •Looks (say/think, show/hide, switch costume, change size) • Control (loops, conditionals, wait) •Operators/Math (variables, randomness) Knowledge Check - Scratch Define the following Ethical responsibility Software testing Execution of a program
Knowledge Check - Scratch
Standard 3 Standard 4 Discuss the ethical responsibility to society when creating apps or programs- including the following: improve the world around you, efficiency-making things easier, viruses, potential liability for misuse, potential security issues. Define the following Ethics Virus software Liability for misuse Security
Scratch Rock Paper Scissors
Unit 4 Day 18 Topic description: This lesson requires students to apply their knowledge of conditionals to develop a Rock Paper Scissors program in Scratch. Objectives: The students will be able to: • Apply knowledge of conditionals to complete a Rock Paper Scissors program
Scratch Timer Activity
Unit 4 Day 19 Topic description: This lesson builds on previous concepts to create a timer. Objectives: The students will be able to: • Create a timer
Timer Project How to make a timer in Scratch: 1. Create a variable called timer. 2. When the flag is clicked, initialize the timer to Continually, wait 1 second and check if the timer = 0 a. output the current time either with a sprite or just show the variable b. If the timer = 0 make either the background or a huge sprite say “Time’s Up” 4. When the flag is clicked, everything should start over. 5. Be creative as to what you want your program to look like. 6. Make sure the timer stops at 0 and does not continue into negatives.
Scratch Game Creation Unit 4 Day 20-23
Topic description: Students create a timing game in Scratch and participate in an Arcade Day during which they display their games. Objectives: The students will be able to: • Create a timing game • Assess their peers to help them gauge progress • Complete their rubrics and submit their timing games • Prepare a presentation of a Scratch program • Evaluate their peers’ timing games
Rubric: Game Creation Utilizing a Timer See the directions on blog page
Do you have? Points Possible Yes No Have 3 or more “timed” sprites 1 Have 4 or more “timed” sprites Use a timer for your game Keep score (points) Give the user feedback as to how well they timed their button pressing Have a help screen with directions The game reset when the flag is clicked The game stop when it is over The game notify the user when it is over The game keep track of how many “perfects” in a row Extra On Time Points +2 The game get harder as you keep playing Total Points earned 10
Scratch Investigating Games
Unit 4 Day 24 Topic description: Investigating Games Objectives: The students will be able to: • Investigate two different types of games
Rubric: Investigate Games Objective: continue to demonstrate your understanding of events, conditionals, costume changes, random numbers, and the use of variables. 1. Locate the monkey and pinball games from the I sent and remix them according to the following instructions. 2. Change monkey as follows: a. Add another Sprite that adds 2 points if the monkey touches it. b. Change the game so that the following occurs: o If the user reaches exactly 10 points, the Bananas and your new Sprite both hide and the monkey says: You win! o If the user reaches more than 10 points, the Bananas and your new Sprite both hide and the monkey says: You lose! o When the green flag is clicked, all Sprites show and the number of points resets to 0. o Only the monkey should be looking at point values, and the monkey may not have a when I received moved script. 3. Change pinball.sb2 as follows: a. Add a variable called score and make it visible. b. Each time a green-outlined Sprite is hit, add 1 to the score. This must work for all green-outlined Sprites including Musiball and both TriBounces. c. Add code so that the score is reset (set to 0) when the 0 key is pressed. d. Add another Sprite that behaves the same way as the green-outlined Sprites.
Rubric: Investigate Games
Do you have? Points Possible Yes No Changes to monkey Additional Sprite that adds 2 points when the monkey touches it. 2 Game stops at 10 points by telling you that you win. Game stops at >10 points by telling you that you lose. Monkey does not have a when I received moved script. 4 Changes to pinball Variable called score 1 Score is kept each time a green-outlined Sprite is hit Pressing the zero key resets the score Another Sprite has been added to pinball that behaves correctly. Extra On Time Points +2 Total Points earned 20
Scratch Final Project Unit 4 Day 25-30
Topic description: Introduction though completion of the final project. Objectives: The students will be able to: • Make an appropriate choice of which final project they will do • Complete their rubrics and turn in their final projects • Prepare and present their final project
Rubric: Music Video part 1 The song you chose must be school appropriate.
Do you have? Points Possible Yes No A title scene with your name and the song title and artist name 6 Scene #1 4 Scene #2 Scene #3 Scene #4 Scene #5 Scene #6 Music stops when your presentation is done At least 6 different Sprites are in the “video” Spelling and grammar are correct Sprites move as if they are walking or flying (not floating or spinning) around the stage to the song. 8 Use broadcast to change scenes 10 Use speech bubbles to display the lyrics Animations and lyrics appropriately timed 120 seconds or more of the song are presented Subtotal:
Rubric: Investigate Games part 2
Do you have continued? Points Possible Yes No Presentation Peer Grading 10 Teacher Grading Extras Complex Conversations 5 Outstanding Animation Unusually creative Voted Best Music Video by your peers On Time Points - you are ready to present at the first of class. +30 Total Points earned 100
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