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Answering exam style questions – solve problems requiring calculation with time August 2018. Kindly contributed by Gurpreet Sangha, Birmingham Metropolitan.

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Presentation on theme: "Answering exam style questions – solve problems requiring calculation with time August 2018. Kindly contributed by Gurpreet Sangha, Birmingham Metropolitan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Answering exam style questions – solve problems requiring calculation with time
August Kindly contributed by Gurpreet Sangha, Birmingham Metropolitan College. Search for Gurpreet on Please refer to the download page for this resource on skillsworkshop for detailed curriculum links and related resources including a printable PDF version of this PPT. Legacy Functional Mathematics (2011) criteria FM/E3.8 Complete simple calculations involving money and measures FM/L1.7 Solve problems requiring calculation, with common measures inc. money, time, length, weight, capacity & temperature FM/L1.8 Convert units of measure in the same system FM/L2.8 Use, convert and calculate using metric and, where appropriate, imperial measures 2018 Functional Mathematics content E3.12 Read, measure and record time using am and pm E3.13 Read time from analogue and 24 hour digital clocks in hours and minutes L1.20 Convert between units of length, weight, capacity, money and time, in the same system Note: in the new 2018 Functional Skills content there is no: coverage of calculating with time (or using timetables) at any level specific coverage of time at Level 2 This PPT includes timed slides. Use the ‘Transitions’ tab if you wish to change these to suit your learners. August Kindly contributed to by Gurpreet Sangha, Birmingham Metropolitan College. Reference: DfE (Feb 2018), Subject content functional skills: mathematics

2 LEVEL 2 Answering exam style questions - Solve problems requiring calculation with time Exam questions obtained from (adapted from the July 2017 L2 paper) August Kindly contributed to by Gurpreet Sangha, Birmingham Metropolitan College.

3 Where will you be at the end of the lesson?
Ready 2 Learn Thursday, 29 November Answering exam style questions; Solve problems requiring calculations with time All the activities are timed. As you go through the slides, convert the task time-limits from seconds to minutes (to help you manage your time). Task 1 - Converting minutes and hours Task 2 - Will Tori the diver finish on time? (L2 Exam style question) STRETCH - Convert seconds to minutes and complete extension tasks Plenary - On the post-it write one thing you have learnt today How do you get there? Convert minutes to hours and hours to minutes (all of us) Calculate and record time in different formats (most of us) Calculate minutes as a fraction of an hour (some of us) Where will you be at the end of the lesson? August Kindly contributed to by Gurpreet Sangha, Birmingham Metropolitan College.

4 Task 1: Complete this task individually
You have 90 seconds to complete as much of this task as you can Convert these times to minutes: 1.5 hours 2 hours 47 minutes Convert the minutes to hours: 75 minutes 97 minutes Hint: 60 mins = 1 hour Remember to show all of your calculations. They are worth more marks than your actual answer! August Kindly contributed to by Gurpreet Sangha, Birmingham Metropolitan College. Extension: You leave college at 2.15pm. It takes you 17 minutes to walk to the car park and 36 minutes to drive home. What time will you reach home? Give your answer in the 24 hour format.

5 TASK 1 Answers: Convert these times to minutes: 1.5 hours = 90 minutes
2 hours 47 minutes = 167 minutes Convert the minutes to hours: 75 minutes = 1 hour 15 minutes 97 minutes = 1 hour 37 minutes August Kindly contributed to by Gurpreet Sangha, Birmingham Metropolitan College. Extension: You leave college at 2.15pm, it takes you 17 minutes to walk to the car park and 36 minutes to drive home. What time will you reach home? Give your answer in the 24 hour format. 2.15pm + 17mins = 2.32pm + 36mins = 3.08pm = 15:08

6 You have 120 seconds to complete this task.
Task 2 part 1 You have 120 seconds to complete this task. Make sure you read all of the information and check your answers! August Kindly contributed to by Gurpreet Sangha, Birmingham Metropolitan College. TASK: Calculate all of the times above into minutes. Work with the person next to you. Extension task How many minutes in: hours?

Warm up: (5 mins + 3 mins) x 4 = 32 mins Weights: ¾ x 60 mins = 45 mins Gymnastics: 60 mins + 30 mins = 90 mins Trampoline: 25 mins Pool: 40 mins August Kindly contributed to by Gurpreet Sangha, Birmingham Metropolitan College. Extension task; How many minutes in: 0.25 hours? x 60 minutes = 15 minutes (1/4 hour)

8 TASK 2 continued; Complete individually
You have 210 seconds to complete this task. TASK: Extension task; 1. Give your answer in the 24 hour clock format 2. What is 12 minutes as a fraction of an hour? Give your answer in the simplest form.

9 Answers: Task 2 continued
Yes, the session will finish 23 mins before 9:15pm, at 8:52pm. 4:30pm + 32mins = 5:02pm 5:02pm + 45mins= 5:47pm 5:47pm + 90mins = 7:17pm 7:17pm + 25mins = 7:42pm 7:42pm + 30mins= 8:12pm 8:12pm+ 40mins= 8:52pm Extension: 8.52pm = 20:52 12/60 =1/5 August Kindly contributed to by Gurpreet Sangha, Birmingham Metropolitan College.

10 Plenary Identify at least one thing you have learnt today and write it on the post-it. Can you; Manage your time? Convert minutes to hours? Convert hours to minutes? Write time in a 24 hour format? Calculate time using decimals and fractions? Answer an exam style question? August Kindly contributed to by Gurpreet Sangha, Birmingham Metropolitan College.

11 August 2018. Kindly contributed to www. skillsworkshop
August Kindly contributed to by Gurpreet Sangha, Birmingham Metropolitan College.

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