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2D and 3D Shape Hunt.

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Presentation on theme: "2D and 3D Shape Hunt."— Presentation transcript:

1 2D and 3D Shape Hunt

2 Papplewick Pumping Station outside

3 Papplewick Pumping Station inside

4 Can you find examples of 2D and 3D shapes inside and outside Papplewick Pumping Station?

5 2D Shapes Can you name the shapes?

6 3D shapes Can you name the shapes?

7 Estimation A Papplewick brick measures 20cm x 10 cm Quickly estimate how many Papplewick bricks there are in 1ms of wall? Now work out exactly how many bricks there are. Link – see Resource 25: 3D Thinking - Maths into Cubic Poetry

8 A 1ms section of wall. 1m 1m Did you estimate correctly?

9 How many bricks do you think it took to build the whole of Papplewick Pumping Station?
How many bricks do you think it takes to build a standard 3 bedroomed house?

10 A standard 3-bedroom house will take approximately 16,000 bricks to build.

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