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E-Psych Today, LLC BEHAVORIAL HEALTH ASSESSMENT Transforming Mental Health Care

2 Measurement & Evidence-Based
Mental Health Care Our assessment fits into practice workflow, yields standardized reports, and connects with most electronic health records (EHRs) Information developed through our assessment provides a comprehensive profile of each patient, including functional status, drug use, and thoughts of suicide. The information can be used in measurement-based care, revealing changes in a patient’s mental health status, practice patterns, and aggregate population health data.

3 Behavioral Health Screen and Assessment
Unlike most assessments, ours tracks SEVEN of the most invasive and prevalent issues within one 27 question test. Bipolar Disorders PTSD Suicide Functional Impairment Depression Addiction Anxiety Disorders Our Behavioral Health Screening provides you with a researched and validated multi-dimensional assessment tool for identifying, tracking and monitoring a multitude of behavioral health issues. E-Pscyh Today, LLC.

4 Validated with Proven Results
The University of North Carolina, headed by Dr. Bradley Gaynes, assisted by Joanne DeVeaugh- Geiss, conducted a study of 647 patients at the UNC Family Practice Clinic. This study confirmed the validity of the our M3 Assessment as a diagnostic tool, utilizing the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview as the comparison gold standard. Our assessment outperformed the PHQ-9, GAD-7 and MDQ consistently in their study E-Pscyh Today, LLC.

5 Our Assessment covers all seven panels in its screening, does yours?
UNC CONCLUDED: Our M3 assessment demonstrates utility as a valid, efficient, and feasible tool for screening multiple common psychiatric illnesses, including bipolar disorder and PTSD, in primary care. Its diagnostic accuracy equals that of currently used single-disorder screens and has the additional benefit of being combined into a 1-page tool. The M-3 can reduce missed psychiatric diagnoses and facilitate proper treatment of identified cases. E-Pscyh Today, LLC.

6 Screen Shots E-Pscyh Today, LLC.

7 Screen Shots E-Pscyh Today, LLC.

8 How to Interpret the Data
The second is a “Positive” or “Negative” result to five specific questions which look at the patient’s Functional Status, referred to as “Gateway” responses.  Positive answers to questions 5 and 24 to 27 should be followed by additional questions to understand what is the patient’s functional level. The first is a numeric value indicating the overall level of mental health symptom burden.  The optimal screening cut point is a score of 33 and above – meaning any score above 33 requires further review. Once the patient completes the assessment, the survey computes results and sends a report to the ordering clinician. The report provides a combination of two critical grades that must be viewed collectively. A positive Gateway, combined with significant symptom severity, provides the criteria from which the primary care physician can initiate treatment, whether it be psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy, or both.  E-Pscyh Today, LLC.

9 Interpretation Protocol
All positive screening results should lead to an additional assessment that considers severity of depression and comorbid psychological problems (e.g. anxiety, panic attacks, or substance abuse), alternate diagnoses, and medical conditions.  Patients who screen positive should be appropriately diagnosed and treated with evidence-based care or referred to a setting that can provide the necessary care. Well Risk Population Total Score of  ≤33 and Negative Gateway No further intervention Low-Risk Population Total Score of  ≥ 33 OR Positive Gateway Inquire about the Gateway responses: (Questions 5 & 24-27) Move to Medium Risk if gateway responses are a concern. Monitor in 3months Medium-Risk Population Total Score of  ≥ 33 and Positive Gateway Directing patient toward therapist-lead care, supplemented by wellness interventions. Psychopharmacology referral possible High-Risk Population Total Score of  ≥ 51 and Positive Gateway Evaluation: focus on relieving symptoms and longitudinal monitoring with follow up survey

10 Behavioral Health Screen and Assessment
This is all for the great good of Better Patent Care. Medical treatment does not always identify psychiatric disorders that can impact medical diagnoses. Oftentimes without a quantifiable, third-party review, a diagnosis may not paint a complete patient profile. This is supported by a recent Kennedy Forum brief which asserts that behavioral health is characterized by a "lack of systematic measurement to determine whether patients are responding to treatment.”* E-Pscyh Today, LLC.

11 Why our Behavior Health Assessment must become a integral part of your patients care program.
Better Patient Care Identify, track and monitor your patient’s mental health with results that are unbiased, measurable and quantifiable. Simplistic Simple for patients to take, easy to administer. 27 question screening takes just minutes to administer and produces results immediately. Taken in-office or at home through an online portal. Revenue By administering the survey, Insurance companies save a significant amount in hospitalizations from the reduction in undiagnosed mental health issues. Providers are able to administer and generate additional revenue while providing better patient care. E-Pscyh Today, LLC.

12 An Essential Marketing Tool for Skilled Nursing Facilities
Researched Characteristics and offerings of Top Tier Nursing Facilities However, very few, if any Nursing Homes would say that they do NOT offer these characteristics.  So what then will make your Nursing Home stand out from the competition? The answer to that is to offer something the other facilities do not – The ability to monitor each resident’s Behavioral Health. Individualized Care The ability for the resident to have/make choices. An abundance of Medical Professionals such as; Nurses, Doctors, Specialists, Therapists, etc. Extended and Flexible Visiting Hours Plentiful and Meaningful Activities and Amenities Home-Like Surroundings Attractive Tasty Food By offering our Behavioral Health Assessment, not only are you providing better patient care, you are giving your facility an advantage over your competition.  All things being equal, and with all the emotional adjustments a family must make when admitting a family member to a home, the comfort of knowing the home will have all seven characteristics of a “Top Tier Facility” AND that the facility will track a resident’s behavioral health is more compelling than a home that will not. E-Pscyh Today, LLC.

13 Revenue Generation Administered 4x to each patient a year Gross Revenue per assessment $24.50 Medicare reimburses you $37.50 for the assessment and review Creating a NEW REVENUE STREAM for a Practice Medicare Revenue Example* If administered only four times $98.00 (Per Year, Per Patient) (generally given at intake, med reviews, evals and exits) If your practice has 100 patients $9,800 Per Year Per Practice If your practice has 500 patients $49,000 Per Year Per Practice It needs to be reinforced that this revenue is generated by your existing patients, who are already coming to your office, taking a four to five minute survey. *Rates will Vary Slightly Depending on Insurance Type E-Pscyh Today, LLC.

14 CPT Codes Commercial Insurance
List of Codes & Reimbursement for Mental Health Assessments CPT Codes Commercial Insurance CPT Code 96103 Computer-generated survey done by the patient.  Payments range from $28 to $39 CPT Code 96102 Computer-generated survey administered by a Technician.  Payments range from $31 to $50 CPT Code 96101 Psychological testing performed by an MD or PhD...Payments in the low $80 range It is important to note, if the provider is billing two services on the same Initial Diagnostic Evaluation and a BHS a Modifier needs to be added to the bill so that only one copay is charged. In most cases that Modifier is 59 Medicare Reimbursement In Office Hospital/Clinic Highest CPT (HCPCS) 96101 Psychological Testing $83.88 $80.64 $91.64 CPT (HCPCS) 96102 Computer Generated psychological testing done by technician $62.64 $24.12 $68.43 CPT (HCPCS) 96103 $28.08 $27.00 $30.68 Psychological and Neuropsychological Tests Psychological and neuropsychological tests that are billed under the CPT code range   Medicare billing and payment policy for these testing codes when performed by technicians, computers, physicians, clinical psychologists, independently practicing psychologists and other eligible qualified non-physician practitioners E-Pscyh Today, LLC.

E-Psych Today, LLC BEHAVORIAL HEALTH ASSESSMENT Contact us today for more information and a live demonstration.


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