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Portable Food Vendors : City of Harbor Springs Study

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1 Portable Food Vendors : City of Harbor Springs Study
July 21,2014

2 Why are we here? A proposal from Etta’s Kitchen was discussed at the March 3rd ,2014 City Council meeting. HARBOR, Inc. offered to head up a committee to research how other communities were addressing food trucks and portable food vendors. Volunteer committee members included: Tom Richards, Rachel Smolinski, Matt Bugera, Brian Ewbank, and Daniel DeWindt. The committee was tasked to report back to City Council with their research and recommendations, as appropriate.

3 Committee Recommendations presented to Council on June 2nd, 2014
Launch a survey in June to gauge public sentiment regarding portable food vendors. Encourage dialogue and the building of relationships among concerned stakeholders. Implement pilot programs to determine how portable vendors may be integrated into the Harbor Springs area Implement a 6-month pilot project for portable food vendors from June 2nd- December 2nd. Portable food vendors would be required to provide specific and detailed requests for approval for a temporary permit (as variance to existing city code) to operate at pre-approved community events with support from event organizers/sponsors. If approved by City Council, the vendor will work with the City Manager on logistical details, safety practices, and compliance. Launch a post-pilot project opinion survey to measure success

4 Harbor Springs Portable Food Vendor Survey
What is a Portable Food Vendor? any non-motorized or motorized cart, trailer, truck, booth, stand or other temporary and movable location for the sale of prepared food and/or beverages intended for immediate consumption.

5 What did we ask?

6 166 June 9th-23rd , 2014 Total Responses
Launched online, via Harbor Light, and in hard copy.

7 Q2: Are you a City of Harbor Springs resident?
Answered: Skipped: 1

8 Q3: Are you a City of Harbor Springs business owner?
Answered: Skipped: 1

9 Please feel free to choose more than one.
Answered: Skipped: 3

10 Please feel free to choose more than one.
Answered: Skipped: 3

11 Q4 : 71 Harbor Springs Residents responded

12 Q4: Harbor Springs Residents

13 Q4 :47 Harbor Springs Business Owners responded

14 Q4: Harbor Springs Business Owners

15 Q4 : 91 Non-residents responded

16 Q4: Non-Residents

17 November 29, 2018

18 Q5: In your opinion, food trucks…..
138 responses/comments Categorized by response as: Generally Favorable, Generally Opposed, and Cautious

19 In summary….. Overall results from survey indicate that respondents are in favor of incorporation of portable food vendors into the community in some manner. Overall results from survey indicate that respondents that are Harbor Springs residents or business owners are in favor of incorporation of portable food vendors into the community in some manner. Approximately 67% of respondents that provided comments in Q5 were “Generally Favorable” and “Cautious” regarding incorporation of portable food vendors into the community in some manner. Full comments provided to City Manager and Council.

20 Where do we go from here? Give Council the opportunity to “digest” the results of the June survey Continue with Council’s 6 month pilot program Once pilot period ends: Launch post-pilot survey?? City Council will evaluate results of survey(s) and pilot program Options Revise existing city code to further incorporate portable food vendors (as defined) OR, Revise existing code to further regulate (provide stricter rules for) portable food vendors, OR, No Action

21 Questions? Rachel Smolinski, Executive Director HARBOR, Inc.

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