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Treasury Community Workshop Baku, Azerbaijan, April 10-13, 2018

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1 Treasury Community Workshop Baku, Azerbaijan, April 10-13, 2018
Ministry of Finance Republic of Moldova Automation of Accounting and Reporting at the Level of Budget Users in the Republic of Moldova Treasury Community Workshop Baku, Azerbaijan, April 10-13, 2018

2 Legislative/regulatory framework to govern accounting of budget users
Contents Contents Legislative/regulatory framework to govern accounting of budget users Stages of accounting automation strengthening Capabilities of the automated accounting system Strategy of automated accounting system development

3 Legislative/regulatory framework to govern accounting of budget users
Accounting Act #113-XVI  of April 27, 2007 Public Finance and Fiscal Liability Act #181 of July 25, 2014 Public Finance Management Development Strategy for (Government resolution # 573 dated August 6, 2013) Chart of Accounts and Methodological Standards for Accounting and Financial Reporting of Budget Users (Order of the Ministry of Finance #216 of December 28, 2015) Other normative acts

4 Stages of accounting automation strengthening
January 1, 2008 – implementation of Integrated Information Accounting System in public authorities based on 1S 8.0 platform January 1, 2016: - Accounting reform (a new Chart of Accounts, a new methodology for accounting and reporting) – update of 1S 8.0 software Integration of 1S 8.0 application with the Information System for Public Finance management and the Information System of the National Tax Service Rollout of 1S 8.0 software application to the level of budget users.

5 Capabilities of the automated accounting system
Bank and cash settlements; Settlements with accountable persons расчеты с подотчетными лицами; Settlements with suppliers; Property accounting; Material accounting; Food accounting; Accounting for parental fees; Accounting for vehicles and fuel; Payment of salaries and wages; Generation of reports.

6 1S 8.0 software application functionality
Capabilities of the automated accounting system 1S 8.0 software application functionality Entry of budget allocations Generation of accounting registers Database for 1S Accounting Information System Generation of other supplementary forms Registration of economic operations Single Report on Taxes and Contributions National Tax Service Information System Registration of primary documents E-Docplat Information System Generation of Financial Reports Trez2 Information System CNFD Information System

7 Functionality of Financial Reporting Information System (CNFD)
Capabilities of the automated accounting system Functionality of Financial Reporting Information System (CNFD) Database of Financial Reporting Information System Validation of financial reports based on the introduced control algorithms Sending of financial reports to budget users Saving and authorization of financial reports

8 Strategy of automated accounting system development
Fintechinform company jointly with the Ministry of Finance is planning to establish the environment favorable for outsourcing and provision of accounting services for budget users Implementation of information services to maintain accounting for budget authorities/users on the platform shared with the Government

9 thank you for your attention!

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