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Welcome to Science Today’s goal – I can explain the steps to the scientific method Entry task – Explain independent and dependent variables Agenda: Practice.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Science Today’s goal – I can explain the steps to the scientific method Entry task – Explain independent and dependent variables Agenda: Practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Science Today’s goal – I can explain the steps to the scientific method Entry task – Explain independent and dependent variables Agenda: Practice finding variables with the Simpsons Tape example on page. 13 Create your own experiment and trade with a partner to see if they can identify the variables

2 The Simpsons conduct science experiments

3 Homer does an experiment

4 Bart’s experiment

5 Tape the last Simpson scenario in your notebook on pg. 13
Write an experiment below the taped in example Be sure to have and independent, dependent and control variable in the experiment Include enough data/information that another student can form a conclusion Trade with another student and see if they can identify your variables and come up with an experimental conclusion.

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