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Examination of Conscience

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1 Examination of Conscience

2 I need to think about My Actions

3 What happened today that makes me feel good and happy?
What happened today that I feel sad about? What did I do to make someone else happy today?

4 When do I pray and talk to God?
What do I put first in my life; sports, shopping, family, toys, TV? What place does God have in my life and the life of my family?

5 Do I participate in the Sunday liturgy?
Do I have reverence for the person(s), places, and things in the church? How important is my parish to me? Do I share my time, talent, and treasure with others?

6 How do I honor my parents
How do I honor my parents? Do I show respect for my teachers, coaches, catechists, grandparents, and others who guide and care for me? Do I ever cause my parents to get angry or impatient with me?

7 How do I care for my pets? Do I show love and care for those in my family who are younger than me? Do I thank God for the gift of life? Do I fight on the playground or act as a bully at school or at home?

8 Do I have a space around me that is just my space, for example my bedroom? Do I take care of it? Do I take care of my body as a holy gift from God? Do I respect other people’s private space?

9 Do I respect what belongs to others? Do I ever take things from stores?
Do I take care of my own things? How do I care for my own things? How do I care for the environment?

10 Do I tell the truth no matter what?
Do I think that “little” lies are all right? Do I say bad things about others that may not be true? Do I harm the good name of others?

11 Am I jealous of others and what they may have
Am I jealous of others and what they may have? Do I always want more that I have or am I satisfied with what I have? Do I care for my needy sisters and brother’s?

12 Ten Commandments Gods Laws

13 1st Commandment I am the Lord your God
  1st Commandment I am the Lord your God. You shall have no other gods before me Do I pray everyday? Do I worship only God?

14 You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
2nd Commandment Have I said the words "God" or "Jesus" to     someone because I was mad? Have I used bad words?

15 3rd Commandment Remember to Keep the Lord’s Day Holy
Have I missed Sunday Mass? Do I pay attention during Mass? Do I make Sunday a day of prayer and rest?

16 Honor your father and your mother. 4th Commandment
Do I obey my parents? Have I mistreated them by what I say and do? Am I willing to help around the house?

17 You Shall Not Kill 5th Commandment
Do I beat up others or hurt their bodies? Have I wished bad things to happen to someone?

18 You shall not commit adultery 6th Commandment
Do I treat my body and other people's bodies with respect? Do I look at television shows, movies, or pictures that are bad? Do I speak nicely to others?

19 You shall not steal 7th Commandment
Have I ruined another person's property for fun? Do I return things that I borrow in good condition? You shall not steal 7th Commandment

20 8th Commandment You shall not lie Am I honest with my school work?
Do I cheat or copy other’s work? Do you tell stories to make you look good?

21 You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. 9th Commandment
Do I allow my parents to spend time with one another, or do I get jealous and want them to pay attention to nobody else but me? Do I get mad when I have to share my friends? Are there kids I will not play with because they look different?

22 10th Commandment You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.
Am I jealous or envious of the things my friends have? Am I jealous of my friends that can play sports better than I can? Am I thankful to God and my parents for what they have given me? Do I share the things I have with my family, friends and poor people?

23 The Act of Contriction

24 My God, I am sorry for my sin with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good. I have sinned against you whom should I love above all things I firmly intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our Savior Jesus Christ suffered and died for us. In his name, my God, have mercy. Amen

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