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God made Jesus Head Over the Church

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Presentation on theme: "God made Jesus Head Over the Church"— Presentation transcript:

1 God made Jesus Head Over the Church
Ephesians 1:22-23

2 church Jesus - head body

3 a holy temple in the Lord - 2:21
church Jesus - head body

4 The church – eternal purpose – 3:10-11
a holy temple in the Lord - 2:21 church Jesus - head body The church – eternal purpose – 3:10-11

5 The church – eternal purpose – 3:10-11
a holy temple in the Lord - 2:21 The body One body - 3:6, 4:4, 12, 16, 5:22,24, 27,29,30,32 church Jesus - head body The church – eternal purpose – 3:10-11

6 Jesus: Head of the Church
Head – authority (Eph. 5:23-24)

7 Jesus: Head of the Church
Head – authority (Eph. 5:23-24) the only head!

8 Jesus: Head of the Church
Head – authority (Eph. 5:23-24) the only head! Head – Source ( Eph. 4:15-16, Col. 2:19)

9 Body: Fullness of God Is the church the fullness in that it “completes” God ? - husband/wife Or, the church is that which is filled by God? (Eph. 3:19) Church filled with His strength and power of God (Eph. 1:19-22, Phil. 4:13, Eph. 3:20)

10 Edward Gibbon A CANDID but rational inquiry into the progress and establishment of Christianity may be considered as a very essential part of the history of the Roman empire. While that great body was invaded by open violence, or undermined by slow decay, a pure and humble religion gently insinuated itself into the minds of men, grew up in silence and obscurity, derived new vigour from opposition, and finally erected the triumphant banner of the Cross on the ruins of the Capitol. (Chapt. 15 – The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire)

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