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TGn Closing Report – March ‘06
doc.: IEEE /0231r3 March 2006 TGn Closing Report – March ‘06 Date: Authors: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures <>, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at Bruce Kraemer, Conexant Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
TGn Minutes of January ’05 06/0037
March 2006 TGn Minutes of January ’05 06/0037 TGn Joint Proposal team presented their complete proposal to the IEEE TGn body as contained in documents: r5 [MAC] r4 [PHY] The JP proposal overview was presented to the body in documents: r0 - Overview r2 – Phy Details r5 – MAC Details Ample time was made available for Q&A Confirmation vote on adopting the JP as the TGn baseline document was held and the body approved it unanimously (184,0,4) A Technical Editor Election was held and Adrian Stephens from Intel was elected by acclamation. An ad hoc committee was formed to develop a PICS and MIB in time for the March meeting; Adrian Stephens volunteered to chair this committee; first conference call set for Feb 20 at 11 AM EST An ad hoc committee was formed to develop a Coexistence Assurance document; Sheung Li volunteered to chair this committee; first conference call set for Feb 20 at 4 PM EST Plans for March meeting were discussed and included: Presentation of draft & discussion Presentation of CA; discussion; joint meeting with .19; vote? Presentation of MIB & PICS; discussion; vote to incorporate in draft? Review timeline Set logistics for TGn peer review of draft before going to first LB Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
March 2006 Approve Minutes Motion to approve January ‘06 TGn minutes as contained in r0 Move: Second: Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Plans for March ’06 Meeting
Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Goals for March Presentation of draft & discussion
Presentation of submissions for noted defects Presentation of MIB & PICS; discussion Presentation of CA and discussion Vote on each of above items 2, 3, 4 to incorporate in draft Determine if draft is ready to become draft 1.0 and be presented to WG for release as letter ballot or determine steps remaining Review timeline Plan activities from end of March meeting thru May meeting Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Activity since January
March 2006 doc.: IEEE /0231r3 March 2006 Activity since January Prepare the draft Preparation of draft by rendering n Joint Proposal PHY Specification n Joint Proposal MAC Specification Corrected editorial content to produce draft available on members site Prepare to Fill the Gaps in March Detected 150 errors – these are listed in n-tgn-draft-omissions.xls Recruited authors to prepare a submission detailing the problem and how to rectify it. Grouped submissions into logical groupings for presentation Many trivial , some need more serious discussion Prepared first version of MIB ( n) & PICs ( n) documents for candidate insertions into draft Prepared first version of Coexistence Assurance document for candidate attachment to draft to address requirements n Bruce Kraemer, Conexant Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Significant Documents for March
P802.11n-D0.04.pdf draft n-tgn-draft-omissions.xls Correction Submissions TGn PICS TGn MIB TGn CA TGn Opening Report Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Submission Status March 2006 March 2006 doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0231r3
Bruce Kraemer, Conexant Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Additional Procedural Matters
March 2006 doc.: IEEE /0231r3 March 2006 Additional Procedural Matters Officer confirmation vote Bruce Kraemer – Chair Sheung Li – Vice Chair Garth Hillman – Secretary Adrian Stephens – Technical editor Other candidates Approve modified PAR to remove version reference n-tgn-modified par-form Bruce Kraemer, Conexant Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Timeline, Meeting Plans
March 2006 doc.: IEEE /0231r3 March 2006 TGn –March ‘06 Schedule Meeting Room: Centennial D Mar 6 Mar 7 Mar 8 Mar 9 Mar 10 Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:00-10:00 Ad hoc 8-11 am X Submissions Discussion, Votes 10:30-12:30 13:30-15:30 Opening Reports Chair, Draft, MIB, PICS, CA 16:00-18:00 Timeline, Meeting Plans PAR Mod 19:30-21:30 am 1 am 2 pm 1 pm 2 eve Bruce Kraemer, Conexant Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Timeline, Meeting Plans
March 2006 doc.: IEEE /0231r3 March 2006 TGn –March ‘06 Schedule Meeting Room: Centennial D Mar 6 Mar 7 Mar 8 Mar 9 Mar 10 Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:00-10:00 Ad hoc 8-11 am X Submissions Discussion, Votes 10:30-12:30 13:30-15:30 Opening Reports Chair, Draft, MIB, PICS, CA 16:00-18:00 Timeline, Meeting Plans PAR Mod 19:30-21:30 am 1 LB vote am 2 Draft post pm 1 pm 2 TG Draft vote eve Bruce Kraemer, Conexant Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Any other Presentations? Any other agenda items?
March 2006 Any other Presentations? Any other agenda items? Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
March 2006 Approve Agenda Motion to approve January ’06 TGn agenda as contained on slide 23 & 24 (with any minuted amendments). Move: Second: Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
802.11 P&P – WG Elections (11-05-0456r0)
March 2006 P&P – WG Elections ( r0) 2.3.6 Working Group Officer Election Process The election of the IEEE WG Officers (Chair and Vice-Chairs) is held in March of each even-numbered year. The nominations for the election shall be held at the WG Opening Plenary meeting. The WG Chair shall designate one of the WG Vice-Chairs as an Acting Chair Pro Tem if the WG Chair is running for re-election. If not running for re-election, the WG Chair shall conduct the election process. This election process shall be used for each WG officer election. The Acting Chair shall open the floor for nominations. The Acting Chair shall close nominations after the nominations have been made.. Each candidate shall be given a short time (nominally, two minutes) for an introductory statement of acceptance that should nominally contain the candidate’s: Summary of qualifications Commitment to participate and accept duties and responsibilities Vision for the WG. The floor shall be opened for discussion (nominally for five-ten minutes total). The Acting Chair should limit the duration of comments and promote open participation, both pros and cons. If only one candidate is nominated, the Acting Chair may choose to sharply limit the debate. The discussion shall be repeated, with the WG Chair leading the process for the nomination(s) of the WG Vice-Chair(s). Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
802.11 P&P – TG Elections (11-05-0456r0)
March 2006 P&P – TG Elections ( r0) Task Group version of for TG Officer Election Process The election of the IEEE TG Officers (Chair and Vice-Chairs) is held in March of each even-numbered year. The nominations for the election shall be held at the Opening TG meeting. The TG Chair shall designate the TG Vice-Chairs as an Acting Chair Pro Tem if the WG Chair is running for re-election. If not running for re-election, the WG Chair shall conduct the election process. This election process shall be used for each WG officer election. The Acting Chair shall open the floor for nominations. The Acting Chair shall close nominations after the nominations have been made.. Each candidate shall be given a short time (nominally, two minutes) for an introductory statement of acceptance that should nominally contain the candidate’s: Summary of qualifications Commitment to participate and accept duties and responsibilities Vision for the WG. The floor shall be opened for discussion (nominally for five-ten minutes total). The Acting Chair should limit the duration of comments and promote open participation, both pros and cons. If only one candidate is nominated, the Acting Chair may choose to sharply limit the debate. The discussion shall be repeated, with the TG Chair leading the process for the nomination(s) of the TG Vice-Chair(s). The process will be repeated for the Secretary and Technical Editor. Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
March 2006 End of Closing Report Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Technical Editor’s Status Report 11-06-0420
March 2006 First Presentation Technical Editor’s Status Report Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
March 2006 TGn Wednesday Update Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Timeline, Meeting Plans
March 2006 doc.: IEEE /0231r3 March 2006 TGn –March ‘06 Schedule Meeting Room: Centennial D Mar 6 Mar 7 Mar 8 Mar 9 Mar 10 Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:00-10:00 Ad hoc 8-11 am X Submissions Discussion, Votes 10:30-12:30 13:30-15:30 Opening Reports Chair, Draft, MIB, PICS, CA 16:00-18:00 Timeline, Meeting Plans PAR Mod 19:30-21:30 am 1 LB vote am 2 Draft post pm 1 pm 2 TG Draft vote eve Bruce Kraemer, Conexant Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Delete this specific reference
March 2006 11n PAR on file with SA 1. Assigned Project Number: n 2. Sponsor Date of Request: 3. Type of Document: Standard for 4. Title of Document: Draft: Amendment to STANDARD [FOR] Information Technology-Telecommunications and information exchange between systems-Local and Metropolitan networks-Specific requirements-Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications: Enhancements for Higher Throughput 5. Life Cycle: Full Use 6. Type of Project: 6a. Is this an update to an existing PAR? No 6b. The Project is a: Amendment to Std (2003 edition) Delete this specific reference Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
PAR Maintenance Update TGn
March 2006 PAR Maintenance Update TGn Moved, That the working group chair is requested submit to NESCOM via the 802 ExecComm a PAR maintenance update to change item 6b to be “Amendment to Std ” in the High Throughput (TGn) PAR Move: Second: Results: Reference document n Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Additional Submission Documents
March 2006 Additional Submission Documents TGn PICS - Simon Black TGn MIB - Srini Kandala TGn CA - Sheung Li Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
March 2006 TGn Thursday Update Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Timeline, Meeting Plans
March 2006 doc.: IEEE /0231r3 March 2006 TGn –March ‘06 Schedule Meeting Room: Centennial D Mar 6 Mar 7 Mar 8 Mar 9 Mar 10 Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:00-10:00 Ad hoc 8-11 am X Submissions Discussion, Votes 10:30-12:30 13:30-15:30 Opening Reports Chair, Draft, MIB, PICS, CA 16:00-18:00 Timeline, Meeting Plans PAR Mod 19:30-21:30 am 1 LB vote am 2 Draft post pm 1 pm 2 TG Draft vote eve Bruce Kraemer, Conexant Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Remaining submissions
March 2006 Remaining submissions Chris Hansen Compressed feedback Clarification on OM149: Some PSMP-enabled STAs may miss PSMP frame and remain awake for the entire PSMP sequence duration Harkirat Singh, Huai-Rong Shao clarification on OM149 clarification on OM149 Assaf Kasher Clause 20 PHY specs Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
If we want to get to Letter Ballot in March…
All presentations, discussions and votes to incorporate text Completed by 12:30 lunch break Editor incorporates all text and works with Harry to place draft 0.04 on server and member’s area. Time stamp of posting time recorded. to WG reflector. Voting version of draft must be on the server by 1:30 pm TGn formally votes (75% approval required) 4 hours after posting to accept draft 0.04 and send forward to WG with request to go to letter ballot. Vote would occur at 5:30 pm if posting time was 1:30 pm Friday morning at ~ 9:30 am Motion in WG requesting approval to allow draft 0.04 be sent out for WG LB. If motion passes (75% approval required) draft 0.04 becomes draft 1.0 Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Agenda Items for 4pm-6pm session
March 2006 Agenda Items for 4pm-6pm session Update to ad hoc request Brian Hart High throughput MAC presentation – Mathilde Benveniste LB motion (not earlier than 4:55pm) Plans for May Review Timeline Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Motion for Letter Ballot
March 2006 Motion for Letter Ballot Believing that the P802.11n draft 0.04 satisfies all WG rules for letter ballot, instruct the editor to change the version number to draft 1.0 and move to request the WG to authorize a 40-day letter ballot on draft 1.0 to conclude no later than April 28, 2006 asking the question “Should the attached n draft 1.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” Move: Art Astrin Second: Jim Petranovich Results: 98/14/14 Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
If LB approved What happens next?....
March 2006 If LB approved What happens next?.... Letter ballot actually distributed about 10 days after session close on Sunday March 19. Letter ballot closes after 40 days on Friday April 28. Comments prepared for resolution Suggest 3 day ad hoc to prepare May session begins Monday May 15. “N” Additional ad hocs between May and July July session begins Monday July 17 Conclude with approval to begin new LB Or continue cycle through September if LB approved Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
March 2006 Ad Hoc Motion Motion: Authorize TGn to hold an ad hoc session on May 12,13 (Fri, Sat) 2006 at the Hyatt hotel location in Jacksonville, FL. for the purpose of organizing letter ballot comments and recommended changes for comment resolution during the May interim meeting. Move: Adrian Second: Dave B Results: Unanimous if LB approved Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
March 2006 Ad Hoc Motion Motion: Authorize TGn to hold a teleconference on May at 11am ET. for the purpose of organizing letter ballot comments and recommended changes for comment resolution during the May interim meeting. Move: Adrian Second: Brett Results: Unanimous if LB approved Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
March 2006 Ad Hoc Motion Motion: Authorize TGn to hold weekly teleconferences on Wednesday at 11am ET beginning on May 24, 2006 and ending September 6, 2006 for the purpose of organizing and preparing tentative resolutions for letter ballot comments and recommended changes for discussion during subsequent meetings. if LB approved Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Meet for comment preparation 1. on Thursday Friday May 11,12 (5)
March 2006 Meet for comment preparation 1. on Thursday Friday May 11,12 (5) 2. on Friday, Saturday May 12, 13 (11) 3. on Wed , Thurs May 10, 11 (1) How many would attend the preparation session on May 12,13? 15 Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
March 2006 Ad Hoc Motion Motion: Authorize TGn to hold an ad hoc session (if deemed necessary by TGn during the May session) on June 6, at the Santa Clara Intel location with the purpose of preparing, for discussion in TGn during the July plenary meeting, tentative responses to received letter ballot comments. Move: Second: Results: if LB approved Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
If LB not approved What happens next?....
March 2006 If LB not approved What happens next?.... Request for comment (using from equivalent to that used for LB) distributed about 2 days after session close. Comment collection period closes after ~30 days on Friday April 14. Comments prepared for resolution Suggest 3 day ad hoc to prepare May session begins Monday May 15. Resolve issues and issue LB beginning ~ Monday May 29 Hold ad hoc to prepare comments on July 10,11,12 July session begins Monday July 17 Resolve LB comments Or continue cycle through September if LB not approved Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Motion for Request for Comment
March 2006 doc.: IEEE /0231r3 March 2006 Motion for Request for Comment Believing that the p802.11n draft is reasonably complete but would benefit from further review, move to issue a 30 day “Request for comment” to the WG to conclude no later than April 24, 2006. Move: Second: Results: if LB not approved Bruce Kraemer, Conexant Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
March 2006 Ad Hoc Motion Motion: Authorize TGn to hold an ad hoc session on May 2, 3, at location ….. for the purpose of preparing request for comment responses for discussion during the May interim meeting. Move: Second: Results: if LB not approved Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Timeline Current dates First LB May ‘06 Recirc Sept ’06
March 2006 Timeline Current dates First LB May ‘06 Recirc Sept ’06 Form SB pool Sep ’06 Begin SB Jan ’07 SB recirc May ’07 Final WG app Jul ’07 RevCom + SB Sept ‘07 Proposed dates First LB xx ‘06 Recirc xx ’06 Form SB pool xx ’06 Begin SB xx ’07 SB recirc xx ’07 Final WG app xx ’07 RevCom + SB xx ‘07 Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
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