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Influence of Culture.

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1 Influence of Culture

2 San Antonio Who has heard of San Antonio? Who has been to San Antonio?
What did you see there? When you hear San Antonio what language does that sound similar to?

3 What do you see? The Alamo.

4 San Antonio and the Alamo
Both the name San Antonio (Saint Anthony) and the Alamo are examples of how cultures can impact one another. Do you know what the Alamo actually was? It was a Spanish mission. The Spaniards that came to the New World (North America) brought their culture with them. Part of their culture was their Catholic Religion. When they settled in current day Mexico, Texas and Florida they built missions to spread their religion to the Native Americans.

5 Jamestown In 1607, English explorers came to the New World (North America) and set up the colony of Jamestown. The English were wanting more land and resources for the King of England. When they arrived they brought their culture with them and they shared it with the Native Americans. Sometimes by force and by accident. For example, the Native Americans were exposed to diseases European diseases such as small pox which ended up killing many of them.

6 Your turn! Using your device as a table group investigate and respond to the following questions- The city of New Orleans in Louisiana has what cultural influence? Which European nation settled there? Why did the settlers choose to live near the Mississippi River?

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