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Delivering multiple benefit messages –

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1 Delivering multiple benefit messages –
A partnership between the grains industry and NRM

2 Objectives Develop partnerships between grains industry R,D & E providers & regional NRM organisations Identify and prioritise issues that are common to grains industry & NRM Develop and deliver four pilot communications and extension projects

3 Partnerships for Collaboration
State government agencies – DEWNR, DEPI & DPI NSW NRM, CMA and LLS Boards and organisations Department of Agriculture Grain growers Farming systems groups GRDC Research, development and extension providers

4 Outcome Expand the networks and pathways for the delivery of co-ordinated & targeted communications & extension Focus on key issues affecting grains production & have clear NRM benefits

5 Process Identify common issues – grains / NRM Rank issues in order of regional importance Identify the desired outcomes - production & environmental benefits Develop communication and extension plans Deliver pilot communication and extension projects Monitor & evaluate success of projects

6 Pilot Project Regions Northern and Yorke, South Australia
“Holistic approach to weed management - all weeds in all years” Matt McCallum

7 Pilot Project Regions Eyre Peninsula, South Australia Linden Masters
“Improving production and management on the dune swale systems” Linden Masters

8 Pilot Project Regions North East Mallee – Victorian and NSW Mallee
“Integrated weed management strategies that embrace robust rotations to manage Brome Grass” South West Mallee – SA and southern Victorian Mallee “Maximising the productivity of sandy soils” Stuart Putland

9 Flagship Extension Products
Guidelines to optimise the productivity, profitability and environmental sustainability of sandy soils Guidelines to manage key weed species in low rainfall districts

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