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Water Use.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Use."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Use

2 Your Task Make a list of all the things humans use water for: What do we use water for? Which one uses the most water?

3 Can you think of any different ways to display data?
Displaying Data We use lots of different methods to display data so that its easy to spot patterns and trends. Part of your role as a geographer is to describe and try to explain what you see in these displays. Can you think of any different ways to display data?

4 Your Task Turn to page in your textbooks Make notes on the information under the heading ‘Where water is used’ How can we use this information to help us describe what we see in figure 5.18?

5 Your Task Now its your turn. On your own look at figure 5.19 and try to describe what this data is showing you. Remember to use the PQE method to help you break it down. Share your ideas with the class.

6 Water use in Australia The next two graphs show you water use in Australia. Complete the following sentences for each graph: 1)Figure ______ is a pie chart showing… 2)The sector in this figure which uses the most water is….. 3) Another important sector is…. because…. 4) The sector which is most surprising is….. because…..

7 Questioning what you see…
Another role for you as a geographer once you have tried to describe and explain the patterns is to develop further questions to research. What questions does the information shown in figure 5.20 raise? Can you think of your own questions for figure 5.21?

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