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Standard Grade Chemistry Topic 5

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1 Standard Grade Chemistry Topic 5
Hydrocarbons Standard Grade Chemistry Topic 5

2 Learning outcomes Success criteria
Understand what hydrocarbons are. You can define the term “hydrocarbon”. Give examples of substances which are hydrocarbons. Identify a substance as a hydrocarbon, given its name, structure or formula.

3 Hydrocarbons A hydrocarbon is “a compound which contains hydrogen and carbon ONLY”. Which of the following substances are hydrocarbons? Methane (CH4) Glucose (C6H12O6) Hydrogen (H2) Ethanol (C2H6O) Carbon

4 Standard Grade Chemistry Topic 5
Fuels and combustion Standard Grade Chemistry Topic 5

5 Learning outcomes Success criteria
Understand what fuels are. You can define the term “fuel”. You can state four examples of substances which are fuels. Know what is meant by “combustion”. You can define the term “combustion”. Know what is meant by an “exothermic reaction”. You can define the term “exothermic”.

6 Learning outcomes Success criteria
Understand the difference between complete and incomplete combustion. You can describe examples of situations where complete and/or incomplete combustion will take place. You can write word equations for the complete and incomplete combustion of a hydrocarbon.




10 Enough fuel for 4 billion more years
Fuels and combustion A fuel is “a substance which is burned to release energy”. “Combustion” is another word for “burning”. Burning requires oxygen (O2). Enough fuel for 4 billion more years


12 Air What is the percentage composition of air?

13 Types of combustion Look at a Bunsen burner and the different types of flame. There are 2 types of combustion complete and incomplete

14 Incomplete combustion
Hydrocarbon oxygen carbon dioxide water + Incomplete combustion Hydrocarbon oxygen carbon monoxide water + carbon

15 Learning outcomes Success criteria
Understand what fuels are. You can define the term “fuel”. You can state four examples of substances which are fuels. Know what is meant by “combustion”. You can define the term “combustion”. Know what is meant by an “exothermic reaction”. You can define the term “exothermic”.

16 Learning outcomes Success criteria
Understand the difference between complete and incomplete combustion. You can describe examples of situations where complete and/or incomplete combustion will take place. You can write word equations for the complete and incomplete combustion of a hydrocarbon.

17 Products of combustion
Standard Grade Chemistry Topic 5

18 Learning outcomes Success criteria
Know how to predict what products will be produced when a substance is burned. You can name the products produced given the name of the elements present in a fuel. Know characteristic properties of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. You can describe the properties of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, including: State at room temperature Flammability You can state why high concentrations of carbon monoxide are dangerous. You can state the test for carbon dioxide gas, naming the chemical you would use and the result.

19 Burning fuels When a substance burns ALL of the different types of atom in it react with oxygen Atom in fuel Products Carbon Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide Hydrogen Hydrogen oxide (water) Sulphur Sulphur dioxide

20 Equations Write word and chemical equations for the following substances burning: Methane (CH4) Glucose (C6H12O6) Hydrogen (H2) Ethanol (C2H5OH) Carbon *Coal (contains carbon, hydrogen and sulphur) – no need for a chemical equation here

21 Testing for the products of combustion
Cobalt chloride paper Lime water

22 Carbon Dioxide vs Monoxide
Chemical Formula Chemical Test Other information Carbon dioxide CO2 Lime water turns from colourless to cloudy We breath it out; it makes drinks fizzy; it dissolves in water producing a weak acid; it is associated with “global warming” Carbon monoxide CO No test Poisonous gas, does not dissolve

23 Learning outcomes Success criteria
Know how to predict what products will be produced when a substance is burned. You can name the products produced given the name of the elements present in a fuel. Know characteristic properties of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. You can describe the properties of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, including: State at room temperature Flammability You can state why high concentrations of carbon monoxide are dangerous. You can state the test for carbon dioxide gas, naming the chemical you would use and the result.

24 Standard Grade Chemistry Topic 5
Cars and air pollution Standard Grade Chemistry Topic 5

25 Learning outcomes Success criteria
Understand what products are produced in a petrol car engine. You can name the products produced in a petrol car engine. You can explain how each substance is produced. You can state which of the products are harmful. Know why certain products are classified as harmful. You describe the harmful effect of the harmful products produced.

26 Learning outcomes Success criteria
Understand how air pollution from the combustion of hydrocarbons in petrol cars can be reduced. You can explain how air pollution can be reduced, including: what a catalytic converter is what type of metal is used in a catalytic converter examples of the reactions which a catalytic converter controls. the effect of altering the air:fuel ratio

27 Cars and pollution Cars burn petrol (C8H18).
Petrol sometimes contains sulphur compounds. What products of combustion will come out of the exhaust?

28 Sulphur dioxide SO2 Dissolves in rain water to produce acid rain.


30 Cars and pollution 2 Nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide also come out the exhausts of cars. They also cause acid rain. Where do they come from?

31 N2 O2 N O Nitrogen and Oxygen
A high-energy spark from the engine spark plug allows N2 and O2 to react. Oxides of nitrogen (NO, NO2 etc) are produced.



34 Learning outcomes Success criteria
Understand what products are produced in a petrol car engine. You can name the products produced in a petrol car engine. You can explain how each substance is produced. You can state which of the products are harmful. Know why certain products are classified as harmful. You describe the harmful effect of the harmful products produced.

35 Learning outcomes Success criteria
Understand how air pollution from the combustion of hydrocarbons in petrol cars can be reduced. You can explain how air pollution can be reduced, including: what a catalytic converter is what type of metal is used in a catalytic converter examples of the reactions which a catalytic converter controls. the effect of altering the air:fuel ratio

36 Fractional distillation
Standard Grade Chemistry Topic 5

37 Learning outcomes Success criteria
Understand what crude oil is. You can classify crude oil as a compound or mixture. You can describe the composition of crude oil. Understand how “fractional distillation” can be used as a separating technique. You can describe what “fractional distillation” is used to do. You can state what property of substances enables them to be separated by fractional distillation. Know what a “fraction” is. You can define a “fraction”. You can name the fractions produced from crude oil.

38 Learning outcomes Success criteria
Understand how the properties of fractions vary down a fractionating column. You can label a diagram of a fractionating tower to show the trend in ease of evaporation viscosity flammability boiling point. Given the names of fractions, you can state how they compare in terms of these properties. You can explain this trend in terms of: Molecular size/mass Strength of forces between molecules How much energy is required to break these forces Understand how the uses of fractions are related to their boiling point. You can state a use for each fraction. You can justify why a particular fraction is appropriate for its use.

39 Separating techniques
There are many separating techniques in chemistry. Examples: filtration, evaporation, chromatography… Distillation can be used to separate two liquids.




43 Fraction: “a group of compounds with boiling points within a given range”.
Increasing viscosity Increasing boiling point Decreasing flammability Decreasing volatility View animation

44 Learning outcomes Success criteria
Understand what crude oil is. You can classify crude oil as a compound or mixture. You can describe the composition of crude oil. Understand how “fractional distillation” can be used as a separating technique. You can describe what “fractional distillation” is used to do. You can state what property of substances enables them to be separated by fractional distillation. Know what a “fraction” is. You can define a “fraction”. You can name the fractions produced from crude oil.

45 Learning outcomes Success criteria
Understand how the properties of fractions vary down a fractionating column. You can label a diagram of a fractionating tower to show the trend in ease of evaporation viscosity flammability boiling point. Given the names of fractions, you can state how they compare in terms of these properties. You can explain this trend in terms of: Molecular size/mass Strength of forces between molecules How much energy is required to break these forces Understand how the uses of fractions are related to their boiling point. You can state a use for each fraction. You can justify why a particular fraction is appropriate for its use.

46 Standard Grade Chemistry Topic 5
Fossil Fuels Standard Grade Chemistry Topic 5

47 Learning outcomes Success criteria
Understand what fossil fuels are. You can name three examples of fossil fuels. You can describe the formation of each, making reference to: when they were made what they were made from layers of mud high temperature and pressure Understand why the terms “finite” and “fuel crisis” can be applied to the use of fossil fuels. You can define the term “finite”. You can explain why continued use of fossil fuels will lead to an energy crisis.

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