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Lab Write-up 2011-2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Lab Write-up 2011-2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lab Write-up

2 Mini- Lab Write up (This is what you will do almost everyday
Title Procedure (Explain the what we did in your own words) 2-3 sentences/ numbered Results (Tell what we saw, in your own words) 2-3 sentences Conclusion (why did what happened, happen? connect it to the reading). 5-6 sentences.

3 Lab Format Title Your name and Hour
(Each Section Heading should be Underlined) Example: Introduction

4 What are your trying to find out or do? 1-2 sentences
Introduction What are your trying to find out or do? 1-2 sentences This is a statement NOT a question This is where you tell me how did you arrive at your hypothesis?

5 Hypothesis Use the “If independent variable then, dependent variable because…” format Example: If 200mL water is added to the plant, then the plant will grow two centimeters a week because plants need water to grow. Independent is set Dependent is what changes or DEPENDS on the independent.

6 Research Find out everything you can about your topic
What do you know about plants? If you know nothing you will need to look some information up or retrieve it from a past reading. 3 sentences

7 Materials Materials List form Use bullets
Include amounts where appropriate All quantities should be in the metric system

8 Procedure Keep detailed notes of your experiment, measurement and observation in your science notebook Purpose (why are you doing this) Include important numbers Should be detailed enough for anyone to be able to repeat your experiment by just reading the paper Numbered step-by-step format As many steps as you have, all need to be included!

9 Results Record all data you collected.
Masses, lengths, times, observations Include data charts, drawings and graphs Analyze your results (what does it all mean?) All data should be presented using the metric system of measurements There is very little writing here, this is just the facts. What did you find?

10 Conclusion Summarize your results
Conclusion should be short, exact, direct, and to the point Do not introduce anything new that has not already been mentioned Was your hypothesis true or false? What did you learn? What would you do differently? 6-10 sentences

11 Final Draft This should be typed in Arial or Times new Roman size 12-point font Hand written must be in best final draft form. If it is not neat, I will expect you to re-write. You are expected to make improvements one lab to the next (a 4 in September will be a 2 in June) There will be 4 full lab write-ups a quarter.

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