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Get out a piece of note book paper

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1 Get out a piece of note book paper
Get out a piece of note book paper. Put your FIRST and LAST name at the top. Put your class period at the top. Number 1-10

2 7.0 Practicing Science Skills

3 Scenario You come home from school and you are starving! You gather all of the ingredients for a magnificent peanut butter and jelly sandwich and put them on the bar. You scoop out a huge glob of creamy peanut butter, but just as you go to spread it, you notice, to your HORROR, grey and green and white spots on your bread. What the heck?!

4 Question 1 A. quantitative observation B. qualitative observation C. inference observation What type of observation did you make about the spots on the bread?

5 You decide to check it out before you eat the bread
You decide to check it out before you eat the bread. You Google penicillin and find a site that says penicillin comes from mold, and you are pretty sure that those are mold spots on your bread. You decide that it is OK to eat the bread because you’ve taken penicillin before and it made you feel better when you were sick.

6 Question 2 A. making an inference B. making an observation C. collecting data D. doing an experiment When you decided that the bread was OK to eat, what phrase best describes this type of thought process?

7 Question 3 A. observing B. researching C. experimenting D. communicating information When you used Google to get more information about your question, what part of the scientific method were you doing?

8 Being a curious kid, you wonder how the mold got onto the bread and why it started growing. You think it might have something to do with the warm summer weather. There are 2 slices of white bread left in a separate bread bag so you decide to conduct an experiment. You place each of the slices in its own plastic container and seal it. Scenario

9 You put one container of bread in the kitchen cabinet where you normally keep the bread and another container in the refrigerator. You leave both slices there for 2 weeks and check them every day. Scenario

10 Question 4 What was the hypothesis for this experiment?
If bread is tightly sealed, then mold will form on the bread. If bread is moist, then mold will form on the bread. If bread is warm, then mold will form on the bread. If bread is old, then mold will form on the bread. What was the hypothesis for this experiment?

11 Question 5 A. temperature condition B. light condition C. moisture condition D. air circulation What was the Independent Variable for the experiment you designed? How does _________ affect ____________?

12 Question 6 The amount of moisture on the bread. The type of bread. The temperature of the bread. D. Both A and B What was (were) the controlled variables (constants) in this experiment?

13 After a few days, you check your bread, and sure enough, there’s mold on the one stored in the cabinet! But wait a sec, the one in refrigerator has some mold too? That’s weird….. You keep up with the experiment even though it is not turning out like you thought. Scenario

14 You decide that you also need a good way to measure the amount of mold on each slice, since they BOTH have mold. It is no longer a yes or no question if mold will grow only in warm locations. You decide to estimate the percentage of each slice covered in mold each day. Scenario %

15 Question 7 Independent Variable Dependent Variable Control Group D. Controlled Variable The percentage of mold on the bread that you measure represents which part of the experiment? How does _________ affect ____________?

16 Data: 5 days days days cabinet fridge

17 You write down your measurements every other day, and they look like this:
Scenario Day Number % mold covering fridge slice % mold covering cabinet slice 1 3 5 25 7 10 40 9 30 70 11 90 13 50 100

18 Question 8 Line graph Bar graph C. Pie chart D. Data table Which type of graph would be best to use to communicate this data of change in the percentage of mold over time.

19 Scenario You create a graph of your data to better analyze it.

20 Question 9 Mold grew the fastest in the refrigerator because mold likes cold temperatures. Mold grew the fastest in the refrigerator because mold likes extra moisture. Mold grew the fastest in the cabinet because mold likes warm temperatures. Mold grew the fastest in the cabinet because mold likes air circulation. Which of these claims would be accurate, based on your data and experiment conditions?

21 Question 10 Yes, because measurements were made.
Yes, because only two things were tested at a time. No, because not enough repeated trials were done. No, because the experiment was not done in a lab. Would this experiment be a “fair test?”

22 1. Exchange your paper with someone around you. 2
1. Exchange your paper with someone around you. 2. Get out a pen/pencil for grading.

23 Answers to the Quiz B D A B B A C C A C

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