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MWH Unit Four Day 3.

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1 MWH Unit Four Day 3

2 Wednesday, January 24, 2018 Open your notebook and write the day, date, and year Create a list of 5 inventors you have heard of ***Challenge! Have other inventors than all Caucasian males

3 Consequences for Societies Worldwide
1st block lesson: Choose a partner Use the green textbook p You will create the following chart in your notebook and fill it in with 5 examples for each Under the chart write this sentence and complete the paragraph with your opinion and 3 reason why “ I believe that the Industrial Revolution resulted in ___________________ consequences for societies world wide.” Positive Consequences of the Industrial Revolution Negative Consequences of the Industrial Revolution 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

4 Consequences for Societies Worldwide
Scenario: it is 1880 in Great Britain. The House of Lords (similar to the USA’s Congress) is debating whether or not the Industrial Revolution has had positive or negative consequences for Great Britain. House of Lords visual

5 Consequences for Societies Worldwide
Scenario: it is 1880 in Great Britain. The House of Lords (similar to the USA’s Congress) is debating whether or not the Industrial Revolution has had positive or negative consequences for Great Britain. You Task: Using notes from the last two classes, and p in the green textbook, your group (4 people maximum) has two tasks: 1. write a seven sentence speech with 5 specific reasons for the side your group takes 2. create individual protests for everyone else in the group

6 Protest sign examples You Task: Using notes from the last two classes, and p in the green textbook, your group (4 people maximum) has two tasks: 1. write a seven sentence speech with 5 specific reasons for the side your group takes 2. create individual protests for everyone else in the group

7 What!? More people??!! You will choose one person that was significant during the time of te Industrial Revolution You may work individually, or with a partner What will you create? A trading card

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