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This is the Widlar Iref generator.

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1 This is the Widlar Iref generator.
VDD VDD M3 M4 This is the Widlar Iref generator. Can make M1, M3, and M4 to have similar Veff, but M2 has smaller Veff. A popular choice: W2=4W1  Veff2 = 0.5Veff1; Or W2=2W1  Veff2 = 0.707Veff1. R = (Veff1 – Veff2)/Iref Needs start-up circuit. M1 M2

2 Start-up circuit in the HW replaced RB by a diode connected transistor.
= Vgs1/Iref

3 Start-up circuit consuming no static current

4 Cascoded version for better Vdd insensitivity.
M3 M4 Cascoded version for better Vdd insensitivity. But requires high Vdd: 3Vt+5Veff, if Rss has about one Veff. M1 M2

5 A version that supports low supply voltage: as low as Vt + 5Veff

6 A self-biasing version for mid to low Vdd: 2Vt + 6 Veff
Vbp M7 M8 A self-biasing version for mid to low Vdd: 2Vt + 6 Veff M5 M6 Vcp M9 M11 Vcn M12 M10 M3 M4 M1 M2 Vnn Rss

7 Temperature independent reference
Generate a negatively PTAT (Proportional To Absolute Temperature) and a positively PTAT quantities and sum them appropriately. X can be voltage or current

8 Bandgap voltage reference
Chapter 7 Figure 09 Works in bipolar or BiCMOS

9 A Common way of bandgap reference
This is easily available in digital CMOS DVBE  kT/q

10 VBE has negative temp coeff at roughly -2
VBE has negative temp coeff at roughly -2.2 mV/°C at room temperature, called CTAT or NTAT Vt = kT/q is PTAT that has a temperature coefficient of mV/°C at room temperature. Multiply Vt by a constant K and sum it with the VBE to get VREF = VBE + KVt If K is right (2.2/0.08526), temperature coefficient can be zero.

11 In general, use VBE + VPTAT

12 Bandgap reference still varies a little with temp

13 How to get Bipolar in CMOS?

14 Layout P-active is E N-well is B P-substrate is C Tie both n-well and p-substrate to Vss Issues: this will not pass LVS Cadence does not know how to simulate

15 VDD VDD VDD - + Vref R xR Q nQ nQ

16 Cascoded CM Cascoded CG amplifier

17 Chapter 7 Figure 15

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