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Journal – tell the story with a full plot in 50 words (Exactly).

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Presentation on theme: "Journal – tell the story with a full plot in 50 words (Exactly)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal – tell the story with a full plot in 50 words (Exactly).

2 Elements of Fiction Vocab
Any words you need to go over? Any questions? Due tomorrow! 60 point grade for Language.

3 Short story Writing What is your character? Make a character map….
Physical Appearance Personality Traits What do they want?

4 Short story writing 2) What is your context? Make a context map…
What does the setting look like? Sound like? Feel like? What is the mood you want your reader to have?

5 SHORT STORY WRITING Try to incorporate as many elements of fiction as you can. At the minimum you need a developed character and a full plot. Who are they? What do they want? What happens?

6 word wall REQUIREMENTS:
1) Write your assigned term in the center in LARGE LETTERS. 2) Write the definition/meaning IN YOUR OWN WORDS. 3) Write three related examples/sentences of the term. 4) Include one large illustration or two-three small ones that help visualize the term. PLEASE USE COLOR!!! 5) Put your name on the back.

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