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100 Day Challenge and Moving Forward

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1 100 Day Challenge and Moving Forward
Danielle Green-Welch Emancipation Unit Supervisor

2 100 DAY CHALLENGE GOAL As of November 19, 2016, 100% of all youth aging out of foster care will have stable housing, and 100% of all youth aging out of foster care will have positive lifelong connections.

3 PREVENTION PROCESSES Enhance transition planning to ensure “rock solid housing plan” prior to aging out Create and implement “Homeless Indicator Checklist” to identify vulnerable youth Team decision meeting to review action steps and develop a more comprehensive transition plan Added two social worker youth navigators to Emancipation Unit to work with youth after aging out Explore utilizing public-private partnership to expedite use of child welfare dollars for short-term rental assistance

4 DCFS partnership with public housing
CMHA Fast-Track Housing for: Young adults who aged out of care Ages 18 to 21 Process began July 2014 Provides affordable, stable housing for aged-out youth Standard waiting time for CMHA housing is 18 to 24 months; fast-track process connects youth to public housing in 90 to 120 days

5 Emancipation Supportive Services
CMHA ESS is set up to provide consistent on-going interaction and support between CMHA property management, youth housed and the Emancipation Unit The goal is to reduce the number of youth moving to eviction status; by providing access to supportive services and intervention to preserve housing and help youth become more self-sufficient EU will also work with CMHA Resident Services to support youth participating in CMHA social work services EU will also provide featured presentations on Purple Umbrella partners and services available to AOFC youth

6 Overall Key Accomplishments
Work with primary worker and adult supporters prior to transitioning from care to ensure youth have a solid housing plan and alternative options Identify former foster youth at risk of eviction in CMHA properties and connect them to DCFS-Emancipation Unit navigator and supports (payment of arrears, financial capability training, mental health services, etc.) Intervene with CMHA property manager to ensure stability Youth in CMHA properties are stabilized with supportive services and resources

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