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CSE 1030: Implementing Mixing static and non-static features

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1 CSE 1030: Implementing Mixing static and non-static features
Mark Shtern

2 Summary Class this parameter Memory Standard methods compareTo
toString, equals, hashCode compareTo

3 Ex10 Design and implement a Rectangle class
Attributes Width Height Methods getArea Assessors, Mutators Write application that sorts Rectangles by area

4 Find a Bug import java.util.*; public class Name { private final String first, last; public Name(String first, String last) { this.first = first; this.last = last; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof Name)) return false; Name n = (Name)o; return n.first.equals(first) && n.last.equals(last); public static void main(String[] args) { Set<Name> s = new HashSet<Name>(); s.add(new Name("Mickey", "Mouse")); System.out.println (s.contains(new Name("Mickey", "Mouse"))); }

5 Avoiding code duplication
Constructor Chaining Delegation to Mutators Delegation to Accessors

6 Attribute Attribute selection Attribute Caching Money  Cents
Polynomial  Coefficients Attribute Caching

7 Summary Objects Utility Class

8 Utility vs Class State full static this Constructors Methods
State less

9 Utility vs Class Utility Object/Class State less or shared state
static No public constructors All static methods Invocation: ClassName.methodName() Object/Class State Public constructors Instance variables/ Attributes Instance Reference variable/this Invocation: objectName.methodName() Instantiation: obj Name= new ClassName(...)

10 Standard Methods (Object)
toString()  returns a string that represents the current object equals()  indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one hashCode()  returns an integer (hash code value) for the object. This method is supported for the benefit of containers

11 V Hash Code Examples Object Hash Code Point p1 = new Point(); 1
12 Object Hash Code Point p1 = new Point(); 1 Point p2 = new Point(); V

12 V V Hash Code Examples Object Hash Code Point p1 = new Point(1,2); 1
12 V Object Hash Code Point p1 = new Point(1,2); 1 Point p2 = new Point(1,1); V

13 Immutable Objects It is an object whose state cannot be modified after it is created. String, Double, Integer No public mutators

14 Features Static Feature Non-static Feature
Mixing Static and Non-Static Feature

15 Incorporating an Invocation Counter
Refractor the Rectangle class to keep track of the number of times the getArea method is used

16 Stamping a Serial Number on Objects
Design a patter that helps to associate unique serial number with every instance of a class Apply the pattern for Rectangle class. Every rectangle should have a unique serial number that starts at 1 and increments serially.

17 Singleton Pattern Singleton pattern is restricting the instantiation of a class to one object Singleton pattern is a design pattern public static ClassName getInstance(); private static ClassName instance = new ClassName(..);

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