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What was the Monroe Doctrine?

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Presentation on theme: "What was the Monroe Doctrine?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What was the Monroe Doctrine?
Warm Up 12/7 What was the Monroe Doctrine?

2 U.S. Imperialism Motivations Economic Competition
Political and Military competition Racial and cultural superiority Belief that we needed to spread Christianity and civilization to those considered less so

3 Expanding Ideas European Imperialism Monroe Doctrine still in place
Changing Ideas New markets Security Spirit

4 Changing Foreign Policy


6 King Kala’kaua

7 Kala’akaua’s Rule New Constitution July 1887
Put whites in charge (money) Changed voting rights to favor wealthy landowners July 1887 King denies renewal of U.S. rights to Pearl Harbor Do it anyway Cabinet dismissed and King goes on trial

8 Liliuokalani

9 Beginning of the end 1891 – Liliuokalani takes thrown
1892 – Cooper and Thurston form annexation committee Queen offered pension Supposedly better conditions for people Only Queen’s Party opposed

10 The Fall of a Monarchy Jan. 7, 1893: Royalists set to launch attack
Jan 6, 1893: Annexation member killed Royalists defeated near Diamond Head Queen arrested House arrest Jan. 14, 1893: Forced to abdicate Lived in Queen’s house

11 Iolani Palace

12 Washington Place/Queen’s House Now governor’s residence

13 Annexation Sanford B. Dole set up as provisional governor
Cleveland against annexation but recognizes the republic McKinley officially annexes and proclaims Hawaii a territory

14 Motivations Why did the United states want Hawaii? Why was it supported and successful? Where does their logic break down?

15 Warm Up 12/11 What are some of the ways we have seen different minorities oppressed/marginalized during the Gilded Age/Progressive Era?

16 What’s Due Tomorrow? Hard Copy of Final Draft
Edited Rough Draft and Edited Outline (staple together) If you are missing points for your thesis statement, go to turnitin and upload a first draft and revised version of your thesis. Then me and tell me you did that.

17 Spanish-American War

18 Spanish-American War Cubans fighting for independence
Supported by many Americans Spain begins putting rural rebels in internment camps Attempt to stop guerrilla warfare Thousands die

19 Extra! Extra! 80-year old expecting! Senators Meet to Discuss Draft!
Mayor Caught Drinking and Driving!

20 Spanish-American War Yellow Journalism Final Steps Can news make war?
De Lome letter Legitimacy in question U.S.S. Maine explodes Philippines – support rebellion Spain rejects demands

21 A Splendid Little War Philippines Teddy Roosevelt’s Rough Riders
War stopped mostly by minority units, but T.R. seen as hero Philippines Spain signs over to U.S. Filipinos rebel against U.S. control Herded into camps Imperialistic motivations About 200,000 die

22 Other Results Platt Amendment Bases in Cuba (Guantanamo)
Cuba can’t sign treaties Can’t go into debt U.S. gets to interfere if we feel it’s needed

23 Other Results Puerto Rico Territory
Debate over application for statehood No citizenship at first (1917)

24 New Foreign Policy Panama Canal
U.S. built and controlled Starts Panama independence from Colombia Strains Latin American relations Roosevelt Corollary (to Monroe Doctrine) “Speak softly and carry a big stick” Police power in Western Hemisphere

25 New Foreign Policy Taft’s dollar diplomacy Wilson and Moral Diplomacy
Foreign investment to keep stability Wilson and Moral Diplomacy Won’t recognize governments achieved through violence Mexican Revolution Attempt to interfere to protect investment (angered Mexicans) Investments lost when Mexico curbs American ownership of resources

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