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Agami Reddy (rev- Dec 2017) Indoor environment quality Basics of comfort: Definition and categories of factors Thermal balance of human body Metabolic rates: met Environmental indices: Direct and Indirect Mean radiant and operative temperatures Clothing insulation: clo ASHRAE Thermal sensation scale model: PMV and PPD ASHRAE comfort chart- graphical method Adjustments to ASHRAE comfort chart Adaptive comfort model Other considerations HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
Indoor Environment Quality
What is Indoor Environment Quality? Thermal Comfort Indoor Air Quality Other Environment Issues Visual, Acoustic, Access to daylight,… Why do we need to care? 90 % of our lives are spent indoors 70 % of US work force (90 million persons) Comfort -> Productivity Comfort -> Health HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
From Kolderup, 2009 HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
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Factors influencing human comfort HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
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Objective criteria From Kolderup, 2009 HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
Basics of Thermal Comfort
- Definition: ASHRAE Thermal comfort is that condition of mind that expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment Task of AC system is to maintain a thermally comfortable environment by simultaneous control of temperature, humidity, cleanliness and air circulation. HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
Thermal Balance of Human Body
Thermal comfort is maintained by heat/mass transfer Human body generates heat (about 100 W under sedentary conditions with body area = 1.5 to 2 m2) For comfort to be maintained: heat generated = heat loss Fundamental trends: Heat flows from body to ambient air (generally) Heat flow rate is proportional to temperature difference which is affected by clothing More layers of clothing=more insulation= less heat loss More activity = More heat generated HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
Metabolic Rates: unit of “Met”
1 M = 1 met = 58.2 W/m2 =18.4 Btu/h.ft2 HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
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Heat Balance Network Heat flow can be represented by a thermal network diagram: . . (3.1) . . Fig. 3.2 Thermal network model of sensible and latent heat flows from a human body 98.6 F = 37 C Skin temperature conducive to comfort (Eq. 3.14): . . where M and W are in Watts HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
Importance of different heat transfer mechanisms at diff temperatures
Convection Conduction Radiation Evaporation Fig. 3.3 Variation of heat generated and individual heat losses from a human at rest (RH fixed at 45%) HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
Environmental Indices for Measuring Comfort- Direct Indices
(a) Dry-bulb temperature: single most important index, especially influential when RH is in the range 40-60% (b) Moisture: three measures - Dew point temperature: good single measure but is of limited usefulness for comfort - Wet bulb temperature: useful for describing comfort conditions in regions of high temperature and where dry-bulb has less significance - Relative humidity: has no real meaning in terms of comfort unless accompanying dry-bulb temp. is also known, (very low or very high values associated with discomfort) (c) Air movement: most difficult of the direct indices to describe. It affects only convective heat exchange from body. HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
Environmental Indices for Measuring Comfort- Derived Indices
(a) Mean radiant temperature (MRT): surface temperature of an imaginary black body (or enclosure) to which a person, also assumed to be a black body, exchanges the same amount of heat by radiation as in the actual environment (b) Operative temperature (OT): uniform temperature of a radiantly black enclosure in which an occupant exchanges the same amount of heat by radiation plus convection as in the actual non-uniform indoor environment. Numerically, it is close to the average of indoor dry-bulb and mean radiant temperatures (c) Effective temperature (ET): the operative temperature of an enclosure at 50% RH that would cause the same sensible plus latent heat exchange from a person as would the actual environment (combines temperature and humidity in one index) HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
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(a) Mean radiant temperature (MRT): surface temperature of an imaginary black body (or enclosure) to which a person, also assumed to be a black body, exchanges the same amount of heat by radiation as in the actual environment Basic index to describe radiative conditions in space (cold walls, sunlight walls) Recall concept of view factor Simplified methods From Bobenhausen, 1994 HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
Instrument to Measure MRT
Vernon’s globe thermometer (Hollow sphere 6” diameter painted black with a thermocouple at the center) One measures globe temperature Tg, ambient temperature Ta and the air velocity v (which determines hcon - Table 3.2) from which Tmrt can be deduced (globe emissivity close to 1) from: HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
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(b) Operative Temperature
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If we had used the simple arithmetic average: Top =( )/2=19.25 oC HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
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Clothing Insulation The insulation value of clothing is measured in unit: clo (1.0 clo is equivalent to the typical American Man’s Business suit in 1941) 1 clo = 0.88 ft2.h.oF/Btu (0.155 m2.K/W) HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
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Example 3.2: Sensible Heat Loss Consider the same conditions as in Example 3.1. The person is active (met level of 2.6) wearing trousers and a long-sleeve shirt. Calculate the total (convective plus radiative) sensible heat loss. Given: Top = 18.9°C (66°F) Assumption: Steady-state condition; skin area Ask = 1.8 m2 (19.6 ft2) (DuBois skin surface area) and work rate = 0; M = 2.6 Lookup value: From Table 3.3, the total thermal resistance IT = 1.21 clo and Also, Acl/Ask = 1.20. HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
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.9 2.16 x (31.54 – 18.9) / = W (similar analysis to be done for humidity effects- section 3.2.4) HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
Perception of Comfort ASHRAE Thermal Sensation Scale
This is an alternative approach to the thermal environmental analysis approach discussed previously The ASHRAE Thermal Sensation Approach is an empirical approach which captures occupant psychological aspects, i.e., subjective differences between individuals. Developed from extensive test chamber studies with humans Recall Thermal comfort is characterized by: air temperature, MRT, air humidity and air velocity with M and Clo kept constant HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
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A thermal sensation index, called the predicted mean vote (PMV), has been proposed to represent occupant acceptability of the indoor environment. - It can be calculated through a complex mathematical correlation - The PMV index is used to quantify the degree of discomfort and ranges from +3 to −3, with zero indicating neutral or comfort condition. HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) Model
(3.19) (see Table 3.4) HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
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Coefficients for use in Eq.(3.19) to compute PMV The PMV has some experimental uncertainty. -0.5 < PMV < 0.5 HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
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Eq.(3.19) HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
Percentage of People Dissatisfied (PPD)
Due to individual preferences, one would expect a distribution of votes for the PMV. An index meant to characterize this variability is PPD. It has been found that PPD is empirically correlated to PMV. Acceptable comfort range in view of exp. uncertainty With experimental uncertainty in PMV being 0.5, even when PMV =0, one can expect PPD =10%, i.e, upto 10% of the occupants may be uncomfortable PPD=10% Figure 3.4 PPD as a function of PMV Method widely used in studies investigating tradeoffs between energy use and human comfort HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
ASHRAE Comfort Chart Valid for: Sedentary or slightly active person
Summer: light slacks & Short sleeve shirt (0.5 clo) Winter: Heavy slacks & long sleeve & sweater or jacket (1.0 clo) Air motion: < 30 ft/min in winter < 50 ft/min in summer No direct solar or other radiation When application conditions are not standard, use eq. (3.21) given in a later slide For example: For each 0.1 clo increase, decrease the comfort zone borders by 1 °F and visa- versa At least 80% of occupants will be comfortable -Why two regions? - Why tilt in comfort regions? HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
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(ASHRAE comfort chart) Fig. 3.5 Acceptable ranges of operative temperature and humidity for sedentary activity with typical summer and winter clothing HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
ASHRAE Standard Comfort Conditions
Comfort Standard applies to sedentary conditions: Temperature - Dry Bulb Temperature (70 – 750 F) Humidity – Relative Humidity (Up to 60%) Air Motion – air velocity 0 – 50 ft/min: Still 50 – 250 ft/min : Noticeable > 250 ft/min Drafty Activity plays a role (metabolic or met level) M=1 (sedentary) to M=5 (heavy activity) Clothing plays a role (Table of clo): 0.5 (summer) to 1.0 (winter) ASHRAE Standard : Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
Operative temperature
Note: Instead of using direct indices, comfort stated in terms of Operative temperature HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
Corrections to Standard Conditions
For different clo values and met values between 1.2 and 3, ASHRAE 55 (2013) recommends that the comfort operative temperature be determined from: Eq. 3.21 Where clo is the clothing insulation M is the metabolic value HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
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Example 3.6: Operative Temperature for Other Conditions Consider a gymnasium where the metabolic rate of the occupants is 3.0 and the clothing level is 0.3. If the occupants are to experience the same level of comfort as when sedentary, what should be the operative temperature in this space? Given: M = 3.0, clo = 0.5 Find: Topt,active Solution From Equation 3.21: Note that the gymnasium need not be kept at this low temperature since typically people do not stay longer than about an hour and do not exercise continuously, while the ASHRAE comfort chart applies to steady-state conditions (occupancy of 3 h) HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
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Corrections to ASHRAE Comfort Chart Conditions: (a) Change in Clothing Figure 3.6 Clothing insulation necessary to be within ASHRAE 80% acceptability limits The effect of clothing insulation on the ASHRAE comfort recommendations. Note the rather wide uncertainty bands (about +-2 oF) reflective of the large uncertainties inherent in the comfort relations. For more than an hour, the minimum operative temperature should not be below 18°C (65°F). HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
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(b) Change in Activity level (ASHRAE Fundamentals, 2013) Figure 3.7 Recommended operative temperatures for active people Note inverse relationship between operative temperature and activity level HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
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(c) Change in Airspeed Fig. 3.8 Airspeed required to increase the air temperature above the summer comfort zone Air movement plays a role because the convective heat transfer from the body depends on air velocity. An excess may be perceived as draft, and too little as stuffiness. In hot weather, upper range of temperatures could be extended if the airspeed is increased (upper limit 160 ft/min (0.8 m/s)- loose paper can be blown away HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
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Other Considerations: Local temperature variations Additional criteria for discomfort: local draught, high turbulence, high radiant temperature asymmetry and unacceptably high vertical air temperature difference ASHRAE allows an additional 10% PPD for such considerations – So upto 20% people can be dissatisfied Fig PPD of seated occupants as a function of air temperature difference between the head and ankles (ASHRAE Fundamentals, 2013) HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
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Adaptive Comfort Model for Naturally Ventilated Buildings Fig. 3.11 (ASHRAE Fundamentals, 2013) (3.22 SI) HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
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Relationship between Loss of Productivity and PPD Fig Illustration of how loss of indoor office occupant productivity tracks PPD. Field study results (Roelofsen, 2001) HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
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This is important for O&M staff Fig Variation of rate of unsolicited thermal complaints with mean indoor environment temperature (based on filed study of six commercial buildings in 3 cities) (ASHRAE Fundamentals, 2013) HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
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Outcomes Understand the basics of human comfort & health and the various factors which affect them Familiarity with the metabolic rates, unit of "met", unit of "Clo“ Be able to analyze simple cases to predict response of the human body to different environments using the thermal network model Familiarity with the various environmental indices for measuring comfort: direct and indirect indices Understanding of the concepts of mean radiant and operative temperatures Familiarity with the ASHRAE thermal sensation scale and the concepts of PMV and PPD Be able to use the standard ASHRAE chart to determine acceptable range of comfort temperature and relative humidity Be able to use correlations and associated charts to analyze non-standard indoor conditions Understanding of the applicability of the adaptive comfort model Familiarity with how occupant productivity and complaints rate are affected by indoor conditions HCB-3 Chap 3A: Thermal Comfort
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