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Developing an Integrated Syllabus

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1 Developing an Integrated Syllabus
Jennifer Stephens, Ph.D. University Teaching and Learning Commons 125 McIver

2 A Learning-Centered Syllabus
Learning Goals and Objectives Assessment Activities Schedule Overall Learning Environment Palmer, M.S., Bach, D.J., & Streifer, A.C. (2014). Measuring the promise: A learning-focused syllabus rubric. To Improve the Academy: A Journal of Educational Development, 33(1),

3 Learning Goals and Objectives
Encompass Fink’s dimensions of significant learning Foundational Knowledge Application Integration Human Dimension Caring Learning How to Learn Use specific action verbs associated with cognitive processes Include an object (usually a noun) that describes the knowledge to acquire or construct Align appropriately with course level, class size, curriculum, and student population Fink, L. D. (2013). Creating significant learning experiences: An integrated approach to designing college courses (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. *Understanding and remembering information & ideas. *Application through skills, thinking, & managing projects. *Integrating ideas, people, & realms of life. *Learning about oneself & others. *Developing new feelings, values, & interests. *Learning how to become a better student, self-directed learner, & inquisitive/life-long learner.

4 A Model of Learning Objectives

5 Assessment Activities
Align appropriately with objectives Include summative assessments Are authentic Include a rationale Include frequent formative assessments Involve immediate feedback from a variety of sources Are adequately paced and scaffolded Are separate though connected to grading information

6 Alignment of SLOs, Learning Activities, and Assessments

7 Schedule Articulated fully and sequenced logically
Lists topics/readings/questions chronologically with due dates Allows for flexibility where appropriate

8 Overall Learning Environment
Has a positive, respectful, and inviting tone Describes the potential value of the course in the learner’s current and post-course life Communicates that content is used primarily as a vehicle for learning

9 Learning-Focused Syllabus Rubric

10 For More…

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