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CSCE 643 Computer Vision: Image Sampling and Filtering

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1 CSCE 643 Computer Vision: Image Sampling and Filtering
Jinxiang Chai

2 Review: 1D Fourier Transform
A function f(x) can be represented as a weighted combination of phase-shifted sine waves How to compute F(u)? Inverse Fourier Transform Fourier Transform

3 Review: Cosine -1 1 If f(x) is even, so is F(u)

4 Review: Gaussian If f(x) is gaussian, F(u) is also guassian.

5 Review: Properties Linearity: Time shift: Derivative: Integration:

6 Outline 2D Fourier Transform Nyquist sampling theory Antialiasing

7 Extension to 2D Fourier Transform: Inverse Fourier transform:

8 Building Block for 2D Transform
Frequency: Orientation: Oriented wave fields

9 Building Block for 2D Transform
Frequency: Orientation: Oriented wave fields Higher frequency

10 Some 2D Transforms From Lehar

11 Some 2D Transforms Why we have a DC component? From Lehar

12 Some 2D Transforms Why we have a DC component? From Lehar

13 Some 2D Transforms Why we have a DC component? From Lehar

14 Some 2D Transforms Why we have a DC component? From Lehar

15 Some 2D Transforms Why we have a DC component?
- the sum of all pixel values From Lehar

16 Some 2D Transforms Why we have a DC component?
- the sum of all pixel values Oriented stripe in spatial domain = an oriented line in spatial domain From Lehar

17 Online Java Applet

18 2D Image Filtering Fourier transform Inverse transform From Lehar

19 2D Image Filtering Fourier transform Inverse transform Low-pass filter
From Lehar

20 2D Image Filtering Fourier transform Inverse transform Low-pass filter
high-pass filter From Lehar

21 2D Image Filtering Fourier transform Inverse transform Low-pass filter
high-pass filter band-pass filter From Lehar

22 Aliasing Why does this happen?

23 Aliasing How to reduce it?

24 Sampling Analysis T 2T -2T -T fs(x) x f(x) x Sampling

25 Sampling Analysis T 2T -2T -T fs(x) x f(x) x Sampling Reconstruction

26 Sampling Analysis T 2T -2T -T fs(x) x f(x) x Sampling Reconstruction What sampling rate (T) is sufficient to reconstruct the continuous version of the sampled signal?

27 Sampling Theory How many samples are required to represent a given signal without loss of information? What signals can be reconstructed without loss for a given sampling rate?

28 Sampling Analysis: Spatial Domain
f(x) X x -2T -T T 2T x ? T 2T -2T -T fs(x) x

29 Sampling Analysis: Spatial Domain
f(x) X x -2T -T T 2T x ? What happens in Frequency domain? T 2T -2T -T fs(x) x

30 Fourier Transform of Dirac Comb

31 Review: Dirac Delta and its Transform
f(x) x |F(u)| 1 u Fourier transform and inverse Fourier transform are qualitatively the same, so knowing one direction gives you the other

32 Fourier Transform of Dirac Comb
Moving the spikes closer together in the spatial domain moves them farther apart in the frequency domain!

33 Sampling Analysis: Spatial Domain
f(x) X x -2T -T T 2T x ? What happens in Frequency domain? T 2T -2T -T fs(x) x

34 Sampling Analysis: Freq. Domain
F(u) u -fmax fmax -1/T 1/T u

35 Sampling Analysis: Freq. Domain
F(u) u -fmax fmax -1/T 1/T u How does the convolution result look like?

36 Sampling Analysis: Freq. Domain
F(u) u -fmax fmax -1/T 1/T u

37 Sampling Analysis: Freq. Domain
F(u) u -fmax fmax -1/T 1/T u

38 Sampling Analysis: Freq. Domain
F(u) u -fmax fmax -1/T 1/T u G(0)? G(fmax)? G(u)?

39 Sampling Analysis: Freq. Domain
F(u) u -fmax fmax -1/T 1/T u G(0) = F(0) G(fmax) = F(fmax) G(u) = F(u)

40 Sampling Analysis: Freq. Domain
F(u) u -fmax fmax How about -1/T 1/T u Fs(u) -fmax fmax u -1/T 1/T

41 Sampling Analysis: Freq. Domain
F(u) u -fmax fmax How about -1/T 1/T u Fs(u) -fmax fmax u -1/T 1/T

42 Sampling Analysis: Freq. Domain
F(u) u -fmax fmax -1/T 1/T u Fs(u) -fmax fmax u -1/T 1/T

43 Sampling Theory How many samples are required to represent a given signal without loss of information? What signals can be reconstructed without loss for a given sampling rate?

44 Sampling Analysis: Freq. Domain
F(u) u -fmax fmax -1/T 1/T u How can we reconstruct the original signal? Fs(u) -fmax fmax u -1/T 1/T

45 Reconstruction in Freq. Domain
Fs(u) u -fmax fmax box(u) -fmax fmax u -fmax fmax u

46 Signal Reconstruction in Freq. Domain
Fs(u) u -fmax fmax T 2T -2T -T x Fourier transform fs(x) f(x) x F(u) u -fmax fmax Inverse Fourier transform

47 Signal Reconstruction in Spatial Domain
sinc(x) fs(x) x -2T -T T 2T x

48 Aliasing Why does this happen?

49 Sampling Analysis When does aliasing happen? f(x) F(u) -fmax fmax
fs(x) Fs(u) u -fmax fmax x -T T

50 Sampling Analysis When does aliasing happen? f(x) F(u) -fmax fmax
fs(x) Fs(u) u -fmax fmax x -T T

51 Sampling Analysis When does aliasing happen? f(x) F(u) -fmax fmax
fs(x) Fs(u) u -fmax fmax x -T T

52 Sampling Analysis When does aliasing happen? f(x) F(u) -fmax fmax
fs(x) Fs(u) u -fmax fmax x -T T

53 Sampling Analysis T 2T -2T -T fs(x) x f(x) x Sampling Reconstruction What sampling rate (T) is sufficient to reconstruct the continuous version of the sampled signal?

54 Sampling Analysis T 2T -2T -T fs(x) x f(x) x Sampling Reconstruction What sampling rate (T) is sufficient to reconstruct the continuous version of the sampled signal? Sampling Rate ≥ 2 * max frequency in the signal this is known as the Nyquist Rate

55 Antialiasing

56 Antialiasing Increase the sampling rate to above twice the highest frequency u -fmax fmax

57 Antialiasing Increase the sampling rate to above twice the highest frequency Introduce an anti-aliasing filter to reduce fmax u -fmax fmax Fs(u) u -fmax fmax

58 Antialiasing Increase the sampling rate to above twice the highest frequency Introduce an anti-aliasing filter to reduce fmax u -fmax fmax Fs(u) -fmax fmax u

59 Sinc Filter Is this a good filter? F(u) -fmax fmax u
They don't make sense when filtering a bitmap, which has only positive values of RGB (we might get, for instance, a negative value for the red component of some pixel!). In addition, the sync function extends to infinity (although its value quickly decreases like 1/x). It means that for each sample of the output we theoretically have to average out an infinite number of input samples.

60 Inverse Fourier transform
Sinc Filter Is this a good filter? F(u) Inverse Fourier transform x -fmax fmax u

61 Sinc Filter Is this a good filter? F(u) Inverse Fourier transform x
-fmax fmax u Multiplying with a box function in frequency domain Convolution with a sinc function in spatial domain

62 Sinc Filter Is this a good filter? F(u) Inverse Fourier transform x
-fmax fmax u Multiplying with a box function in frequency domain Convolution with a sinc function in spatial domain Good: removes all frequency components above a given bandwidth Bad: - an infinite support in spatial domain and hard to do in the spatial domain - Fluctuation causes ripples - Negative weights (not good for filtering pixles)

63 Good Pre-filtering filters
Finite support in frequency domain - cut-off frequency Finite support in spatial domain - implementation in spatial domain Positive weights - good for filtering pixels

64 Other Filter Choices Mean filter Triangular filter Gaussian filter
x f(x) |F(u)| sinc(u) Mean filter Triangular filter Gaussian filter u Sin2c(u) Cannot have a filter with finite support in both spatial and frequency domain (box, mean, triangular) - box filter: finite in freq. and infinite in spatial domain - mean and triangular: infinite in freq. and finite in spatial domain Gaussian filter provides a good tradeoff between two domains

65 Other Filter Choices Mean filter Triangular filter Gaussian filter
x f(x) |F(u)| sinc(u) Mean filter Triangular filter Gaussian filter u Sin2c(u) Cannot have a filter with finite support in both spatial and frequency domain (box, mean, triangular) - box filter: finite in freq. and infinite in spatial domain - mean and triangular: infinite in freq. and finite in spatial domain Gaussian filter provides a good tradeoff between two domains

66 Gaussian Filter Fs(u) u -fmax fmax

67 Inverse Fourier transform
Gaussian Filter -0.02 0.03 0.08 0.13 0.18 Fs(u) u -fmax fmax Inverse Fourier transform

68 Gaussian Filter Fs(u) -fmax fmax Inverse Fourier transform
-0.02 0.03 0.08 0.13 0.18 Fs(u) u -fmax fmax Inverse Fourier transform Multiplying with gaussian function in frequency domain Convolution with a gaussian function in spatial domain

69 Gaussian Filter Fs(u) -fmax fmax Inverse Fourier transform
-0.02 0.03 0.08 0.13 0.18 Fs(u) u -fmax fmax Inverse Fourier transform Multiplying with gaussian function in frequency domain Convolution with a gaussian function in spatial domain Since the Gaussian function decays rapidly, it is reasonable to truncate the filter window Its standard deviation controls the smoothness of filtered signal: large σ in spatial domain = lower cutoff frequency Easy to implement it in the spatial domain

70 Filtering in Spatial Domain
= Filtered image Input image Filter function

71 Convolution Compute the integral of the product between f and a reversed and translated version of g t=2.5 71

72 2D Image Convolution Compute the sum of the product between f and a reversed and translated version of g Correlation is the “unflipped kernel” version of convolution that we saw earlier as weighted neighborhood mask 72

73 2D Image Convolution Compute the sum of the product between f and a reversed and translated version of g Correlation is the “unflipped kernel” version of convolution that we saw earlier as weighted neighborhood mask 73

74 2D Image Convolution Compute the sum of the product between f and a reversed and translated version of g By discretization, we have Correlation is the “unflipped kernel” version of convolution that we saw earlier as weighted neighborhood mask 74

75 2D Image Convolution Compute the sum of the product between f and a reversed and translated version of g By discretization, we have Correlation is the “unflipped kernel” version of convolution that we saw earlier as weighted neighborhood mask More generally, 2D image filtering is often defined as a ``correlation” process, which is the “unflipped kernel” version of convolution. 75

76 2D Image Filtering More generally, 2D image filtering is defined as correlation, which is the “unflipped kernel” version of convolution. This is a discretized version of the “unflipped kernel” version of convolution. 76

77 2D Image Filtering More generally, 2D image filtering is defined as correlation, which is the “unflipped kernel” version of convolution. This is a discretized version of the “unflipped kernel” version of convolution. This is true when filtering functions are even! 77

78 Example: box filter 1

79 Image filtering 1 90 90 ones, divide by 9 79

80 Image filtering 1 90 90 10 ones, divide by 9 80

81 Image filtering 1 90 90 10 20 ones, divide by 9 81

82 Image filtering 1 90 90 10 20 30 ones, divide by 9 82

83 Image filtering 1 90 10 20 30 ones, divide by 9 83

84 Image filtering 1 90 10 20 30 ? ones, divide by 9 84

85 Image filtering 1 90 10 20 30 50 ? ones, divide by 9 85

86 Image filtering 1 90 10 20 30 40 60 90 50 80 86

87 Gaussian Filtering in Spatial Domain
Weight contributions of neighboring pixels by nearness 5 x 5,  = 1 87

88 Gaussian Filtering in Spatial Domain
Weight contributions of neighboring pixels by nearness 5 x 5,  = 1 Sum = 0.987; Need to normalize the weights so that the sum becomes 1! 88

89 Gaussian Pre-filtering
Solution: filter the image, then subsample

90 Gaussian Pre-filtering
Solution: filter the image, then subsample

91 Without Prefiltering 1/2 1/4 (2x zoom) 1/8 (4x zoom)

92 Assignment #1: Hybrid Images
A. Oliva, A. Torralba, P.G. Schyns, “Hybrid Images,” SIGGRAPH 2006 Gaussian Filter! Gaussian unit impulse Laplacian of Gaussian Laplacian Filter! 92

93 Summary 2D Fourier Transform Nyquist sampling theory
- Sampling Rate ≥ 2 * max frequency in the signal Antialiasing - prefiltering 2D Image Filtering

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