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DOD SKILLBRIDGE Element 12 Page 131.

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Presentation on theme: "DOD SKILLBRIDGE Element 12 Page 131."— Presentation transcript:

1 DOD SKILLBRIDGE Element 12 Page 131

2 Enabling Objectives Summarize the purpose of DOD SkillBridge
Steps on getting on DOD SkillBridge State the benefits Discuss different programs List local contact information and references

3 Purpose To inform eligible service members that they can participate in this local civilian employment training program, including apprenticeship before they separate from the military.

4 4 steps on getting on DOD SKILLBRIDGE
Determine Eligibility Visit Transition Office Get Approvals Begin Training

5 What Is It For Me? Get valuable experience
Improve Skills or Technical expertise Learn new skills Learn the civilian language Most Important!!! The company that are training you might hire you based on performance. (Getting your foot in the door)

6 What Is It For Me? (Continued)
SkillBridge represents a true win/win for business and for those transitioning. It allows businesses to gain access to skilled Service members as prospective employees before those Service members become Veterans.

7 Programs Includes Onward 2 Opportunity
Veterans in Piping

8 Contacts ANGELA CONDON O2O-VCTP Program Coordinator Navy Region Northwest Bldg 3271, Room 115, 2nd Division Drive Disclaimer: Some O2O-VCTP installations do not offer all possible coursework. Please contact the installation team to learn of any restrictions.

9 Resources NAVADMIN 222/15 DoD Directive 1322.29
Onward 2 Opportunity Veterans in Piping

10 Question?

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