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Heading – Comparative Text

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1 Heading – Comparative Text
People have more freedom to do what they want than they did one or two hundred years ago. Spend three minutes writing your reaction to this statement.

2 Objective To engage in pre-reading exercises so to get you excited.
To introduce and promote reflective response reading journals. To introduce a new text one part at a time.

3 Write down three words which come to mind when
A Doll’s House Write down three words which come to mind when you read this title.

4 Prop Box Before you are an assortment of items linked to the story.
In groups decide on the kind of characters to whom these belong. Be specific – likely characters, likely kind of story etc. Spend 4 MINUTES examining the objects, discussing ideas and 4 minutes writing them down. Someone from each group shall then talk about what they deduced (so have something written everyone – bulletpoints).

5 Using the warm-up exercise, the title, the props and these covers, spend two minutes writing the most detailed prediction you can? A picture is supposed to tell a thousand words. What do these pictures reveal about the story. Reference at least 3 covers in your answer.

6 The comparative text is all about what you think or believe.
Questions will look like this: What aspects of the setting did you find interesting? How did that relationship capture your interest? What made the main character interesting? What did you learn? (Theme) As we go through the text, we’ll explain things and discuss stuff. The questions I give will highlight aspects of the characters, settings or themes. That’s not going to be as effective as Plan ‘A’ though.

7 The reflective response reading journal
Homework journals -‘Get RRR Journal’. Whatever size or colour you want is fine. Rules (Write these down) No one may read another persons journal without their permission (not even the teacher). No one can force anyone to write something particular in their journal (not even the teacher). No one shall be forced to tell the class what they wrote. Time given to writing in the journal during class is sacred and is to be treated with the utmost respect. Sign your name then

8 Let’s start reading We’re going to read from page 1-7 now.
There are two characters, a man and a woman. As the teacher, I shall read the narration and stage directions. We shall need voice talent however for the characters.

9 Characters Who can act like an arrogant, all-knowing, condescending B****** who most of you shall want to hit? Who can act like a air-headed, ‘featherbrained’, spoilt little girl who like cookies?


11 What questions come to mind?
Write down a list of questions you would like to know the answers to. Any who, what, why, when, where, how question. They can be about the past, the present or the future. I now open the floor to allow the class to answer or predict answers to each others questions.

12 Henrick Ibsen His friends often compared him to an angry badger.

13 Introduction Torvald Helmer has many nicknames for his wife. What are they and what do they imply about Nora? P.E.E. P.Q.E. S.E.R “Use quotes” (Page ?) Can you think of any similar nicknames? (shorter answers) Would you like to be called these things? Why or why not?


15 MONEY Find a quote which sums up their views on money.
‘Nora and Helmer had two contrasting views about money’. Find a quote which sums up their views on money.

16 No homework – first day back
On Wednesday we’re going to read up to page 15 and expect lots of homework  Nora and Mrs. Linde

17 Reflection questions If I could change one thing straight away, it would be should stay exactly how it is.

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