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Net 222: Communications and networks fundamentals (Practical Part)

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1 Net 222: Communications and networks fundamentals (Practical Part)
Networks and Communication Department Lab 3: Matlab – Sinusoidal&Exercises

2 Sinusoidal Time & Frequency domain continuous or discrete signals
Networks and Communication Department

3 continuous or discrete signals
Continuous-Time Signals: A signal is continuous-time signal if the independent variable t is continuous. Discrete-Time Signals: A signal is defined at discrete times, a discrete-time signal is often identified as a sequence of numbers, denoted by A very important class of discrete-time signals is obtained by sampling a continuous-time signal IN MATLAB: command plot used to sketch the continuous time signals IN MATLAB: command stem used to sketch the discrete time signals Networks and Communication Department

4 Plotting Time domain using Matlab
concept A general sine wave in time domain can be represented by three parameters : Peak amplitude (A) Frequency (f) Phase (φ) s(t) = A sin(2π f t +Φ) Networks and Communication Department

5 Plotting Time domain using Matlab
Example Example: Plot and stem the time domain signal 7*sin(2*pi*2000*t+pi), t=0:0.05:3 Networks and Communication Department

6 Plotting Frequency domain using Matlab
concept Using discipline Known as Fourier analysis (any signal is made up of components at various frequencies, in which each component is a sinusoid ). Eg. s(t) = [(4/π) x (sin(2πft) + (1/3) sin(2π(3f)t)] Networks and Communication Department

7 Plotting Frequency domain using Matlab
example Plot each signals alone the show the frequency domain( Fourier) signal s(t)=[6*sin(2pi*t+pi)+4*sin(2*pi*3t+pi)+ 2*sin(2*pi*5t+3*pi)] Networks and Communication Department

8 Networks and Communication Department

9 Exercises Contents Basic exercises Arrays & Matrices Plotting
Sinusoid Sampling Networks and Communication Department

10 Basic exercises Let vector x = [5 2 1 6]: Add 16 to each element
Let y = [ ], multiply x*y A. B. Adding 16 to vector x in matlab Multiplying two vectors x and y Networks and Communication Department

11 Basic exercises Evaluate the following MATLAB expressions by your hand and use MATLAB for checking your ans.: 2 / 2 * 3 (6 - 2 ) / ^ 2 – 1 A. B. Hands calculation: 2/2=1 1*3 = 3 In Matlab:

12 Basic exercises Let vector t= 2, 4, 6, 8…20: Compute cos^2(t)
%Notice that vector t is a starting form 2 and incremented by 2 till 20 % cos^2(t) is written as cos(t).^2 Networks and Communication Department

13 Basic exercises Let vector t= 2, 4, 6, 8…20: Exp^t(1+ cos(3t))
%Notice that vector t is a starting form 2 and incremented by 2 till 20 % exp^t is written as exp(t).

14 Arrays & Matrices Given an array A = [ 2 4 1 6 7 2 3 5 9]
provide the commands needed to: assign the first row of A to a vector called x1 %Array in matlab written as each rows separated by ; %assign the first row till end Networks and Communication Department

15 Arrays & Matrices Given an array A = [ 2 4 1 6 7 2 3 5 9]
provide the commands needed to: assign the last 2 rows of A to an array called y % end-1 is row before the last row % end is the last row Networks and Communication Department

16 Arrays & Matrices Given an array A = [ 2 4 1 6 7 2 3 5 9]
provide the commands needed to: compute the square-root of each element of A Networks and Communication Department

17 Arrays & Matrices Transpose the following matrices:
B=[ ] A. B. Networks and Communication Department

18 Plotting Plot sin(x2) on the interval [-5,5].
Networks and Communication Department

19 Plotting 2. Create three curve on the interval [0,2π] step π/ the curve equation y = sin(x), y2 = sin(x-.25), y3 = sin(x- .5);

20 Sinusoid Sampling Sample the sinusoid x = sin(2 pi f t), where f = 2 kHz. And t=0:5T Let x1 be the signal sampled at 10 kHz. Networks and Communication Department

21 Sinusoid Sampling Sample the sinusoid x = sin(2 pi f t), where f = 2 kHz. And t=0:5T Let x2 be the signal sampled at 3 kHz Networks and Communication Department

22 Sinusoid Sampling Plot frequency domain sinusoid x = sin(2 pi f t), where fs= 8000 Hz. At different frequency tones start from 0 till 1, then multiplying the tones with 2 Networks and Communication Department

23 The End Any Questions ? Networks and Communication Department

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