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Bellwork Week 8.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork Week 8."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork Week 8

2 Fill in agenda for the week of Oct. 26-30.
Management Monday Fill in agenda for the week of Oct

3 Book Talk Tuesday Title: The Magnificent 12: The Call (book one)
Author: Michael Grant


5 Answer: .

6 Think It Through Thursday
Adam decided to try out for the talent show at school. He practiced his stand-up comedy routine for hours each evening. At the tryouts, he followed a boy whose banal jokes left the judges yawning. Adam's hilarious routine landed him the part. What does the word banal mean? 2. What is another word that means the same thing as banal?

7 Free Write Friday If you were limited to 12 words/phrases to say during the day, which ones would you pick? (example- no thank you) How would that change your day to day life?

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