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Roles & Responsibilities Student Chapter Chair-Elect

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Presentation on theme: "Roles & Responsibilities Student Chapter Chair-Elect"— Presentation transcript:

1 Roles & Responsibilities Student Chapter Chair-Elect

2 Student Chapter Chair, Job Description
Assist chapter chair in leading the chapter You are the next designated chapter chair!

3 Chapter Chair, Responsibilities
Promote the chapter’s meetings Assist in the planning and organizing of chapter events Assist in preparation of chapter’s required forms Assist and oversee member retention and recruitment efforts Assume the role of chapter chair, if the chapter chair is unavailable

4 Student Chapter Chair, Responsibilities (cont.)
Build relationships outside of the student chapter Assigned SME Membership Consultant Assigned Member & Industry Relations Manager Senior chapter chair-elect Encourage participation in chapter events Contests Joint activities with other chapters Fundraising activities

5 Student Chapter Chair-Elect, Quick Tips
Information can be found on the SME Web site, Visit the Volunteer Leaders’ Toolkit for: Forms Student applications Complete description of roles and responsibilities (chapter chair, chapter officers and so on) Find “Best Practices” for chapter events

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