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Activity #55 Plants have Genes, Too!.

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1 Activity #55 Plants have Genes, Too!

2 Activity 55: Plants Have Genes, Too!
White Space ?: Draw Figure 1 on page D-10 in your lab book. Be sure to label and color everything as shown. Challenge Question: What color leaves will you observe on the offspring of two green parent plants? Background: Read page D-9. Write down 2 facts. Vocabulary: Inherited: traits that are passed on from parents to their children Genes: inherited information that is passed from the parent’s cells to the child’s cells Offspring: the child or children of two parents

3 Activity 55: Plants Have Genes, Too!
Materials: Read over the list on p D-10 Procedure: Read p D-10 to D-11 and check off if you understand. Data: Make observations in your lab notebook every time we check the plants for growth.

4 Activity 55: Plants Have Genes, Too!
Analysis Questions: Answer questions #1-2 in your lab notebook. COMPLETE SENTENCES!!! Conclusion: No Conclusion Notes to Self: Be sure to have colored pencils with you EVERYDAY!

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