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Roster Maintenance Virtual Officers’ Training Workshop September 2018

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2 Roster Maintenance Virtual Officers’ Training Workshop September 2018
Jen Rodgers and Kelly Paul

3 Introduction to Roster Maintenance
Why is Roster Maintenance Used? Assigning classification and voting privileges to new members and members that change employment Maintaining balance as the roster changes Generating reports, such as membership reports for meetings Adjustments and changes to existing member voting or classification status, for example due to member ballot inactivity Who uses Roster Maintenance? Membership secretaries (Main Committee) Subcommittee chairs (Subcommittees) Officers (reports only)

4 What are the steps in the Membership Classification & Voting Process?
Contact ASTM Complete Membership Application Secretary(s) Review ASTM Website Call Customer Service Attend an ASTM Meeting Submit to ASTM for processing Receive notice of new member application Pending applications are compared to existing Roster and Scope of Organization. Classification Voting Rights Assignment A Review and Approval by Executive Option for Appeal for Review Any member can request the Executive to review and consider additional information. Executive majority approval required for all Main Committee assignments. // 4

5 Classification Defined
ASTM Regulations define 4 categories for Classification* Producer—A member who represents a voting interest that produces or sells materials, products, systems, or services covered in the committee or subcommittee scope. User—A member who represents a voting interest that purchases or uses materials, products, systems, or services other than for household use covered in the committee or subcommittee scope provided that the member could not also be classified as a producer. Consumer—A member who primarily purchases or represents those who purchase. products and services for household use within the committee or subcommittee scope. General Interest—A member who cannot be categorized as a producer, user, or consumer. *Committees may further define classifications within their Committee Bylaws To assign classification, answer the question: Would the member be considered a producer, user, consumer, or a general interest based on the individual’s company or primary product/service provided, in relation to the scope of the committee or subcommittee?

6 Classification Assignment
To assign classification, answer these questions: How do the ASTM Regulations, or the Committee Bylaws, define producer, user, consumer, or a general interest? Based on the member application, what is their primary interest (ex: company focus or individual’s primary products/services provided) in relation to the scope of the committee or subcommittee?

7 Official Vote & Voting Interest
One cast by a voting member on a ballot or motion, and that is used for calculating the numerical voting requirements Voting interest An organization, a subsidiary of an organization, or an individual member having a distinctly separate interest from any other interest with regard to the scope of a committee or subcommittee. *Non-official voting member negative votes and comments on all ballots or motions shall be fully considered, but whose votes are not included in the calculation of the numerical voting requirements for standards

8 Official Votes Who gets an official vote?
All members shall be given an official vote unless: The member’s voting interest already has been granted one official vote. Acceptance will create an imbalance on a committee or subcommittee due to Producer votes outweighing other interest categories

9 Classification and Voting Status
Classified Technical Committees are balanced. No excess influence by any interest group. Producer ASTM User & General Interest

10 Official Vote Assignment
To assign an official vote, answer these questions: Is there a member from the same voting interest already on the committee who currently has an official vote? If no, assign the official vote If yes, the new member cannot also hold an official vote (No, Redundant Interest) Will assigning a vote create an imbalance in the committee or subcommittee? (i.e. Producers would outweigh the other interest categories)? If yes, the new member can be placed on a wait list for a vote (No, Wait List)

11 Roster Maintenance Application How to Review, Assign and Change Members on a Roster
// 11

12 New Applications and Change of Employment
// 12

13 Sample New Member Application Notice
Every new member that is added to your roster (Main for Mem Sec; Sub for Sub Chairs) will receive an that looks like this Sub Chairs – responsible for Sub rosters Main Chairs – responsible for Main rosters It is important that classification/vote are assigned and rosters are in balance prior to ballots being issued and any meetings take place as this can affect a member’s ability to vote or be counted in an official tally. // 13

14 Accessing Roster Maintenance Tools

15 Pending Applications // 15

16 Member Application

17 Select Classification & Vote

18 Roster – All members // 18

19 Producer Wait List // 19

20 Producer Wait List Created when the number of potential voting producers is greater than the number of voting user, general interest and consumer members combined. Producers are removed from the wait list and given votes when: New user and general interest members are added as voting members Other producer members resign

21 Notification to Member
// 21

22 Roster Maintenance Reports
// 22

23 Inactivity Notification to Member
- 8/31/2018 // 23

24 Ballot Inactivity Report
// 24

25 Ballot Inactivity Report
// 25

26 Meeting Attendance List
// 26

27 // 27

28 Membership Report // 28

29 Membership Report // 29

30 Word and Excel Rosters // 30

31 // 31

32 Process For Handling New Member Applications
// 32

33 Approving Membership Applications
Create a Membership Report for review by Executive Subcommittee Chairs have authorization over Subcommittee rosters Main Committee Rosters can be approved either: Executive Subcommittee meetings Ballot of Executive Subcommittee Authority granted by Executive Subcommittee to Membership Secretary to approve applications between meetings Action is subsequently reviewed

34 What are the steps in the Membership Classification & Voting Process?
Contact ASTM Complete Membership Application Secretary(s) Review ASTM Website Call Customer Service Attend an ASTM Meeting Submit to ASTM for processing Receive notice of new member application Pending applications are compared to existing Roster and Scope of Organization. Classification Voting Rights Assignment A Review and Approval by Executive Option for Appeal for Review Any member can request the Executive to review and consider additional information. COTCO appeal review Executive majority approval required for all Main Committee assignments. // 34

35 Questions? // 35

36 Thank you for your attention!

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