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Islam and Africa Review

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1 Islam and Africa Review
Mrs. Gitlin Global Studies 9 (Global Rules!)

2 PART ONE: ISLAM REVIEW 1. Muslim house of worship

3 2. Sacred trip all Muslims must take once in a lifetime

4 3. Holy month in which no food or water is consumed during the day

5 4. Also known as the “lawgiver” and “magnificent”: leader of Ottomans

6 5. Successors to Muhammad were all called this

7 6. Sect of Islam that believes all leaders of the faith must be blood descendants of Muhammad

8 7. Islamic Holy book

9 8. City in Spain which became a center of Islamic cultural achievement

10 9. Islamic Empire in India

11 10. Holy city of Islam, where the prophet first heard the Angel Gabrielle

12 11. Once the capital of the Byzantine Empire: Captured and renamed Istanbul

13 12. Leader of Safavid Empire

14 13. Prayer, faith, charity, fasting and holy trip

15 14. Leader of Mughal Empire

16 15. Sacred shrine which Muslims must walk around

17 16. Islamic Empire which conquered much of the old Byzantine Empire: known for its well organized government and military

18 17. Term used by Muslims when describing Christians and Jews

19 18. Islamic law code

20 19. Arabic term for “GOD”

21 20. Migration Muhammad made from Mecca to Medina

22 21. Largest sect or division within Islam: believe that leaders may be elected

23 22. Islamic Empire located in modern Iran


25 II. AFRICA REVIEW 1. Major world religion practiced primarily in the African kingdom of Aksum (Axum)

26 2. A west African story teller

27 3. Islamic law code used in the three north-west African kingdoms

28 4. Group who migrated from West Africa into most of southern Africa about 2,000 years ago

29 5. West African Islamic traveler who made his hajj and then continued his world travels to 44 other countries

30 6. African region which borders the desert

31 7. Family descent and in heritance rights are traced through the father.

32 8. Last of the three north-west African kingdoms which conquered Mali, but later fell to Moroccan invaders

33 9. Farming method in which fields are cleared by cutting and burning trees and grasses; the ashes of which fertilize the soil

34 10. Flat, grassy plain regions of Africa suitable for farming and herding animals

35 11. North-East African kingdom which developed separately; practiced religious tolerance and traded with Rome

36 12. Capital city of three African kingdoms; became an Islamic cultural center of the world with its mosques, libraries and universities

37 13. Body of water which allowed for the north-south trade of the 3 west African kingdoms

38 14. West African ruler of Mali who made a famous hajj with almost 12,000 people

39 15. Two main goods produced in West Africa

40 16. Family descent and inheritance rights are traced through the mother

41 17. Belief system practiced primarily in Mali, Ghana and Songhai

42 18. Largest desert in North Africa

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