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Chapter 9: Non-Experimental Designs

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1 Chapter 9: Non-Experimental Designs

2 Correlation and Regression: The Basics
Finding the relationship between two variables without being able to infer causal relationships Correlation is a statistical technique used to determine the degree to which two variables are related Three types of [linear] correlations: Positive correlation Negative correlation No correlation

3 Correlation and Regression: The Basics
Positive correlation Higher scores on one variable associated with higher scores on a second variable

4 Correlation and Regression: The Basics
Negative correlation Higher scores on one variable associated with lower scores on a second variable

5 Correlation and Regression: The Basics
Correlation coefficient Pearson’s r Statistical tests include: Pearson’s r, Spearman’s rho Ranges from –1.00 to +1.00 Numerical value = strength of correlation Closer to or +1.00, the stronger the correlation Sign = direction of correlation Positive or Negative

6 Correlation and Regression: The Basics
Scatterplots Graphic representations of data from your two variables One variable on X- axis, one on Y-axis Examples:

7 Correlation and Regression: The Basics
Scatterplots Creating a scatterplot from data Each point represents an individual subject

8 Correlation and Regression: The Basics
Scatterplots from the hypothetical GPA data for positive (top) and negative (bottom) correlations

9 Correlation and Regression: The Basics
Scatterplots Correlation assumes a linear relationship, but scatterplot may show otherwise Curvilinear  correlation coefficient will be close to zero Left half  strong positive Right half  strong negative

10 Correlation and Regression: The Basics
Coefficient of determination Equals value of Pearson’s r2 Proportion of variability in one variable that can be accounted for (or explained) by variability in the other variable The remaining proportion can be explained by factors other than your variables r = .60  r2 = .36 36% of the variability of one variable can be explained by the other variable 64% of the variability can be explained by other factors

11 Correlation and Regression: The Basics
Regression Analysis – Making Predictions The process of predicting individual scores AND estimating the accuracy of those predictions Regression line – straight line on a scatterplot that best summarizes a correlation Y = bX + a Y = dependent variable—the variable that is being predicted Predicting GPA from study hours  Y = GPA X = independent variable—the variable doing the predicting Predicting GPA from study hours  X = study hours a = point where regression line crosses Y axis b = the slope of the line Use the independent variable (X) to predict the dependent variable (Y)

12 Correlation and Regression: The Basics
Regression lines for the GPA scatterplots Study time (X) of 40 predicts GPA (Y) of 3.5 Goof-off time (X) of 40 predicts GPA (Y) of 2.1

13 Interpreting Correlations
Correlations and causality Directionality problem Given correlation between A and B, A could cause B, or B could cause A Third variable problem Given correlation between A and B uncontrolled third variable could cause both A and B to occur Partial correlations “partial out” possible third variables


15 Interpreting Correlations
Caution: correlational statistics vs. correlational research Not identical Correlational research could involve t tests Experimental research could examine relationship between IV and DV Using correlations The need for correlational research Some IVs cannot be manipulated Subject variables Practical/ethical reasons e.g., brain damage

16 Combining Correlational and Experimental Research
Research example 27: Loneliness and anthropomorphism Study 1: correlation between loneliness and tendency to anthropomorphize r = .53 Studies 2 & 3: manipulated loneliness to tests its effects on likelihood to anthropomorphize IVstudy1 = [false] personality feedback (will be lonely, will have many connections with others) DVstudy1 = degree of belief in supernatural beings (e.g., God, Devil, ghosts) IVstudy2 = induce feeling of connection or disconnection DVstudy1 = anthropomorphic ratings of own pets and others’ pets Results  feelings of disconnection (loneliness) increased likelihood to anthropomorphize

17 Multivariate Analysis
Bivariate vs. multivariate analyses Multiple regression One dependent variable More than one independent variable Relative influence of each predictor variable can be weighted Examples: predicting school success (GPA) from (a) SAT scores and (b) high school grades predicting susceptibility to colds from (a) negative life events, (b) perceived stress, and (c) negative affect

18 Multivariate Analysis
Factor analysis After correlating all possible scores, factor analysis identifies clusters of intercorrelated scores First cluster  factor could be called verbal fluency Second cluster  factor could be called spatial skill Often used in psychological test development

19 Quasi-Experimental Designs
no causal conclusions, less than complete control, no random assignment From prior chapters: Single-factor nonequivalent groups designs Nonequivalent groups factorial designs subject x manipulated variable factorial designs All the correlational research

20 Quasi-Experimental Designs
Nonequivalent control group designs Typically (but not necessarily) include pretests and posttests Experimental  O1 T O2 Nonequiv control  O1 O2 Random assignment to groups not possible for practical reasons Two groups may initially be different at O1 Thus, nonequivalent groups and inevitably confounded with Treatment/No Treatment Pre-test  Flextime  Post-test Pittsburgh Pre-test  Nothing  Post-test Cleveland

21 Quasi-Experimental Designs
Nonequivalent control group designs Research example 29 IV  whether coaches given “coach effectiveness” training Nonequivalent groups – coaches from two different leagues DV  player self-esteem (preseason and postseason)

22 Quasi-Experimental Designs
Nonequivalent control group designs Research example: NO PRE-TEST????? IV  living distance from SF earthquake Experimental  California Nonequivalent control  Arizona DV  nightmare frequency Results California > Arizona Ruled out alternative explanation that those in California would always have more earthquake nightmares Beebe, B. (2011) Introduction to mothers, infants, and young children of September 11, 2001: A primary prevention project. Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy, 10(2-3),

23 Quasi-Experimental Designs
Interrupted time series designs

24 Quasi-Experimental Designs
Interrupted time series designs Useful for evaluating overall trends Basic design  O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 T O6 O7 O8 O9 O10 Outcomes: Best outcome  d (lower right)

25 Quasi-Experimental Designs
Interrupted time series designs Research example 31 Effect of incentive plan on productivity Ruled out effects of history, instrumentation, and subject selection

26 Quasi-Experimental Designs
Interrupted time series designs Variations on the basic time series design Add a control group O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 T O6 O7 O8 O9 O10 O1 O2 O3 O4 O O6 O7 O8 O9 O10 Add a “switching” replication Second treatment, but at a different time O1 O2 O3 T O4 O5 O6 O7 O8 O9 O10 O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7 T O8 O9 O10

27 Quasi-Experimental Designs
Research using archival data Data previously collected for some other purpose Often undergoes content analysis Susceptible to missing data and bias, but no reactivity Research example 32 IV  patient recovering room Experimental  pleasant view of park Nonequivalent control  brick wall DV  recovery & other factors (better for room with a view)

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