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Examples of Courtship Behaviour

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1 Examples of Courtship Behaviour
Rare hummingbird Sticklebacks Drumming parrots Birds of paradise Black widow

2 A specialised behaviour which precedes copulation in some species.
Courtship A specialised behaviour which precedes copulation in some species.

3 Great Bowerbird Display


5 Sexual Suicide Costs Benefits Death! Nupital gift
Fertilise more eggs posthumously Female unlikely to mate again No other mates to find (increased survival)

6 Wordsearch answers bowerbird, redback spider, stickleback, nupital gift, sexual suicide, nest, copulation, competition, dancing, monogamous, polygynous, polyandrous, display,

7 Research Research a species’ courtship behaviour You must include:
Binomial name of the species Detailed information on the courting ritual Why the species does this Pictures You could include: Interesting facts and information

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